woke up at 9 *groans*
played the guitar for about 20mins before getting ready, then I biked to campus and had classes for 4 hours straight dude when I came back someone put a ******* parking ticket on my bike
what the **** IC really??
dude I'll lock my bike up whereever the f*ck I want it's not going to damage the tree, besides trees are nature's bike locks, it's what the indigenous people use to use to lock up their bikes before the advent of the the modern bike rack
besides, they need bike racks at jesup, I'm not going to lock up my bike at a bike rack, and then walk 30 freaking feet to the building shez that's absurd
besides when are they going to realize that cyclists are above the law
haha i don't know why, but whenever it comes to bikes, I instill this crazy bike gang we can do whatever we want mentality,
**** the rules of gravity, I'll make the jump across the river
haha then I stopped by sonic to get a cheeseburger since I hadn't eaten anything all day
came home watched some tv, worked on a few problems of my stats homework until I got stuck then I took a little nap and read 2 comic books then I went to a meeting for the late night canoe trip on friday, then I biked along the trail behind the apt, it was fun, but still pretty nuddy, came back showered ran an errand for pop.
ate a burnt sandwhich ( i can't really cook

) watched tv, then I read about 20 comic books until now
which was awesome
god x men is ******* awesome!!
<3 laura kinsley XD
then I suppose it would be wise to maybe go to sleep soon,
(damn you body for needing sleep in the midst of so much awesome)
hope tomorrow goes well gonna have a **** ton of homework to do
good night