Efbee said:
One good thing is that the smart ones figure it out pretty quickly while the dim-witted will moan and cry until there's no one left around them. Survival of the fittest.
I wouldn't say that's a good thing. It's tragic. Or that survival of the fittest is a good thing either. It's a misery.
That's like saying war, disease, or poverty are good things. The strong survive, the weak don't. Idk, seems like a regressive, uncivilized view if you ask me. The world could be better than that, and I feel that if it could, then it should. And if it doesn't, then it's by definition evil, or at the very least, unworthy of respect. If the world creates and allows misery where misery need not exist, then I'd say that's evil.
The other thing that always gets me whenever I see someone advocate for survival of the fittest, is that if things were a little bit different - not even all that much, just if your luck was a little bit worse - then it would be you wondering why dating never works out for you, with no answers why. There is not as much difference between you, and the "unfit", as you think. It could very easily have gone the other way. The only reason it didn't, is luck.
Not everyone was born lucky enough to have the right stuff to be among the "fittest". It's no one's fault, it's just random chance.
But everyone deserves an at least OK, normal life. And dating is a part of normal life. It's not an extra, like being famous or owning a Lamborghini. It's more fundamental than that, something that everyone wants at their core, for fulfillment, well-being, peace of mind, and a life well lived. At least that's what I believe.