I find myself witty (well, I make up what I lack in booksmarts with humour), artistic and generally a nice guy. I know myself to be trustworthy and loyal, even if a bit sluggish at times, I usually do what needs to be done when the time comes. I like the fact I'm tall- even 'tho I can't say why this certain feature of me is so great, when you get down and ponder about it, I just *do*. I also keep my hygiene in check and generally a tidy surrounding, too. Unless, of course, the surrounding is filled with what could be called a 'Creative Mess', in which stuff I currently need are scattered in such a fashion that to the untrained eye seems like a godawful mess, but IS in fact a layout in which I know the location of every bit I need, approximately, at least. I like the fact that I like animals. No person who likes animals is all bad, in my books.
I have also been complimented on my english and my hair, so I guess they are something to be an obnoxious braggart about, too.