I have this inner juvenile delinquent child that yearns to break free, invite like mindedOne of those ... stuck wanting to relive younger years.
Great, as long as I don't have to socialize.I have this inner juvenile delinquent child that yearns to break free, invite like mindedindividuals over for some serious day drinking
smoking weed
, and listen to a mix of Led Zepplin
and Pink Floyd
. Will send invite to all when she escapes
Any other singer constantly propositioned by younger women, might count their blessings! Why not just man up and tell your wife, to put out or shut up. Tell her that you are entirely ready to let her of the hook if she no longer loves you. You can have an open marriage. It's only cheating if its secret and elicit. Come to terms.I'm lonely because I've been married 27yrs. I'm a singer and I get propositioned all the time by women who could be my granddaughters. I've never cheated. I'm questioning that. My wife has ZERO interest in me.
Yep,too many heartbreaks for me too dan.Too many heartbreaks & losses.
Abandonment & lies.
I trust no one anymore.
I don’t get together with any of my neighbors, and, I live alone.I used to be lonely but ever since I ditched self hatred things have gotten better. I still get existential crisis now and then especially when I'm bored. But listening to music helps me a lot especially soothing music. Rn I'm sitting at the front of my house, it's about 7 pm writing this. What does bother me now is when my mind questions what's reality because recently I was on drugs and saw all kinds of weird stuff. But remembering that people out there feel pain helps me know what's real.
So, why are you lonely and how can I help????
This is so true. I've always managed to push it to the back of my mind and not think about it, but the older and older I get the harder and harder it becomes to push back.Being lonely is not easy. Admitting it to your self makes it real. As we Get older it's harder to find new friends. I'm alone and I often think I need to change this . But how do you start to.
Low voice? Can I asked, in volume or pitch? Certainly nothing wrong with a quiet voice, Personally I would rather that than someone loud and in your face all the time. But hay, that just me.I feel like I am misunderstood a lot,and people don't understand me,due to how I talk,I have a very low voice and some people can't or don't know what I'm saying.