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No, having money might give you more material things, but material things don't always make you happy. Have many celebrities have killed themselves because they were so damn unhappy. How do you really know what it's like behind closed doors? They give the public exactly the same as we do. We hide **** too, so how do you know they aren't hiding ****? I think it's extremely judgmental to say that they have no problems just because they are rich. No, they don't have to worry about their next meal, but that doesn't make their lives 100% glorious. How many stars are coming out with sex abuse claims? How many stars have suffered domestic abuse? How many stars do you think feel they have no one real in their lives? How many stars have drug and alcohol problems? The happy people in life generally don't drown themselves in substance abuse.
Sure, there are some rich happy people out there with nothing to worry about, but there are poor people out there with nothing to worry about too.
Don't judge people based on what they have and what the news reports. You can't see their real lives, only what they choose to show people.
Sarah G said:
Not having to worry about money. I know that money can't buy happiness and that everybody suffers but happiness does increase up to a certain financial threshold and then plateaus. www.businessinsider.com/nobel-prize-winners-figured-out-the-perfect-salary-for-happiness-2015-10?international=true&r=US&IR=T

It is tiring to always have to worry about paying for the basics and never have anything extra over.

Of course, I am aware that there are people suffering famine and disease in Yemen (for example) and that my life is a dream compared to their suffering but there isn't much point in having the thread if we are going to play that card for every post.

Oh look, someone in #2 linked to a study about happiness plateauing at a certain income level suggesting that money buys happiness up to a certain level. That saves some arguing :D
Celebrities were unhappy before they were rich and were never smart enough to know they wanted all the wrong things, surround themselves with the wrong people and never knew how or when to quit fame. Had no will to overcome their flaws and no intelligence to look for the ones that could have helped. Practically every celebrity suicide has to do with the lack of connection with reality, which they could perfectly achieve with the money they had but didn't have the brains to realize.
TheRealCallie said:
No, having money might give you more material things, but material things don't always make you happy.  Have many celebrities have killed themselves because they were so damn unhappy.  How do you really know what it's like behind closed doors?  They give the public exactly the same as we do.  We hide **** too, so how do you know they aren't hiding ****?  I think it's extremely judgmental to say that they have no problems just because they are rich.  No, they don't have to worry about their next meal, but that doesn't make their lives 100% glorious.  How many stars are coming out with sex abuse claims?  How many stars have suffered domestic abuse? How many stars do you think feel they have no one real in their lives?  How many stars have drug and alcohol problems?  The happy people in life generally don't drown themselves in substance abuse.  
Sure, there are some rich happy people out there with nothing to worry about, but there are poor people out there with nothing to worry about too.  
Don't judge people based on what they have and what the news reports.  You can't see their real lives, only what they choose to show people.

I'm not saying they don't have problems. I'm saying in the vast majority of cases their problems are so inconsenquential as to be LAUGHABLE.
And yes, that's incredibly judgmental of me, I'll admit it. But I have no respect for people who make a fortune and complain about their petty family squabbles when some people literally DIE because they don't have the means those people take for granted. Then they act like they're more deserving than X, Y, Z kid who was left destitute after their alcoholic dads or abusive moms left them or killed themselves and they get served with morally unjustifiable crap like "be happy with what you have, it could be worse" when those very same people made a fortune leeching off a system that was specifically made to keep them over and keep others under. If I WAS rich, I'd be poor in about 15 minutes because most of what I have I would GIVE. EVEN if it wasn't enough, ESPECIALLY if it wasn't enough, because I care. They don't. That's WHY they are the richest and that's why they've used their wealth to play with the system to acquire more wealth, when they can literally save the world.
And if they're hiding it behind closed doors? That's on them. We all have the same problems but they are too arrogant to realize they are NOT fighting with equal weapons.
Again, I'm not talking about celebs, or stars, they were just lucky enough to either be at the right place at the right time to be picked out of a literal OCEAN of wannabe people, half of which are probably more talented than they are, and they know it. And in most cases, they give WAY more than their own share back.
I'm talking about pricks like Warren Buffet, or ********* Drump, or Bill Gates, the ones who control the flow and control the wealth of the world, the ones who aren't trying to do anything else than keep the system running to profit from. People have been sowing around stupid conspiracy crap like the NWO for so long, they are SO close yet completely blind to the elegant simplicity of keeping the masses down. Catholic Church understood the concept so damn well in the middle ages they put it in the damn Bible. That's why Pope Cucumber over there still waltz around in the richest city-state in the world, dressed in 600$ U.S. robes, while preaching for us to "give up our wealth and feed the poor" when they hoard it like the devils they actually are! The hypocrisy of it all is SICKENING...

And, by the by, there have been a LOT more, every day, that killed themselves because they didn't have what those celebrities have but couldn't. Which is to be able to live a decent, carefree life, free from purely materialistic concerns. Be able to pay for a specific cancer treatment. Psych classes. Therapists for broken bones or what not, all that stuff.
Anyway, all I'm saying here is that I don't buy it. EVERYONE should be able to have decent standards of living and as long as this continues to be not the case, I hold the wealthy people of Earth who can actually do something directly about it as accountable and responsible for the state it's in. I've always dreamed of a utopia, that CAN happen, of a world without hunger. As long as people talk about taking a stroll in a car on Mars and there's still 1 dying kid in Africa, that's unnacceptable behavior.
Do something.
If I had that kind of money, I already would have.
I'd be poor quick. But EACH and everyone on this planet would be rich but me.

I learned when I was in high school in economics class that capitalism, like communism, is doomed to failiure. Because eventually all the wealth in the world will not go to 1%; it will go to ONE.
We need to change it before then. I don't know how, but that isn't a world I want to live in. And that's on us, because our elites have showed us they cared very little as long as they are the ONE.

Now that we know more than we did in the 90's, we know it's a growing concern.
Among other statistics. People below 75k income yearly have a DIRECT link to increased suicide rates. Because income affects mental stability. Over 102k? Funny enough, disappears.
So to say that money doesn't make you happy, true, but it's statistically proven it sure as hell prevents you from becoming unhappy.Sorry, I just don't buy that centuries old line anymore.
You seem to be under the impression that all rich people are greedy ***** who horde their money and don't help anyone but themselves. That's not true. There are a lot of rich people who actively give to the poor. For example, Jennifer Lopez just donated $1 million to Puerto Rico after the hurricane hit. Several others also donated to the hurricane relief funds. Oprah, for example and several other celebrities often give money to communities in Africa. People like Bon Jovi opened restaurants that people only pay what they can afford, even if that means nothing at all. There are millions of stories out there of rich people giving to the less fortunate all the time.

It's almost like you WANT to condemn people who have money simply because you don't. Maybe I'm wrong, but you are coming off as bitter and judgmental. As I said before, there are some rich people out there who only care about themselves, but I don't think that's true for the most part. Something else I always say, don't judge someone when you don't even know them, you don't know who they are or what they are.
TheRealCallie said:
No, having money might give you more material things, but material things don't always make you happy.  Have many celebrities have killed themselves because they were so damn unhappy.  How do you really know what it's like behind closed doors?  They give the public exactly the same as we do.  We hide **** too, so how do you know they aren't hiding ****?  I think it's extremely judgmental to say that they have no problems just because they are rich.  No, they don't have to worry about their next meal, but that doesn't make their lives 100% glorious.  How many stars are coming out with sex abuse claims?  How many stars have suffered domestic abuse? How many stars do you think feel they have no one real in their lives?  How many stars have drug and alcohol problems?  The happy people in life generally don't drown themselves in substance abuse.  
Sure, there are some rich happy people out there with nothing to worry about, but there are poor people out there with nothing to worry about too.  
Don't judge people based on what they have and what the news reports.  You can't see their real lives, only what they choose to show people.

It's a lot more than that, money doesn't just give you lots of stuff, it lets you live how you want to and self-actualize more easily. No,it doesn't automatically equal happiness but it's one of the biggest things in determining whether you have control over your life or not.
Yes, it gives you houses around the world to run away to when things get to complicated....but that doesn't solve their problems. It doesn't really give you control over choosing a person to spend your life with and that person ends up abusing you. It doesn't give you control over having an addiction other than having rehab readily accessible, but that only works if you want it to work. Perhaps it makes people want to be around you, but that doesn't mean they care about YOU. People from your past coming back up to use you.

The only real control I see if not worrying about paying your bills and being able to travel. I'm not saying having money isn't nice, of course it is, it's just not as vital as people think it is.

It's not about what you have or don't have, it about how you approach what you do have, how you take care of yourself, how you feel about yourself, it's about how you play the cards that you are dealt.
TheRealCallie said:
You seem to be under the impression that all rich people are greedy ***** who horde their money and don't help anyone but themselves.  That's not true.  There are a lot of rich people who actively give to the poor.  For example, Jennifer Lopez just donated $1 million to Puerto Rico after the hurricane hit.  Several others also donated to the hurricane relief funds.  Oprah, for example and several other celebrities often give money to communities in Africa.  People like Bon Jovi opened restaurants that people only pay what they can afford, even if that means nothing at all.  There are millions of stories out there of rich people giving to the less fortunate all the time.  

It's almost like you WANT to condemn people who have money simply because you don't.  Maybe I'm wrong, but you are coming off as bitter and judgmental.  As I said before, there are some rich people out there who only care about themselves, but I don't think that's true for the most part.  Something else I always say, don't judge someone when you don't even know them, you don't know who they are or what they are.

AGAIN? I don't care about J-Lo or Bon Jovi or whatever savor of the moment actor in the world! They don't HAVE money. They have more than us, sure, but they are not the ones who profited, leeched and utterly smacked down people for millenia! A signer or an actor is NOT an elite, most don't play at hedge funds in foreign countries or try to not pay 45 million in taxes by embazzling under numeral companies!
I said people who HAVE MONEY. People in POWER. It's been their line for millenia and people are still buying into this horseshit.
You know what, you're right. I'm just bitter and judgmental and an evil prick who hates rich people because they live in squalor. Don't want anything better for anyone, just mad as hell towards loaded selfish pricks.
Fine by me. Hell, if even Warret Buffet goes in front of congress warning of the growing risks of a plutocratie, I'm just mad as hell to be spewing the same line and I hate the prick.

Money doesn't make anyone happy. Let's all be poor and live off sunshine and rainbows. No one ever complains about money anyway.
Living closer to my best friend, shes gone through a lot of **** atm, but since she lives 250 miles away, its really hard to be there for her, I message her every day on whatsapp, but she doesnt really do much responding lately, other than really short responses. Bums me out a lot.
Richard_39 said:
TheRealCallie said:
You seem to be under the impression that all rich people are greedy ***** who horde their money and don't help anyone but themselves.  That's not true.  There are a lot of rich people who actively give to the poor.  For example, Jennifer Lopez just donated $1 million to Puerto Rico after the hurricane hit.  Several others also donated to the hurricane relief funds.  Oprah, for example and several other celebrities often give money to communities in Africa.  People like Bon Jovi opened restaurants that people only pay what they can afford, even if that means nothing at all.  There are millions of stories out there of rich people giving to the less fortunate all the time.  

It's almost like you WANT to condemn people who have money simply because you don't.  Maybe I'm wrong, but you are coming off as bitter and judgmental.  As I said before, there are some rich people out there who only care about themselves, but I don't think that's true for the most part.  Something else I always say, don't judge someone when you don't even know them, you don't know who they are or what they are.

AGAIN? I don't care about J-Lo or Bon Jovi or whatever savor of the moment actor in the world! They don't HAVE money. They have more than us, sure, but they are not the ones who profited, leeched and utterly smacked down people for millenia! A signer or an actor is NOT an elite, most don't play at hedge funds in foreign countries or try to not pay 45 million in taxes by embazzling under numeral companies!
I said people who HAVE MONEY. People in POWER. It's been their line for millenia and people are still buying into this horseshit.
You know what, you're right. I'm just bitter and judgmental and an evil prick who hates rich people because they live in squalor. Don't want anything better for anyone, just mad as hell towards loaded selfish pricks.
Fine by me. Hell, if even Warret Buffet goes in front of congress warning of the growing risks of a plutocratie, I'm just mad as hell to be spewing the same line and I hate the prick.

Money doesn't make anyone happy. Let's all be poor and live off sunshine and rainbows. No one ever complains about money anyway.

So you aren't even really talking about money at all, only a few ******** who are greedy selfish *****....okay, got it.  I was under the impression that when you all said MONEY, that you meant just simply MONEY, not people
More time to develop social skills I wasn't allowed to or couldn't before. Some basic life experiences.

Not having inherited the facial features of my father (knowing what I know about him, I've no problem saying it).

Just more time really.
Lottery win would also be nice. Theres a chance that my employer (Toysrus uk) could go into liquidation in the new year.

I seriously dont know what I want to do for work if it happens, Ive never had the career motivation.
Theres a possibility of working with my dad he does painting/decorating for himself.
Having Ibs sucks as well whilst working, cause whilst people act all understanding about it, they are only understanding until they need to cover you whilst you go toilet, then suddenly its all scowls and mutterings.

That lottery win would be nice, not have to think about work, pursue my hobbies more completely, possibly move closer to my best friend so I get to see her more than never.
zibafu said:
Living closer to my best friend, shes gone through a lot of **** atm, but since she lives 250 miles away, its really hard to be there for her, I message her every day on whatsapp, but she doesnt really do much responding lately, other than really short responses.  Bums me out a lot.

That must be rough, I am sorry for you both. Bless you for having such a kind wish.
TheRealCallie said:
Richard_39 said:
TheRealCallie said:
You seem to be under the impression that all rich people are greedy ***** who horde their money and don't help anyone but themselves.  That's not true.  There are a lot of rich people who actively give to the poor.  For example, Jennifer Lopez just donated $1 million to Puerto Rico after the hurricane hit.  Several others also donated to the hurricane relief funds.  Oprah, for example and several other celebrities often give money to communities in Africa.  People like Bon Jovi opened restaurants that people only pay what they can afford, even if that means nothing at all.  There are millions of stories out there of rich people giving to the less fortunate all the time.  

It's almost like you WANT to condemn people who have money simply because you don't.  Maybe I'm wrong, but you are coming off as bitter and judgmental.  As I said before, there are some rich people out there who only care about themselves, but I don't think that's true for the most part.  Something else I always say, don't judge someone when you don't even know them, you don't know who they are or what they are.

AGAIN? I don't care about J-Lo or Bon Jovi or whatever savor of the moment actor in the world! They don't HAVE money. They have more than us, sure, but they are not the ones who profited, leeched and utterly smacked down people for millenia! A signer or an actor is NOT an elite, most don't play at hedge funds in foreign countries or try to not pay 45 million in taxes by embazzling under numeral companies!
I said people who HAVE MONEY. People in POWER. It's been their line for millenia and people are still buying into this horseshit.
You know what, you're right. I'm just bitter and judgmental and an evil prick who hates rich people because they live in squalor. Don't want anything better for anyone, just mad as hell towards loaded selfish pricks.
Fine by me. Hell, if even Warret Buffet goes in front of congress warning of the growing risks of a plutocratie, I'm just mad as hell to be spewing the same line and I hate the prick.

Money doesn't make anyone happy. Let's all be poor and live off sunshine and rainbows. No one ever complains about money anyway.

So you aren't even really talking about money at all, only a few ******** who are greedy selfish *****....okay, got it.  I was under the impression that when you all said MONEY, that you meant just simply MONEY, not people

No, it's not JUST that...
Listen, I don't really feel like going on writing paragraphs again, and this is a kind of conversation that should be had with time and several beers.
But the REAL underlying problem to everyone IS Money. With a capital M. Many economists are starting to realize some things that were said in the 60's will HAVE to happen or else humanity in general is going to be seriously f***ed in less than about 40 years; the economy system has to change.
I take it a step further; money HAS to disappear.
Because when unemployment worlwide reached 60-some odd percent, and it's GOING to happen, only said rich greedy people will be able to live. But right now, they are fighting those changes tooth and nail.
So basically? Money DOES buy you happiness. And it's wrong. That's why it needs to disappear.
The Pursuit of Happiness used to mean just that. Focus needs to be shifted from wealth=happiness and right now, it's not happening. They're just encouraging people to buy more useless crap.
The question is what would make YOUR life better, not the world life better, though, that that's not really even relevant.
As for that last sentence. It's your choice what to buy and not buy. I don't purchase useless crap, unless you consider toys for the kids useless crap. Well, I suppose I don't NEED 50 million pillows, but I like pillows, so I guess those might be considered useless crap too. But hey, if I ever open a homeless shelter, they will be put to good use.
TheRealCallie said:
The question is what would make YOUR life better, not the world life better, though, that that's not really even relevant.  
As for that last sentence.  It's your choice what to buy and not buy.  I don't purchase useless crap, unless you consider toys for the kids useless crap.  Well, I suppose I don't NEED 50 million pillows, but I like pillows, so I guess those might be considered useless crap too.  But hey, if I ever open a homeless shelter, they will be put to good use.
Well that's just the funny ironic part of saying I'm judgmental  or selfish person; making other's lives better makes my life better.
Maybe I am, in a way, judgmental, though; I keep getting angry because I feel other people, well the ones that can actually make a difference in other people's lives, don't think the way I do; I hold them accountable for it. Maybe that is judgmental.
But, you know, can't help being me. Kind of all I got ;-)
I'll take 6 pillows please. Mine are done and I'm broke.
The one thing that would make me happy is if I had a sloop, (a small one), the essentials to keep me alive on it, a few books of my preference, maybe get somebody to accompany me, and a viola. That way I could enjoy life, living as simple as possible, just sailing into the vast cold ocean.

When I was 13 I went on a trip with all of these other kids, to this sort of resort at a beach. Everyone else played inside or on the shore. But lucky for me, one of the guides there had a sailboat and saw me standing at the shore looking at the ocean. (it was the first time I have ever seen it so I was pretty awestruck). He offered all of the kids if they wanted to go a few miles out to sea and to some of these little rocky islands out there, and everybody thought that was boring. About an hour before he got on I asked him and he was more than happy to see someone wanted to go.

When he brought the boat around I had to swim about ten yards to it for it had a pretty big keel and couldn't go too far in. When I grabbed on to that rope and he hoisted me up, I fell like Captain Aubrey. My weight shifted from the water to the port side, and the boat swayed a little to its left. Keep in mind I have done quite a few fun things. I have played laser tag, played video games with friends, kissed a girl, and one time I spent a week on a painting of the Titanic and someone bought it from me for four-hundred dollars. But nothing in the world compares to that experience I had.

Anyways, I got on the boat and he showed me around and named off a few objects on this boat, (it was a small catamaran). After that he pulled this rope and rotated the sails with the wind, instantly the sails filled, and the boat started moving. Let me say, you haven't lived if you haven't seen wind fill sails from the deck. As we skipped across the water almost like a flat rock, I looked at the water, and how crisp and crystal it was, a light blue, almost saying jump in me. And the wind, damn the wind did not even make me feel cold, It felt warm, like from a heater. Yes, in reality, it was cold but still, warm. When we got to the island he let me jump around a bit and explore, and he pointed out all the spiders on the island. Instantly I wanted to leave. When we got back to the resort 3 hours or so later I felt like a descended from Heaven.

As of this moment, I am writing this in a cramped small house, with a stench from the construction site outside, surrounded by houses, and neighborhoods, and stores and streets and roads and highways and asphalt. There is no forest, no others teens around strangely, no lake or stream. Just asphalt. A lot of people like it, but I don't. I just want to be on a sloop on the ocean, to feel and see the wind on the sails.
I keep telling myself I’ll be better when I lose weight. I’ll look more like a vintage gal or Lolita because I won’t look like a frumpy whale playing dress up.
I'm still waiting for Callie to share her personal millions with me. I'm not greedy, two or three will be more than enough, then we all go for Pina Coladas in Kuala Lumpur ;-)
Liparks said:
I keep telling myself I’ll be better when I lose weight. I’ll look more like a vintage gal or Lolita because I won’t look like a frumpy whale playing dress up.
I said the same thing to myself.  It didn't work.  I was just as miserable as I was before I lost the weight. Actually, I may have been more miserable, but that's a bit more complicated. 

Richard_39 said:
I'm still waiting for Callie to share her personal millions with me. I'm not greedy, two or three will be more than enough, then we all go for Pina Coladas in Kuala Lumpur ;-)

Stay away from my pillows :club:

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