what was the last movie you saw?

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Simon Sez (1999)

I didn't know that Dennis Rodman did any movies, not that
I would have found it a draw. It was running on one of the Roku channels.
Holy Moly the cast looks very similar to the actual people.

View attachment 9336

Kinda has issues with that one.

"Kathy Etchingham, the girlfriend of Jimi Hendrix who appears as a central character in forthcoming
biopic All Is By My Side, has said the film's depiction of Hendrix as violent towards her is "completely made up".

In an interview with the Sydney Morning Herald she described the film as "completely unethical"
Kinda has issues with that one.

"Kathy Etchingham, the girlfriend of Jimi Hendrix who appears as a central character in forthcoming
biopic All Is By My Side, has said the film's depiction of Hendrix as violent towards her is "completely made up".

In an interview with the Sydney Morning Herald she described the film as "completely unethical"
I was talking about their looks. I’ve got no clue as to any behaviours.
I was talking about their looks.
It wasn't a response to your looks comment, though I can see how it may appear to be. Just my impression of the way they trashed the guy.
Wiki says he had a violent temper when intoxicated. I don’t know how true that is.

The movie portrayed domestic violence. My comment was about the supposed victim's response to that and her attempt to set the record straight.
It should not be interpreted as saying that he was a saint. As of yet I have not come across anyone claiming that.

what was the last movie you saw?​

At the cinema? I don't remember if it was "Amadeus" or "Gorillas in the Mist" so it must have been in the 1980s. I payed for one and the other I won the tickets in a contest. The price (for the one I payed for) was outrageous and I never went to the cinema again because of it. “Gorillas” is an over-rated piece of hero-worshiping crap. I enjoyed “Amadeus” and I often, still, go back to YouTube to see my favourite scene. This one:


Bad Day at Black Rock (1955)



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