Why don't women ever approach men?

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theraab said:
Since when is anything in life fair? The women aren't the ones making it unfair - complain about the guys who have balls enough to talk to those women, because they are the ones who are making it unnecessary for women to make the first move.

Frankly, the sort of guy who complains about how women don't make the first move (for whatever reason) rather than going out and talking to women or making themselves more desirable for women isn't the sort of guys that women are going to approach anyway.

Maybe that's the problem - it isn't that women don't approach guys - it's that women don't approach guys who don't otherwise have the guts to approach them.

women only approach men who approach them... um... doesn’t that result in the same lopsided situation?

You’re affirming dated gender roles, which wouldn’t be so bad if there were still "safe" ways for men to take on said roles. I get the impression men could approach women a few decades ago and not be completely slammed by her and her friends if she wasn’t interested. Now it’s like ‘creep-shaming’ is common for non-creepy but socially inexperienced or just plain unattractive men. That’s a no-win for many of us ; to start off disadvantaged appearance wise and can’t develop the necessary social skills to compensate without going through the ringer first.

Having nasty things said about you is unpleasant no matter who you are, how thick skinned you’re meant to be. A lot of women aren’t as mature, thoughtful or empathetic, when it comes to this, as you might find on these forums.
With some of these responses that I read, do some guys honestly wonder why women don't approach them? Because, let's face it... Guys are approached by women. So the issue isn't that. The issue is that certain guys say certain senseless things, and then wonder why. Christ me, when does common sense kick in with this topic?
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
I understand and appreciate all the points that contradict and agree with the OP, but then also understand that people are bloody stupid.

How is it your right to decide that all people are stupid, and act a certain way?

The same way it's your right to decide that I have those rights?
A person can be smart, I find those people quite common, however everyone at some point in their life is completely retarded (there's even scientific reasoning behind it iirc)

Btw you're not the first person to question my "right" to do or suggest something I'm not doing or suggesting. Is there something in my choice of words here?
OK...I think this thread (and others like it) can only go so far before they become fairly pointless and just a place to do verbal battle. Actually, some of them should never have been created in the first place.
Don't be surprised if any of you notice that these combative threads are shut down a lot faster in the future.
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