What do you like about yourself?

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this has got to be the best thread I read. :D I like my smile. it's the only complement I get from people and I act like I hate it cos it's also the only thing people notice in me. It's a scene stealer! but yes, I like it :)
A smile can be a big deal. My ex had the most beautiful smile, and it would make me feel amazing whenever I saw it.
Physically? My hair. I have KICK-ASS hair - especially when I keep up with the color touch-ups haha- but it's long and wavy, sometimes curly even, and auburn. It's usually messy in that bed-head way, but people tell me it becomes me, so there ya go.

I find myself witty (well, I make up what I lack in booksmarts with humour), artistic and generally a nice guy. I know myself to be trustworthy and loyal, even if a bit sluggish at times, I usually do what needs to be done when the time comes. I like the fact I'm tall- even 'tho I can't say why this certain feature of me is so great, when you get down and ponder about it, I just *do*. I also keep my hygiene in check and generally a tidy surrounding, too. Unless, of course, the surrounding is filled with what could be called a 'Creative Mess', in which stuff I currently need are scattered in such a fashion that to the untrained eye seems like a godawful mess, but IS in fact a layout in which I know the location of every bit I need, approximately, at least. I like the fact that I like animals. No person who likes animals is all bad, in my books.

I have also been complimented on my english and my hair, so I guess they are something to be an obnoxious braggart about, too.
my ability to really listen to people and my wacky brand of humour. also: my knowledge and interest in learning more about history and current world events. my strong sense of duty, and my easygoing, amiable nature :D

physically: my rock-hard shoulders and viperesque pipes. good for beating down on various weaklings and undesirables. :p

I think my greatest asset/value is my ability to see reality for what it is, without naivete or idealism which can cloud rational judgment. I suppose that's where my "belief" in (semi)fatalism and eugenics comes from--a sense that some things simply are and cannot be changed. It is also the greatest stumbling block on my road to leading a normal life.. It actually poses an interesting question, does normal (in a broad sense) generally equate to truth?

This "value" that I take pride in, you might say, would make me a perfect dictator or ruler of some sort--one which would truly be able to guide the people towards a better future by means of Truth (however unpleasant it may be) not clouded by democratic sentimentality or cloudy idealism.
What I like about myself is my openess to new ideas. If this question is meant for physically, ...epic fail. hahaha
I like my openmindedness and my sense for adventure/the unknown.

Not to mention my awesome looks... :D
What I like about myself.......mmmmm
Hard one......
I like my determenation. Once I have found that one obtainable goal, all hell can break loose, come high or low water I WILL reach it.
My good heartedness and always trying to do what is right while considering others.
My sense of humour.
My ability to see things from different perspectifs.
Just being doing what is me not trying to be someone I'm not.
physicaly: My mouth, and my deep dark eyes and my long hair.

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