Princess Pink Love
Right around freezing. Christmas will be in the 50's this year....I'm never going to get my white Christmas. Oklahoma gets more snow that I do anymore....
I will sleep better knowing that.Believe you me, I had more than enough of that kind of "fun" last winter...hard pass from me!
First Guess: InvigoratingIt's winter! I'm in Canada.... you get two guesses only on what the weather is!🌨❄
That blows for a fellow winter lover. You’d love it where I am - warmed up to -16 C today. Last week or so has been almost -30 C at night, warming up to -20 daytime highs. And another 5-10 cm of snow forecast both for tonight and tomorrow. Yay!January 1 and it's 50 damn degrees....
It's very cold and windy. Real feel is in the negatives. The wind has been blowing so hard, the window has been rattling on and off since last night. I feel like I'm on one of those old-time sailing ships that's been caught in a storm.
I like it cold and dark/gloomy. I don't really like the wind though. lol
Bundled up to go outside only to discover that it is not a frozen tundra today. It's almost 40 degrees. This **** is ridiculous