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Fear of disappointing people is the reason why I struggle to make friends.
nicccs3 said:I don't know what the social norms are. I seem to say things that come from nowhere or don't match up with what was being said in the first's random and just out of the blue.
Case said:I'm a natural introvert, and coupled with my struggles with social anxiety, it's been difficult to maintain many friendships.
Some time ago, I learned that one difference between introverts and extroverts is that each personality type attain their energy differently. For instance, an extrovert gains energy and rejuvenation in social arenas whereas an introvert expends mental energy just to maintain a social front.
On the flip side, introverts tend to gain energy in solitude or with smaller groups of very familiar people because unfamiliar situations increase their stress. However, if an extrovert was in solitude, it would be very irritating as the extrovert needs the constant stimuli of the group dynamic to function. To an extrovert, more energy is expended by being alone, away from the social arena.
I can't speak about extroverts, but as an introvert myself, I feel a tremendous amount of mental stress and strain in social situations unfamiliar to me. Afterwards, it feels like I've had a mental workout and I feel horrible. The worst kind is a party for me is where I don't know anyone. This is one of the most stressful social situations I can imagine, and I avoid these at almost any cost. But while I feel drained after these social moments, I know some people who thrive in these moments and see these situations as energizing.
That's just my take.