I just came back from a lunch with my dad. My parents are both almost 80. My dad proceeded to tell me, that mum had bought him a new Christmas sweater during the summer and gave it to him to wear on Saturday for the first time. It was the Christmas party at the supper club for the company he used to work for. Dad put on the sweater and they both went to the lavish party.
Dad wore the sweater all night. Until unable to contain his self any longer, a colleague of Dad and Mums said " You realize that the reindeer are humping right?" My parents were shocked to realize the pattern of the cardigan, which mum had not even noticed when she bought it. This just made me day and I have not stopped laughing.
Your avatar kinda reminds me of when I was a child and my dad would be working out. I'd be stood there thinking 'One day I'll lift that'. That makes me smile. It looks like this kid is dreaming of lifting 170kg/374lb. I think he might have to dream for a while longer