What is the opposition to bulking and cutting? Seriously?

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Joseph said:
Mean people pick on nice people, regardless of whether the nice person is tougher or not. It's all about who is more manipulative and cold, not who is tougher.

For the record, my best friend from high school was a total manwhore. He was ugly. He looked like a mole, he was covered in acne, he had a horrible disposition, and generally people couldn't tolerate. Hell, I beat him up at least five or six times (serious beatings, lol, he asked for it). But he had confidence, he was unphased by rejection. He would walk up to any girl, what you may call a "10", and the dude got so much pussy. OMG, he was forever banging chicks.

So much of the game can be compensated with boldness and confidence. A lot of the PUA teachers actually say "we are ugly" and "look at all the pussy we get".

Looks aren't everything. It's true.

My ex left me for a total doofus. I'm pretty buff and ripped, I was/am a great provider, I work out seven days a week, I'm 6'4 and range between 220-270 lbs depending on how bulked up I am, brown hair, light blue eyes, and I lay it down in the bedroom, like seriously. She left me for an unemployed dork who plays videogames all day, is unemployed, has other kids he doesn't take care of, can't hold down a job, he is smaller and shorter than me, not any better looking at all. You know why she said? "He had game". LOL, Game (aka- confidence, ability to talk ****, play the game).

and I'm shy.

I mean, dude, these things exist, but they are NOT the norm. Most Chinese men are not 7 feet fall, but Yao Ming is.

Your two stories are true, because I believe you, but our mission here is to reform socially inept involuntary celibate guys, and telling them about a zitface who boned a 10 (yao ming) just gives them false hope.

Another thing I feel slightly irked about is the way I am constantly accused of being a die-hard PUA believer. I am NOT. I think there are alot of PUAs out there who tell dudes to do steps D,E, and F without doing steps A, B, and C and that causes grounds to be RIPE for a stalking charge.

I really don't want to sound like a dick, and I know that's what the whole Woman crew and BadJediDude thinks here. I'm not trying to insult any dudes here, I'm trying to offer the advice that I know to be best and most practical in my experience. The point is this:


If you have Asperger's or something that makes you very socially inept, then you need something like a jacked bod to make women forgive it. Also, here's another comment that I really can't find a nicer way to say.... notice how zero of the women who post here actually suffer from complete rejection by the other sex. All the female posts talk about how they can't find someone who's good enough for them, while the male posts talk about being deprived entirely of romantic companionship.

The reason I promote bodybuilding is because it FOR THE MOST PART makes you look hot (as SophiaGrace confirmed) and its able to make you look strong and intimidating and ward off *********s and bullies. Here's the thing... IT'S COMPLETELY IN YOUR CONTROL. Where are you going to get social skills classes? Every year you get older, you lose more and more chances. And here's another thing...

THERE ARE NO SUCH THING AS SINGLE WOMEN. They don't exist. Women hold EVERY CARD in the dating game. Women can pick ANY guy they want. That's why women complain about "********" because they can get the top notch guys, but since ALL the other women want him to, they can't get him to commit. They MAKE him the *******. As I posted in the Taylor Swift video, these top guys are in everybody's ponds. The only way to permanently solve your loneliness is to join the top leagues, or you will always be "sharing" your girlfriend with them. Because they have that power.

I don't see why everyone has to thwart everything I say by promoting the one exception. (I know a fat guy with acne who has a girlfriend) That's why it's called an "EXCEPTION".
SocratesX said:
Woman crew and BadJediDude

****, dude...

haha... that would be an awesome band name. Seriously.

SocratesX said:
THERE ARE NO SUCH THING AS SINGLE WOMEN. They don't exist. Women hold EVERY CARD in the dating game. Women can pick ANY guy they want. That's why women complain about "********" because they can get the top notch guys, but since ALL the other women want him to, they can't get him to commit. They MAKE him the *******. As I posted in the Taylor Swift video, these top guys are in everybody's ponds. The only way to permanently solve your loneliness is to join the top leagues, or you will always be "sharing" your girlfriend with them. Because they have that power.

Socrates, how many women have you been with?

I used to bartend and I can't tell you how many times I saw doofus guys pick up chicks. It's not the exception. It happens every day. I've got a lot more experience in the field than you do as I'm almost 33 and have been having sex for almost as long as you've been alive. I've been having sex for 19 years. I'd like to think I've learned a thing or two about how this stuff works. You are obsessed with the alpha male thing. It's not that there isn't an element of truth to what you say. But it doesn't apply across the board. I'm telling you, bud. No one is bashing you for talking about getting buff. I'm buff, and plan on getting buffer. But, looking back, I can tell you that when I was your age, my biggest impediment to getting laid was my lack of confidence, not my appearance. Again, what you don't say (out loud at least) is that you think all women are whores who can't say no to some buff guy who wants to sleep with them. Or are NON-whores just an "exception"?

I gotta tell you, I was with you at first when you say you are trying to offer advice, but more and more, the message behind your advice is that:

- women can't control their sexual urges and will cheat (always)
- women can't love a man if another man is hotter than him
- women will always abuse and call the police if a dork likes her
- women are completely emotionally shallow and only consider appearances in men
- etc, etc, etc

No one doubts that these sorts of women exist, but I've gotta tell you (AGAIN), as a man with a daughter, mother, sister, female friends and acquaintances, this **** is really starting to piss me off, because it's one thing, and one thing only...

veiled misogyny

You need to dial it back, because as much as you say you are trying to help guys here, I call ******** and say you are trying to attack every woman on this forum with your "anecdotes". Enough already.

Get the **** out from behind your computer and go do something with yourself. If your main goal in life is help guys, then quit posting stories which only purpose is to upset and hurt every female within reading distance.

Serious. This **** is old.
Joseph said:
- women can't love a man if another man is hotter than him

I think this is what bothered me either earlier in this thread or in another thread, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

SocratesX said:
I really don't want to sound like a dick, and I know that's what the whole Woman crew and BadJediDude thinks here.

Uh, didn't I give you two positive reps? o.o

Yeah, sorry, Sophie. You've backed me up alot and I forgot to thank you.
How is there no such thing as a single women? That doesn't even make sense. And no we don't hold all the cards.
This whole thing has devolved into bullying women. With what as the endgame? That all the women here throw their hands up in the air and say "OK, you got me, I'm a whore!" Dude, that's not going to happen.

Women aren't evil. They aren't whores. They may be different. But what is pissing me off to the point of raw fury is the fact that you are dehumanizing them and reducing them to the level of animals. Women are human beings. You might not understand them. You might not be good with them. That's your problem. Don't put your malfunction onto half of the human population.

What you are doing is robbing women of their humanity (their emotions). Yes, a lot of women might be "superficially" attracted to muscular taekwondo men. Whoopdie ******* doo. I've been known to fantasize about being thrown into a pool full of Swedish Bikini Team models, that doesn't mean I would be obsessed with that and forsake a beautiful woman that I love just because some other woman was "hotter". (BTW, what the **** is Hotter anyway? It's all opinion).

You remove emotions from women. Yes, if women had no emotions and only reacted to their primal sexual urges, you are right, they would probably all be running around naked ******* alpha males all day long. But somehow over the centuries and millenia, women have managed to do some of the greatest (MOST HUMAN) things because they have HUMANITY AND EMOTIONS. IDK, like mothering children, standing by their men in times of battle, standing by their men in times of sickness and life trials of difficulty.

How about your mom? Is she a whore who would **** any alpha male who propositioned her today? If so, can I have her number?
I would very much like to know where the hell the cards are so that I may use them if that is the case....WHICH IT'S NOT!!!!

As far as the working out thing goes, yes, I will give it to you that it helps. It builds confidence and it gets you in shape. HOWEVER, saying that is the only way to get a girl is ********.

oh and one last thing....your siggy is HORRIBLY photoshopped....just saying
Joseph said:
This whole thing has devolved into bullying women. With what as the endgame? That all the women here throw their hands up in the air and say "OK, you got me, I'm a whore!" Dude, that's not going to happen.

Women aren't evil. They aren't whores. They may be different. But what is pissing me off to the point of raw fury is the fact that you are dehumanizing them and reducing them to the level of animals. Women are human beings. You might not understand them. You might not be good with them. That's your problem. Don't put your malfunction onto half of the human population.

What you are doing is robbing women of their humanity (their emotions). Yes, a lot of women might be "superficially" attracted to muscular taekwondo men. Whoopdie ******* doo. I've been known to fantasize about being thrown into a pool full of Swedish Bikini Team models, that doesn't mean I would be obsessed with that and forsake a beautiful woman that I love just because some other woman was "hotter". (BTW, what the **** is Hotter anyway? It's all opinion).

You remove emotions from women. Yes, if women had no emotions and only reacted to their primal sexual urges, you are right, they would probably all be running around naked ******* alpha males all day long. But somehow over the centuries and millenia, women have managed to do some of the greatest (MOST HUMAN) things because they have HUMANITY AND EMOTIONS. IDK, like mothering children, standing by their men in times of battle, standing by their men in times of sickness and life trials of difficulty.

******* Amen.
I'm just trying to picture this sort of dialog taking place in any other setting than an internet forum.

Imagine some guy at a bar spewing all this and all that about how women are this or that. That WOULD NOT end well after about five, more like three, minutes.

I'm more interested in the endgame. What's the endgame with all of this unsolicited alphabuilding advice? Seems a little disingenuous to call it a public service announcement. Call me crazy.........
I'll agree that if somebody has had zero success, he should try something new. It's misleading to say that gaining muscle mass is a permanent solution. Sure, being muscular will help with some women, will help prevent some bullying, and will make some people respect you. There are women out there who don't think it's hot, though!

Not all of the girls who cry on shoulders are dating "hot alpha" guys. Quite a few are just dating jerks. By the way, the sort of girl who drops a guy at the first hint of trouble is not the sort of girl who cries on shoulders. They also probably aren't the kind of girls a lot of the men here actually want.

You've come to a site for lonely people and given them advice on how to get meaningless sex. That won't fill the emptiness inside of them. It might alleviate it temporarily, but after the orgasm is over, they're right back where they started. The woman with him doesn't love him. She loves who he's pretending to be.

Another thing- you managed to go from magnificent to crappy in three days? Really?
Joseph said:
I'm just trying to picture this sort of dialog taking place in any other setting than an internet forum.

Imagine some guy at a bar spewing all this and all that about how women are this or that. That WOULD NOT end well after about five, more like three, minutes.

I'm more interested in the endgame. What's the endgame with all of this unsolicited alphabuilding advice? Seems a little disingenuous to call it a public service announcement. Call me crazy.........

Well thank you for sticking up for us women. We need more of that around here, especially from people of the male variety :)
There's a small grain of truth in what Socrates says BUT it's a very shallow truth. I'm 39, not 19, and I know that when he knows better, he'll do better.


A Tale of Two Tales

The first tale is about a genuinely helpful guy who wants to help Asperger's sufferers become their better selves.

The second tale is about a hateful passive-aggressive troll who wants to tell stories with the underlying theme "women are whores" under the guise of helping men become their better selves.

The distinctions are subtle, but they are there if the reader just delves a little deeper.

He may claim: I am just here to help booger-eating, snot-dripping, coke-bottle-glass-wearing, flooded-pants-flaunting, hair-cut-unevenly, acne-covered, halitosis-reeking Asperger's sufferers.

Here is the catch. Pay close attention.



Therein lies the fallacy.

The first story, if told to a group of men, in a sensitive way, in a proper setting, with advice on how NOT to eat boogers would be a genuinely helpful display.

The second story, if told to a mixed group, using wide sweeping statements and misogynistic generalizations, and exaggerated examples with an underlying tone that women are whores, can't control their sexuality, can be manipulated without fail, and basically are not worthy of human status is hate speech. It's misogyny pure and simple. The backhanded, veiled attempts of a person who hates women. Don't be fooled people.

Women have hurt me in the past and upset me in the past, lots of times (but so have men). People are people. And one person doesn't have the right to demonize an entire gender, whether done subtly or not.

Let's look at the facts.

If he wanted to help guys with Asperger's, he would start a website to help those guys, he would only talk to those guys about these subjects, and he would offer helpful (not hurtful) anecdotes that encouraged instead of discouraged and hurt.

If, however, he actually wanted to troll and hurt women who are vulnerable (aka - a loneliness website full of depressed females), he would go on a website like this, make publicly misogynistic statements, hurt generalizations about how basically amoral women are, and instead of maintaining conversations with males in the group, he would somehow (somehow) always end up in extended arguments with females about the merits of his "anecdotes".

Hmm...............idk..............something smells fishy.

Like said above, women are people. I have a mom, sister, daughter, grandmother, females friends, neighbors, and coworkers. And this **** pissed me off.

SophiaGrace said:
Sci-Fi said:
Bulking up does not prevent you from being bullied.

I worked with a guy who got picked on in high school, so he decided to hit the weights and bulk up, he had muscle and you could tell. He even got picked on and made fun of by several co-workers that he could have easily beat the crap out of. They were a couple of wimpy stoners so all his muscle did nothing to stop them. He was not a short guy either, he was taller than those two idiots. The only way he could have stopped them from bullying him would to have beaten the daylights out out them. But then what would that accomplish? Nothing, it would have just dragged him down to their level.

Can I ask what exactly they said to him? That really...well it makes me mad to hear someone is being bullied, and also, what in the world were they picking on him for? Like, what were they saying?


He had very thick eye lashes, the kind women would die for, and his voice wasn't very deep. The guys had a nick name for him, PD2 (power dyke squared) and he hated it. He got picked on in high school being called gay because of his eye's and voice. All his working out didn't stop that.

Joseph I wish I could give you another rep point but it won't let me. :D And man you are 220+...remind me to stay on your good side, lol.
^^^Part of something like that can be that fact that he reacted so strongly to it. In my experience (and this is probably a bit controversial, but true, in my opinion), only YOU can give power to what others say about you. If someone insults you or says something negative about you... or maybe makes up a harmful nickname like PD2 for you, then it can only truly harm you if you let it.

My point is that if you react strongly to it, then the bullies will see that they have affected you... and they'll continue to think up new ways to torment you.

If you simply smile at it and understand that it is sorta humorous, however harmful, then you can overpower the hurt it could cause. Be strong in yourself and don't doubt who you are; have a strong self-opinion and insults like these won't really harm you --you'll be able to simply chuckle them away or maybe even join in the joke and give the bullies some kind little nicknames of their own.


If you refuse to believe, deep down, that what the bully says is true, then you're safe from them and whatever they say can't really harm you, even if it does sting a bit every now and then.
My coworker tired to ignore them at first, I let it go for awhile too. I feel bad for doing that but I waited to see what would happen. I talked to him about it because I was friends with him, he said he didn't mind the nickname. After one day of these idiots calling him it for the greater portion of the day I could tell it was starting to upset him, he was trying to hide it. Unfortunately I was stuck all day with these guys since we were getting a truck load of product in and had to reorganize our warehouse (i was the warehouse manager). I sent the guy on a drink run after I had enough of their teasing. These guys were both major pot heads and got into other drugs on occasion. I told them to cut it out, they actually though he liked the nickname. I asked them if they really paid any attention at all, if they looked at him they could tell it was bothering him and he didn't like it. I asked them if they really thought either of them could take him in a fight if he just popped and went off on them. Neither of them could, one of guys girlfriends used to beat him up, he was such a wimp. They thought I was full of it until he came back and they continued to tease him, but this time what I said did sink in. They realized it was bothering him and admitted I was right and stopped. Plus I told them I'd send them home if they didn't stop. :D

Badjedidude I like you but I have to disagree with your last statement. Some people just don't care, even if they think it doesn't bother a person they find it funny and will keep doing it. Even if you know what they say is untrue the constant teasing does hurt, it does get to you. No matter how hard to you try eventually it does break through.
Callie said:
oh and one last thing....your siggy is HORRIBLY photoshopped....just saying

He just picked that picture because that's his ideal of how all women should be. And I'm not putting her down, she's pretty, but not everyone thinks that that is what we should all look like. Socrates, of course, doesn't understand this, because all logic and common sense escapes him as he pretends his way through life by trying to be "perfect."

nerdygirl said:
It's misleading to say that gaining muscle mass is a permanent solution. Sure, being muscular will help with some women, will help prevent some bullying, and will make some people respect you. There are women out there who don't think it's hot, though!

Exactly. There are certainly some of us who don't think muscles are hot. I think muscles are hard and I actually hate hugging muscular guys. A guy can be strong without muscles.

nerdygirl said:
You've come to a site for lonely people and given them advice on how to get meaningless sex. That won't fill the emptiness inside of them. It might alleviate it temporarily, but after the orgasm is over, they're right back where they started. The woman with him doesn't love him. She loves who he's pretending to be.

Exactly again. But when I said something about the pretending, Socrates wanted to jump on me straight away. I'm glad other people think the same as I do on what he says. There's a difference between finding a better you, and pretending to be someone else to attract someone.
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