I seems to have temporarily run out of Killer Chickens from Outer
Space movies, but in keeping with my high brow movie standards,
I checked out a Killer Junkie Crabs From Outer Space movie.
Cocaine Crabs From Outer Space
Sound track
Cocaine-snorting crabs from outer space.
They've traveled so far just to pinch your face.
Cocaine-snorting crabs from outer space.
They want to eat you because they like the way you taste.
And we think of space as deep and dark and vast.
But their crab spaceship found us really fast.
They've been traveling since the day of their birth, till they discovered cocaine right here on Earth.
They liked it so much, they decided to stay.
They killed everything that got in their way.
They don't want slaves or our dogs.
They want our cocaine with a side of frogs.
Cocaine-snorting crabs from outer space.
They've traveled so far just to pinch your face.
Cocaine-snorting crabs from outer space.
They want to eat you 'cause they like the way you taste.
They didn't come here to smoke our Mary Jane.
We never thought they'd take all of our cocaine.
We've never seen an invasion such as this.
We thought there'd be a sign, thanks for all the fish.
Those cocaine-snorting crabs from outer space.
They've traveled so far just to pinch your face.
Cocaine-snorting crabs from outer space.
They want to eat you 'cause they like the way you taste.
So if you see a crab scooting down the street,
and it wants to snort cocaine off your dirty feet.
Just remember, they're a visiting alien race,
those cocaine-snorting crabs from outer space.
Cocaine-snorting crabs from outer space.
They've traveled so far just to eat your face.
Cocaine-snorting crabs from outer space.
They want to eat you 'cause they like the way you taste.
Yah, I'm a crab.