What kind of religion is this?

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e.m.e. said:
p.s. what does "btw" mean.........
oh I just figured it out "by the way"?
am I genious or what

haha close, This things sometimes get me confused lol It means between you and me :) Well That's what I always think of but I Guss some ppl think of by the way as well.
I am really confused why anyone who is religious thinks god would care if people suffer and die. I mean according to the religious people you go directly to the after life, you either pass go and collect 200 dollars or you trip in front of the train tracks and get set to the terrible sulfur mine. Either way god has no reason to care if theirs an after life. Because its just one blip in the eye of eternity someones life. And your suppose to be immortal as a soul yatta yatta. I for one thing the entire idea of an after life is terrifying. I wouldnt want to go to heaven out of fear that my free will would be taken away so I could be "happy forever" for no damn reason. And hell if you kept your free will eventually you would get bored of all that torture crap and just end up being like I get it your torturing me you been doing it for years now and frankly im used to it. I think we should both just move on now. Not to mention their would be lots of ice cream jokes in hell I think anyone else?
e.m.e. said:
Lost in the Oilfield said:
He only did what we wanted. He left us to work things out ourselves. He left us to our free will, just as we wanted.

I don't mean to argue with this, all religious world is pointing out "the free will" thing. For some reason unfortunately I doubt it now...how is fate a free will? ok this is crazy...but to sin we don't have a free will because we will be punished. How did Africa choose to suffer from AIDS?
this "free will" crap has been pissing me off for years now...

there were people that would rejoice, and there were people that would just harden their hearts and they would make excuses for what they saw.
I'm sure the suicidal person would defenately rejoice...

I guess there has been a first raw seat reserved for me in hell...lol

Hmm, first off your statement suggests strong emotionally biased "opinion", not factual information or referenced data that would class your statements as argument, so perhaps no matter what I say you won't care to hear, but I'll give it a go cause I'm crazy like that, weeeeeeeeeeee! :p.

Ecclesiastes 2:14
The wise man has eyes in his head,
while the fool walks in the darkness;
but I came to realize
that the same fate overtakes them both.

Second, I think you are confusing definitions... maybe I'm just splitting hairs but:

Fate, in my studies are unavoidable conclusions to absolutes... your life will end in your death, sinners go to hell, Christians go to heaven. These are what I term as fates.

Free will is the ability to control or alter what is within your realm of influence (realm of influence is the sum of all things you are able to change... what you eat for breakfast, how you dress for school, whether or not to rob a store on the way to school) These are things you have control over. This is free will.

Now in relation to what I said before concerning free will... have you seen I, Robot? The master computer in I, Robot wanted to protect humanity from itself... the only way to do that was to utterly imprison and control the actions of humankind... that is restriction of free will.

Sin for the most part can be classed as any action that goes against the Commandments set out in the time of Moses. Just because you know something is a sin, and you know that there are consequences, doesn't mean you don't do it anyway... THAT IS FREE WILL.

e.m.e. said:
ok this is crazy...but to sin we don't have a free will because we will be punished.

Even knowing the consequences of our actions, we still have the will to choose to do actions with negative outcome... it may not be intelligent or sensible, but that is the very definition of free will... to be free to do whatever we will.

e.m.e. said:
How did Africa choose to suffer from AIDS?

How does one respond to a question that is as a baited snare set before ones feet? What answer can one give to a question that is not a question at all, but a poisoned dagger in disguise?

How about this:

How did you choose to suffer (or not to suffer) from AIDS?
(makes about as much sense as yours)

Basically what I am saying is that with that very question you've completely escaped from reasonable or rational debate in this post... I'm sorry e.m.e but you've (perhaps unwittingly) created a trap for me that I have seen used many times before in a large number of different debates I've partaken in.

You created a post that doesn't really say anything at all concrete. Your meaning in your conclusion is left unclear so as to leave you a "back door" in the debate to slip through. You commit to nothing in your final question and looking at the question it is easy to see that it is not even a valid or rational one.

See, now if I were to take a stance and respond to your question based on what I "think" you are saying, you could return and say "oh this is what I meant" or "that is not what I meant" based on your counter to what information I provide in my response to your post. By answering this question, I open a Pandora's box of pointless questions and nonconstructive statements.

I'm sorry if that comes across rude or condescending e.m.e., but I've taken the journey that leads down that path too many times in the past... if the baiting was intentional, then you will take offense because you won't have enjoyed my response... if it was not, then you will probably take some time to clarify the meaning of your statements and your final question. Be wordy if you must, by all means, but put some thought into your statements. Try to ensure they make sense and are not strictly emotional, and I will gladly respond in kind.
mimizu said:
Me, me, I have an answer!

e.m.e. said:
How did Africa choose to suffer from AIDS?
By not using condoms. :cool:

lol But that's like saying you choose to get knocked over by a car because you choose to cross the road.

They choose to not where condoms as do a lot of men,, that dose not mean they wonted AIDS,, No body would want such a terrible thing.
Lost in the Olifield,
I am not offended in any way , I think your answers make a lot of sense just like those of any scholar that studied the scrypt, like sort of "book smart".
what good are your facts in the Bible if they are just words on the paper?
well, I'm not asking any question because don't mean to set any traps. About Africa.. I ask that question all the time and try to figure the answer myself. But no one has the answer because ofcourse the question is to general and people only can answer some questions on individual scale or whatever,like why do YOU use condoms. I asked my brother, he is a "well scrypt thought and bible -read"(thats what he thinks) orthodox monk, he said :"well, Africa is being punished for their herecy and woodoo", I don't get it. Ans then :"praise the Lord for everything".well I guess if Africa converted to Christianity they'd live happily ever after.The 3 big questions that I have still remain just simple questions not anything to trap you or tricks to prove you wrong, or get confused. Its not the case.I'm just trying to hear what other people have to say, maybe even convince stupid me.
The fat book Bible, full of facts and laws doesn't work anymore.
Look at the facts of everyday life.I guess they are more realistic.
Of course my statements are examples of emotionally biased oppinions, because thats exactly how people who went through cruel facts of life will respond to the book. They loose faith. I've just seen too much hope die , that hope that relyed on your sort of facts which proved to be just some talk.
no offense taken, I'm so used to this.

a simple question, which in no way should be interpreted as a trap
do you pray? or just do the study of the Bible?
If you get prayers answered you're lucky.
But when they go unanswered then u start to notice that all that preaching is just bull.
I asked someone and she said:"God has 3 answers:"yes", "no" and "wait""
ok. the person waited all their life for something better, life gets worse,they kill themselves, even then its their own fault.....they didn't wait long enough?
Others will say :"oh , why did they choose to kill themselves, in every situation there are options." Even though I've seen situations w/o any options, I have to admit that most situations do have options. But what if the other option was too painful to bear. Then I hear:"oh they were just to weak and wanted to escape pain", I disagree with this ...but thats another topic. so then why didn't God give them enough strengts? well, unfortunately, I have no choice but to blame....God. ..
I don't give a f. if I'm emotional instead of rational or logical, thats what I see everyday.

in Ukraine, where I come from, they are not allowed to be buried on the same side of cemetery with people who died naturally...the church will not pray for their soul. yeah...people say, well you belong to a wrong church. I don't think so, all Christian world judges them in a worst possible way.

.pf...but who cares about that lets live and remain calm and just recite the other facts every where we go.

I have a good friend, sorry don't mean to offend other baptists here,but she thinks that by just joining her religion and do some "bible study " every tuesday she is automaticlay saved.
Попробуй осознать ничтожество человека перед богом. Представь, что ты взлетаешь высоко в небо и смотришь оттуда на землю. Люди, со всей их гордостью и тщеславием, будут всего лишь точками. Взлети еще выше, и их совсем не будет видно.

Не думаю что бог кого-то наказывает или награждает, ему просто все равно. Так же как тебе все равно что делают друг с другом муравьи в муравейнике.

lol....the ants example's funny.But we are not insects.
Yea...of course we are like "peschinki". I also believe that Rai--Paredise is in heaven but God doesn't necessarely lives on top of the clouds, looks down upon us and because we are so little like tiny black
dots,from upthere he can't tell which one is who and doesn't care.The physical size of a person has nothing to do with the ...I dont know...size of a soul...or whatever. God does not sit on his throne in heaven doing nothing. I'm not sure if he cares but He is up in everybody's business.
We all have pride in us, some people think they are better then others and deserve to torture innocent children. I'm just pissed at how unfair He is. Of course God works in mystrerious ways and I will never understand because I'm just a weak human full of pride.

p.s. good russian

ok. I remeber this incident with lottery. Some old man won Mega and said that he didn't really need it...so then why the hell are you plaing at all? Half of the US poor families are playing also but don't get s***. Some1 upthere makes these decisions. Since when is it fair?
With suicide..there are those religious sects that do massive suicide fully understaning and having a clear purpose and those terrorist also know why they blow up themselvs. Well, hell with them I don't care. But all the other young kids and teens who loose hope hurt themselves in pain. Why can't be that fatal decision prevented?

Lost in Oilfield, explain to stupid me why children suffer for their parents sins?
I think the Bible says something about the 7th or 77th generation?
this is not a trap, just want to know what others think.
Or any one else?

geez...if before 2012 ..lol...I don't sign a peace treaty with God....church will disown me. lol
e.m.e said:
If you get prayers answered you're lucky.
But when they go unanswered then u start to notice that all that preaching is just bull.
prayers r always answered
its just that sometimes the answer is no
NewBirth said:
e.m.e said:
If you get prayers answered you're lucky.
But when they go unanswered then u start to notice that all that preaching is just bull.
prayers r always answered
its just that sometimes the answer is no

NewBirth has finally accepted Jesus Christ as his lord and savior. :D

If praying does work and the answer can be "no" than God is a sadist.
Hmm wow this turned into a pretty good topic fast.

Guess since everyone is saying thigns I will chime in. Here is why I hate god either he just created everything and no longer gives a **** about anything or anyone but the bible and most other bibical things say otherwise. So pretty much god only acts when someone piss's him off and his anger probaly would be classified as much worse then mine.

So if god does interfer with our affairs it seems random at best and to me I just think he is a sadist or like a little kid with an ant farm he just likes to **** with us and everyone know and then if someone piss's him off smite something.
frey12 said:
I am really confused why anyone who is religious thinks god would care if people suffer and die.

Because He said so... and besides, any good parent would love their children... even when they're bad they'll try to help them.

frey12 said:
I mean according to the religious people you go directly to the after life, you either pass go and collect 200 dollars or you trip in front of the train tracks and get set to the terrible sulfur mine. Either way god has no reason to care if theirs an after life. Because its just one blip in the eye of eternity someones life.

According to what religious people? Buddhists, Wiccans, Taoists, and Sikhs as well as a good number of other non-Christian religions would probably have something to say to the contrary about your comment. Money is an earthly thing... there'll be no collecting 200 :p

You miss the whole concept of both life and afterlife... consider this: you never die. So God has you there with Him for eternity. Therefor you are not just a blip... of course He cares, otherwise He would have just said everybody dies and comes to heaven, and heaven would just be another flawed copy of earth. Whats the point of that? Life is a test... an entrance exam into heaven if you will, we pass or fail. Even if you refuse to participate in the test, you fail by forfeit.

frey12 said:
And your suppose to be immortal as a soul yatta yatta. I for one thing the entire idea of an after life is terrifying. I wouldnt want to go to heaven out of fear that my free will would be taken away so I could be "happy forever" for no damn reason.

That's not a very accurate or educated view. According to the bible, being happy in heaven would be consequential, not forced. You're in a place where you know your purpose, everybody is on the same page, you have enlightenment beyond what we can imagine here, you will never get sick, sore, tired, hungry, lonely, depressed or dead. What's not to like about that?

frey12 said:
And hell if you kept your free will eventually you would get bored of all that torture crap and just end up being like I get it your torturing me you been doing it for years now and frankly im used to it. I think we should both just move on now. Not to mention their would be lots of ice cream jokes in hell I think anyone else?

I think that hell is greatly misrepresented and people too often preach of fire and brimstone and all the demons with pitchforks, and fire etc... If you honestly study the bible you come to realize that there are many misinterpretations...

Hell is basically a place of eternal separation from God. 2 Thessalonians 1:9 states that those without God “will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of His power.” To be separated from God is to be separated from all that is good. A person in hell is separated from all the joy, love, and meaning for which we were created. Instead of knowing God as a loving father, one will know God as judge (Romans 2: 5-8). That is the attribute of God an unbeliever will know for eternity.

Many, including Christians, believe that God tortures people in hell. However, a significant thing to note is that in the New Testament, hell is not described as a place of torture but rather a place of torment (Luke 16:23-28, Revelation 14:11). Torture is inflicted against one’s will, while torment is self-inflicted by one’s own will. Torment comes from the mental and physical anguish of knowing we used our freedom for evil and chose wrongly. The anguish results from the sorrow and shame of the judgment of being forever away from God and all that is meaningful and joyful. Everyone in hell will know that the pain he or she is suffering is self-induced. The flames of hell are generated by the individual who has rejected God. It is not a place where people are forced against their will to undergo agonizing pain. Unbelievers often use this image to portray God as a cruel and vindictive being. However, the torment of hell comes from the individual who chooses not to love God and now must live with the sorrow of being aware of all that was lost.

One of the most severe punishments leveled on a criminal is the sentence of solitary confinement. One of the reasons this is a feared sentence is that the guilty are left to sit alone in their cells and live with the regret and sorrow of their crimes with no one to comfort or minister to them. Pain comes from within as they wrestle alone with their thoughts and emotions. It must be a horrible realization to see lost forever what could have been.

Such is the anguish of hell. The pain comes from the regret of all that was lost. A person experiences separation from God, the ultimate good. This is why hell is such a horrible place and a horrible choice.
e.m.e. I saw your post on the other page... I'll get around to replies, but not at the moment cause I need to relax rather than think :p
mimizu said:
Попробуй осознать ничтожество человека перед богом. Представь, что ты взлетаешь высоко в небо и смотришь оттуда на землю. Люди, со всей их гордостью и тщеславием, будут всего лишь точками. Взлети еще выше, и их совсем не будет видно.

Не думаю что бог кого-то наказывает или награждает, ему просто все равно. Так же как тебе все равно что делают друг с другом муравьи в муравейнике.

Would someone like to translate for me.

bluey said:
mimizu said:
Попробуй осознать ничтожество человека перед богом. Представь, что ты взлетаешь высоко в небо и смотришь оттуда на землю. Люди, со всей их гордостью и тщеславием, будут всего лишь точками. Взлети еще выше, и их совсем не будет видно.

Не думаю что бог кого-то наказывает или награждает, ему просто все равно. Так же как тебе все равно что делают друг с другом муравьи в муравейнике.

Would someone like to translate for me.


He's talking about Stalin, Ninotchka, and Vodka.
The fastest way to become an atheist is actually reading the bible, lol. There are so many holes and contradictions in it that it's not even funny. How anyone could take that obviously man-made, deliberately edited collection of short stories seriously is beyond me. Atheists sometimes call it the "greatest science fiction novel ever written," but I disagree. It's actually not that great of a novel. It has poor transition, no character development, they are all one dimensional, and no plot. And forget about turning the bible for guidance if you aren't going to pick and choose. If you believe it to be the word of God, then you can't pick and choose out of it, and have to take it all at face value and obey it. Strange how the bible condones stoning to death disobedient children, yet everyone likes to ignore that. There are plenty more rules like this, but no one wants to notice them. Doesn't matter if it's illegal, God said you have to do it, so get snappin' to it! That little brat wants that expensive toy at TOYSRUS and won't shut up? Stone him to death! I mean, God said so after all.
Colette said:
bluey said:
mimizu said:
Попробуй осознать ничтожество человека перед богом. Представь, что ты взлетаешь высоко в небо и смотришь оттуда на землю. Люди, со всей их гордостью и тщеславием, будут всего лишь точками. Взлети еще выше, и их совсем не будет видно.

Не думаю что бог кого-то наказывает или награждает, ему просто все равно. Так же как тебе все равно что делают друг с другом муравьи в муравейнике.

Would someone like to translate for me.


He's talking about Stalin, Ninotchka, and Vodka.

Oh lol I think.

Well I don't mined vodka just as long as I don't have to drink it with stalin,, err lol now am confused are maybe it was the vodka :p
Brodie said:
The fastest way to become an atheist is actually reading the bible, lol. There are so many holes and contradictions in it that it's not even funny. How anyone could take that obviously man-made, deliberately edited collection of short stories seriously is beyond me. Atheists sometimes call it the "greatest science fiction novel ever written," but I disagree. It's actually not that great of a novel. It has poor transition, no character development, they are all one dimensional, and no plot. And forget about turning the bible for guidance if you aren't going to pick and choose. If you believe it to be the word of God, then you can't pick and choose out of it, and have to take it all at face value and obey it. Strange how the bible condones stoning to death disobedient children, yet everyone likes to ignore that. There are plenty more rules like this, but no one wants to notice them. Doesn't matter if it's illegal, God said you have to do it, so get snappin' to it! That little brat wants that expensive toy at TOYSRUS and won't shut up? Stone him to death! I mean, God said so after all.

haha God is a brat lol I agree with you man.

I also agree that they are to many contradictions. Like God well forgive all but if you comet adultery you shall burn in hell for all eternity???? I mean WTF I forgive you my son but you well still burn forever you little bastard. I mean that's not very forgiving is it. And forever is a bloody long time. You don't get no longer then that.

I do believe there is something there when you BOX JOB IT Just I don't believe there is a god that can Chang all. If there was he would have shurley done it be for now. As for we have free well and have to learn, Well if hes all that powerful then he could just simply give us the noleg we need + free well.
bluey said:
I also agree that they are to many contradictions. Like God well forgive all but if you comet adultery you shall burn in hell for all eternity???? I mean WTF I forgive you my son but you well still burn forever you little bastard. I mean that's not very forgiving is it. And forever is a bloody long time. You don't get no longer then that.

Makes you wonder if someone just slipped that one in there:p

Don't covet... O crap I really want that stereo that guy has it's so awesome..:D Maybe that was slipped in there along the way too!
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