TheWickedOne said:I like my mind - it knows quite a bit.
Now *that* is an excellent thing to like about oneself.
A knowing mind is wonderful!
Welcome to the forum, TheWickedOne!
TheWickedOne said:I like my mind - it knows quite a bit.
Never said:I like that I am a good listener.
iwasaloverb4thiswar said:I was putting on my socks today when I noticed something; I have a lot of little scars, bumps and bruises on my body. I like them. I have scars from my job, from raising my two dogs from puppies, from being a big sister,from being stressed and lost and depressed, from being someone who forgets themselves and literally and figuratively throws themselves into whatever they are doing. I like the scars that are left behind, even if they make me look like a scrape-kneed third grader whenever I am in a dress. Who cares, how often do I wear one of those anyway?
MaskOfHappiness - being a good listener is awesome!MaskOfHappiness said:"Never Wrote:
I like that I am a good listener."
To Be REALLY REALLY HONEST HERE..I Hate Myself ...but as Never im a good listener too .
Xelha said:I like that I'm usually pretty good at reading people. I used to use it a lot as a way of cheering people up or making them smile, I miss doing that.
Well, there aren't many things that i LIKE about myself but there are a few. I like how kind I am, I like my overall character, and I like my backround. (country wise) That is all. other than that, I absolutely hate myself. my looks, fears, voice, my stupid nose, my spine, my bones, my sudden shyness when it comes to girls, my dark outlook on life, me, and my future, etc.Unacceptance said:Serious topic. One thing you like about yourself. You can't leave this thread without posting it, no matter how arbitrary or unimportant you think it is.