What's your biggest pet peeve?

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When people ask me for advice and don't take it then come back later and tell me how things has gotten worse.
When people talk to me and expect me to carry every conversation because I actually think of stuff to say instead of saying Ok, Me too, yes and laugh constantly.
I like conversing with interesting people on interesting subjects and taking turns pursuing a common topic that moves, free association-like....

I find it quite peeving when my conversation partner just waits for me to pause so they can dwell on some self absorbed subject.....

Being interrupted is peeving too.

Actually, inconsiderate behavior is peeving wherever I find it.

In traffic where it can be dangerous seems like the worst.
I really hate it when I try to talk to someone, and then someone else comes and the person I'm trying to talk to pretends I don't even exist anymore. :(
I actually have several. Probably more than is really healthy, honestly lol.
The biggest one is probably people who go:
Guys saying they are a "nice guy".
You saying it doesn't make it true, your actions decide if you are.
People who let their toddlers walk down the stairs in crowded places, like train stations.
They don't care that a huge line is backing up behind them.
Pick the damn kid up so we don't miss our train!
people of both genders doing staring "contest" without even being aware how aggressive it is

edit ... since I never in my life took formal English lessons and maybe 90% of my English is taken from movies but I see words don't always map properly from the space of movies dialogues to the real people space
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******* doing staring "contest" without even being aware how aggressive it feels
I agree with that part, but not the word. I actually have fanily members who suffer retardation and we don't call them that.
As for those guys mentioned, either I'll give them my nicest smile and a wink, or stare them right back as angrily as I can. Most don't do it very long with the later. But I'm also not looking for trouble, so I weight it carefully depending on general demeanor. We actually have a widespread problem of homelessness and mental health issues in the city, so doing that with an agressive homeless person is a good way to get stabbed.

Edit: I didn't ask you for an edit, but thanks lol. It's the R word I don't enjoy. However, you might want to go with jerks, or arrogant prigs or somesuch, it fits better. It's them being all self-important for no reason 😉
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I agree with that part, but not the word. I actually have fanily members who suffer retardation and we don't call them that.
As for those guys mentioned, either I'll give them my nicest smile and a wink, or stare them right back as angrily as I can. Most don't do it very long with the later. But I'm also not looking for trouble, so I weight it carefully depending on general demeanor. We actually have a widespread problem of homelessness and mental health issues in the city, so doing that with an agressive homeless person is a good way to get stabbed.
I made some corrections that I hope complying your justified remark
Another of my pet peeves is people whom you work with that you don't really speak to, or cashiers in stores, or any client services job basically, not returning a smile when you give them one. I was a manager for several years and in retail and customer service for at least 10 years. You're not going to attract or keep clients coming if you keep a face that look like someone shat in your car. Make a damned effort. I don't want to be here or talk to you either, but might as well be pleasant about it.
Littering. Its beyond comprehension. There’s trashcans everywhere. If there isn’t put it in your car till you get home. Look around today at anyplace you go and notice how ugly litter makes things.
People who think their life is over before reaching 30 years of age :D
I don't want to be a jerk (little bit...😈), but this one as well. Yeah yeah, life sucks and we're all gonna die. At least try to make the most of it lol. Ffs...

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