Why are doctors such bastards?

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2008
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Sitting there moralising about drinking and smoking.

I'll smoke if I want to you little ****, and I won't be treated like a second class citizen because of it.
Hobbit smoke the pipe and so did Gandalf and they were well respected not only by hobbit terms.
Of course the book was written well before the knowledge of smoking go out in the community about Cancer. Still with Cancer there are so many forms and severities. Some people die without having been a smoker or drinker.
Runs in my family. My Mum and Grandfather and grand uncles all died from Bowel cancer.
I have already had a brush with it. Check up annually.
Horrible way to die.
Wouldn't worry about the doctors. They do over react.
Why are doctors such bastards? I'll smoke if I want to you little ****

Nope... No idea why people say you have anger issues...

Anyways... I'm sure you're just interpreting their concerned attempts to give you sound advice as hostility and passing judgment. The same as you've done to pretty well everyone here.

I highly respect doctors for the work, and dedication they've voluntarily taken the burden of in order to perform a vital function for society.

When your job involves telling people that they're going to die, sometimes having known their families for decades, you do what you can to avoid it as much as possible.
Yeah she/he shouldn't be discouraging it for moral reasons, they should be discouraging smoking for health reasons.
I agree with Minus. Moral reasons no, health reason, of course - he's a doctor, he's supposed to. Smoking can KILL you. That should have been his concern.
You sure it was for moral reasons, rather than health concerns? 'Cause when we do these things, it's easy to get a little defensive about them.
yeah smoking cigarettes is probably contributing to your mental health and not in a good way. The nicotine helps dopamine in the brain to be released...and over time the nicotine REPLACES your natural dopamine...and what happens? You get depressed when you dont smoke. It just contributes to an overall imbalance (chemical wize) in your brain.

A lot of people with mental health issus smoke. It's a way of self medicating but its ineffective.

Just thought you should know.
probably just concerned for you health cas, no need to take everything so personal. its his job to tell you that these things are bad for you, he wouldn't be doing his job otherwise. but at the same time, it is annoying when you have depression to be told to give up the **** and the booze, they have done it to me also in the past. when you are depressed the last thing you want to do is stop smoking. sometimes the cigarettes are all that get you through the day.
stella said:
probably just concerned for you health cas, no need to take everything so personal. its his job to tell you that these things are bad for you, he wouldn't be doing his job otherwise. but at the same time, it is annoying when you have depression to be told to give up the **** and the booze, they have done it to me also in the past. when you are depressed the last thing you want to do is stop smoking. sometimes the cigarettes are all that get you through the day.

but what if the very thing that is "getting you through the day" is also making your mental health worse?
i have no idea sophia, all i know is that i was depressed way way way before i started smoking. smoking takes the edge off the depression, it relaxes me, and while i roll that cigarette i am concentrating on the cigarette and on how good it tastes and feels and the rush i get from it instead of how crap everything is. but that is just me. not heard of a major breakthrough in the link between cigarettes and depression. cannabis and depression yes. but i will look into it.
every time I go to the Dr. I am told to stop smoking... the Dr's have to advise their patients to stop... when I am over weight, they tell me to lose weight.... and if i am underweight.. they tell me to gain it... so just take it with a grain of salt... Dr's say what they have to. Plus... smoking isn't good for you! I don't blame my Dr's for telling me to quit...
Nicotine has a very long history of medicinal use. Even now researchers are studying nicotine for its potential to treat a wide range of psychological conditions from alzheimer's to depression, to schizophrenia.

Note the careful use of the word potential.

The problem with nicotine and depression is that while the substance treats the symptoms, dependency on the substance exacerbate the same symptoms they're treating. And a natural tolerance builds up to the chemical.

The rewarding effects are immediate, but the negative effects are slow and accumulating. Whether the rewarding effects allow you to make progress to counter the side effects, who knows. But anyways... It's a double-sided coin and you can't definitively say "smoking is bad for depression". Although in most cases I'd bet it probably doesn't help the overall picture of treatment and recovery.

I'll say this though... The nicotine patch does make a difference in quitting. I went 5-6 years reluctant to use those patches because I didn't think they made much sense, I tried the gum several times and it didn't work, and the fact that gums and patches are easy ways to bypass nicotine advertisement laws and laws about selling nicotine to minors, I was pretty convinced they were just profitable scams in cooperation with tobacco corporations. Anyways... I tried it... The program says it's a 3 step program over 10 weeks. I quit using the patches, and cigarettes, completely, after about 1-2 weeks on step 1. So if you really want to quit but can't, it's worth a try, but you have to really want to do it.
stella said:
smoking takes the edge off the depression, it relaxes me, and while i roll that cigarette i am concentrating on the cigarette and on how good it tastes and feels and the rush i get from it instead of how crap everything is.

Same to me. I want to stop smoking, but I know I will only do it when my life somehow improves.

Untill then, I wont give them up!
my doctor always sez to pack up smoking..I just don't want to..my mum recently lost her battle to a 3 year cancer war and still I light up like there's no tomorrow....I'm a damn fool..time for a smoke..

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