What Would You Do If?

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Have a shitload of aliases so I can have more than one flavor, of course

What would you do if you could talk to animals (and have them understand you and talk back to you)
EDIT: A similar question was asked and I can not think of another question - please skip this.

Re-Edit: Callie answered.

Original answer: Become a true Druid and one with nature.

Original question: WWYD, if you found a suitcase full of $100 bills?

Sorry, Callie.
SHOPPING SPREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (GOO) No, actually, I'd turn it in to the authorities, I wouldn't want to keep it.

What would you do if you were the president
Establish a fair tax system such as a flat tax.

WWYD, if you were granted superhuman abilities.
Find a nice box for myself next to someone's garden

What would you do if you found a pine cone?
throw it away

what would you do if you couldn`t sleep?
watch tv or get up and do something around the house until i could get tired enough to sleep.

what would you do if you woke up on a deserted island?
I would be happy, free of all thy whinny phone calls...go back to normal phone. Out of the house, out of reach lol.

what would you do if i would show up at your door with my suitcase, asking for refuge ?
I would let you in, offer you something to eat or drink, of course - then rope you into helping me do the dishes. :)

What would you do if you all your clothes disappeared overnight?
Do a little online shopping! And call in sick.

What would you do if you left a little dent on someone's
car in a parking lot and no one saw you? Leave a note?
Depends on if I don't like the person or not...

What would you do if someone ate your last cupcake?
punch 'em in the junk....

What would you do if you could predict the future in 15 minute increments?
step 1) go to a Vegas and live there for a year or until bored or kicked out.
step 2) invest in stocks (day trade) and build a company to help others
step 3) run for president
step 4)
step 5) profit

What would you do if you knew you were dreaming and could never wake up?
What's number 4?

That would depend on what type of dream it was.

What would you do if chocolate didn't exist?
Mourn for peanut butter losing its soul mate.

What would you do if they stopped making new movies?
I would be thankful, actually - as a large portion of 'new' movies these days are really remakes of 20 yr old films, anyway. :p

What would you do if you were the tallest person in the world?

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