Well-known member
Badjedidude said:Maybe I should shave my beard and see what you say then.![]()
I would say you made a good choice.
painter said:theraab said:Painters, Perf and BJD - were you asking me or the OP?
memememememe do me next omg pleeeease!
(I may or may not be presenting myself as either narcisisstic or desperate for the approval of others in an attempt to throw you off the scent... or this could just feed you more info and well **** idk)
- You're not desperate for the approval of random strangers, but seek it from those close to you
- You are a bit hyperactive (I think they call it ADD/ADHD nowadays - when I was young, we called it being a spaz)
- You often feel like you're missing out on something better going on, but can't figure out what that is
- You start a lot of projects, but see very few to completion
- You don't always need to be the life of the party, but you do need to feel included in the party
- You are often impulsive in your decision making