****ays keeps me warm N secured on a cold winter night
seriously though...
accepting N acknowleging ur insecurities, flaws, fears and whatever hang up are is having self confidences.
All of the women Ive been with are very intelligent. And Ive watched them play the bimbo to get what they want out of men...sometimes in front of me.
other times on me.lol
Ive even met women that would empty out (PUA) oher guys pockets. Get them to buy us drinking or whatever..but she'll comehome with me.hahahaaa
what ur asking for is the PERFECT GUY for you...Its the samething when I ask for MISS RIGHT...what I have is miss Right now...with all her good qualities and bad qualities. She accepts herself as she is at the moment..whcih means she actaully have a lot of good self esteem.
Ill make plenty of mistakes in my life..probably bigger mistakes Ive already made. I have confidence it that.
Its will known that women mature emotionally faster than men.
Im not sure what ur age range perfernce of men would be..
Maybe you might try seeking older men 5 yrs older than you. Its not a garantee becuase everybody mature at their own pace. Just a suggestions..more options.
I do understand where ur coming from..becuz I too was a shy guy and kept to myself and yes I can admit I had very poor self esteem and was co dependent or emotionally draining for my partners.. I hid my shyness in other ways too. I was out going and had an active life style..but I didnt realy let people get to know the real me.But I wasnt all bad or totally mess up.
My self esteem or confidence didnt just grow on me..I had to work through a lot of changes or evolved as a person.
Im 44 and my GF is 29...somewhere alone the line Im have enough guts. Courage or confidence to ask younger women out. And I wasnt shy about it.
She dosnt stay with me becuz Im an irogant ******* thats for sure. I treat her wiht the most repect and dignity of being a woman. We bounce off of each other.