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Limlim said:
Sex on demand would be pretty cool though. I think we'd probably put an end to war if such a thing could be accomplished.

Hello? Is this the sex on demand service?

I'd like to place an order, please. A very hot brunette, slim, petite...oh you have? 15 mins? Okay! :D

Now I'm going to prepare to put on my flame suit, lol.
...Sex on demand? So you want someone to lay there all day and all night to screw.... I think there are services for that. Luckily for you most take very good care in their services, in maintenance and knowledge of their specialty.

"Many Pharaohs have laid in that tomb..."

I understand the "getting none, while others get all" idea. But really... As Alienated put it ever so awesomely... Do you REALLY want what THEY all have had?

I knew a girl who'd lay with anything with a penis. Sadly three of them were people I knew. One comes up and says with such a pathetic look on his face... "I had to ask her... Am I in yet?!" the second came up probably a month later and said, "I did a bad bad thing. I had sex with her. Well... I think I did. I didn't feel anything. And it's a train wreck down there!" And the third... Well basically the same thing, except used a "plastic bag" as the lovely image of "down there's looseness". A close estimation of guys she was with since she was 11... Probably 150+. She's now... 19? I think?
Don't listen to that rsd honeysuckle. Think about how many of those women actually thought they were going to be in a relationship. You're essentially leading them on. I and most people don't respect that. I've poisoned my mind watching that garbage. If you have female friends that flake out on you, you should not hangout with them at all, along with asking their friends if they have done the the same to them as well.

Then here is my personal gripes with it, player clothes, really? You mean I have to change how I'm dressed or my choice of style just to get people to have sex with me? I'm not saying that you shouldn't wear a button down flannel shirt on your own accord. A woman should appreciate your style and if they don't, she is shallow.Eventually, you'll find that the only time a player gets rejected is when a woman sees through his bull crap and won't deal with it.

I hate the fact the these people are looked up to. Courting a woman has become a game apparently basically. In turn, the women feel as if they have to do the same i order to get into a relationship. not trying to say that all of them do.
Senamian said:
I knew a girl who'd lay with anything with a penis. Sadly three of them were people I knew. One comes up and says with such a pathetic look on his face... "I had to ask her... Am I in yet?!" the second came up probably a month later and said, "I did a bad bad thing. I had sex with her. Well... I think I did. I didn't feel anything. And it's a train wreck down there!" And the third... Well basically the same thing, except used a "plastic bag" as the lovely image of "down there's looseness". A close estimation of guys she was with since she was 11... Probably 150+. She's now... 19? I think?

I've heard differing accounts about the elasticity of the vagina, so I wouldn't talk about how her "looseness" is tied to her looseness. Only these women, and their doctors, know the real truth. (always made sense to me anyway that if men have different junk sizes, women do too)
You would be surprised by the amount of people who lie about getting laid all the time. People who generally go out and try to get laid every weekend or so, probably barely remember what happens because they get so **** smashed, they can't remember honeysuckle! There is not pure glory!
sex? what is that? I vaguely remember hearing about it, a long time ago...
At least cake on demand?
Senamian said:
I knew a girl who'd lay with anything with a penis. Sadly three of them were people I knew. One comes up and says with such a pathetic look on his face... "I had to ask her... Am I in yet?!" the second came up probably a month later and said, "I did a bad bad thing. I had sex with her. Well... I think I did. I didn't feel anything. And it's a train wreck down there!" And the third... Well basically the same thing, except used a "plastic bag" as the lovely image of "down there's looseness". A close estimation of guys she was with since she was 11... Probably 150+. She's now... 19? I think?

I feel sorry for her. Truly. Anyone who has had that many partners at such an age has some issues to work through. Emotional attachment-type issues, I'd suspect. :(

1584 - Incidentally, you may not believe this but nonstop sex every day would get really boring after a while. There is nothing in the universe so exciting that a nonstop diet of it wouldn't bring on terminal ennui.

As the old saying goes, "Give a man a fish & you've fed him for a day. Give him fish every day, & pretty soon he'll want a different entree."
Men are praised for having multiple partners. The ones that do have insecurities too. While I have insecurity from not having a car, thought I do need one to go to and from school.
You have to complete life on ( hard ) difficulty first.

Sorry, when I read the title I immediately thought of a computer game.

Sex Smex....

Overrated, as Leaningintothemuse will happily tell you.

Right muse ?

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