e.m.e. said:
In the last few years I went from a good church going praying girl to that ...I sort of ran into Him like into a brick wall and learned that its either God's way or no way. I'm not talking about my life. But the people around me.
I don't know....just can't see any free will anywhere. I feel like I'm forced, don't have any power to change the situation even though I f*** tried.
Lost In The Oilfield,relax, I'm not here to get anything new out of you. I have a friend just like you, every word u said, I was shocked, matched what he said only in another language on a diff. forum, where we have these debates that turn into personal insults later. U guys, who read the same thing everyday have the same answers, boring words like....well the Bible says....according to the Bible....God said.....etc. etc.etc. the Bible has been saying same thing for ever. And what? whats new?
..tell me something, I don't know.
If you have any real life examples to back up the Bible and that is not from it ...instead of "consider this", "imagine that"..I would love to hear it.
Well e.m.e., I was considering forming an honest and thoughtful reply. I do have many life experiences, but I see where this thread has gone, and I'm forced to ask myself what good any of my words will do here... you're right... while I was away, it already has turned to name calling thanks to Brodie and his unbridled hatred, and I have no need to try and prove what I know is right. Let me prove it in my actions out in the world rather than waste your time or mine here with words.
I have had lengthy discussions with Muslims about religion, and they were more civil, receptive, and educated than those that have turned to direct, immature, and unfounded attacks as their means of expressing thief beliefs or disbeliefs.
Sorry, was I cursing and bashing down atheism or agnostics in a rude and ignorant manner? To the best of my recollection, I have not.
I gave you what scholarly information is available. What texts there are in the past that have been provided. So now you want to burn books? To do away with any past philosophical or theological writings? To crucify the church and any believers? To destroy those that don't see life and existence as you do Brodie?
This has already been done long ago, and yes, history repeats itself, so it will be done again. You said in your introduction that you are intelligent... so why don't you try showing it? If your friend wrote a sci-fi book and you took it as your belief I would not be in agreement with your belief, but I wouldn't attack you for it or speak of you condescendingly, or bash your friend. Or call you stupid or ridiculous... I would wonder why you took to your belief and listen to what you had to say without becoming as negative and narrow minded as you seem to make your habitual practice in these religious threads.
So no crazy hatred or anger toward you... this leads me to believe that you have been hurt either by the church, or a member of the church, or someone close to you has been hurt. You have a hatred inside you Brodie that will tear you apart if you don't address it, rather than attack others and blame them or other things as the cause of your pain and anger you should try to address the real problem. Any first year psychologist could ascertain this from your posts toward religion. They are strongly biased and emotion/anger based... which is the number one sign that it is a cover-up for the real issue you refuse, or are not yet ready, to address in your life. Well, that's for you to discover on your own... and that was not religion speaking, but psychology or maybe it was sociology... well, it was one of those head-doctor courses I had to take.
Anyway, the fact of the matter is people start up these threads and instantly start bashing God, Jesus, the Bible, Christians, or other religions... I figured I'd come in and try to bat for the other side if the discussion stayed civil, but it has not.
So now I am forced to ask:
What makes you such wonderful and amazing people if you spend your time attacking where such attack is not warranted? Have I started any threads that right off began attacking non-Christians? Honestly though? You call this fair, just, right, good, honest, intellectual, entertaining or is it just fun, fun to cause harm just like others have harmed you in your days and brought you to this forum? All you have shown me so far is that Atheists are a narrow-minded hate group. There is no seeking for greater knowledge, no expanding your horizons or searching for truth or understanding... so far most of what I have seen is the merely the propagation of hatred. I have no will to partake in hate mongering.
The very thing that drives many people to these forums on a different level is that they are being attacked, belittled, hurt, insulted, ostracized to one degree or another... and what I see here is no different at all. It makes me think of the little boy that grows up being beaten... then he grows up and marries and goes and does the same... thus hatred lives and thrives.
I am ashamed that I even put posts into this thread that just seeks to ridicule, cause harm and hurt to others, so this will be my last post under this topic.
Say what you will, bash who you will, hate as much as you like,
Goad me and persecute me to your hearts desire...
Rage, and with unchecked fury, spite, and cruel laughter let fly your true colours. I won't say another word herein, for in all honesty, I have no need or want.