9gag (or similar websites of funny pics).
Study. Anything really, think of something that you don't know how it works, or aren't really sure what it is and look it up. You'd be amazed how complex and fascinating even the simplest things around can be.
Smoke weed. Everything is more interesting when smoking weed.
Start doing a martial arts, or something like that. Not boring at all. Tiring though.
RPG on a forum. Forum RPG's are fun, and I'm surprised I haven't seen one here (I'm thinking about starting one if i cant find one on this site).
Study. Anything really, think of something that you don't know how it works, or aren't really sure what it is and look it up. You'd be amazed how complex and fascinating even the simplest things around can be.
Smoke weed. Everything is more interesting when smoking weed.
Start doing a martial arts, or something like that. Not boring at all. Tiring though.
RPG on a forum. Forum RPG's are fun, and I'm surprised I haven't seen one here (I'm thinking about starting one if i cant find one on this site).