TheSkaFish said:
Peaches said:
f I had to decide now I would say no, this guy is an artist, very interesting spirit, but my feeling is that he doesn't have his **** together b) after knowing a person, I can come to like them even if they are not my type physically (and this is vastly the case with this guy) because of their personality, but I can't have a romantic interest if i don't know a person and this behavior is bringing me a lot of anxiety.
Peaches - I'm sorry if you feel like I'm putting you on the spot here, but help me figure this out:
A guy can be smart and interesting and that can be enough to make up for average or below-average looks. You can also enjoy conversation with him. But that is still not enough. What is a person like that missing?
Is this guy failing with you because he doesn't have his **** together, as you say? Or is it because he is sending you too many long messages with pictures and you feel it is too much too soon? Or something else? It seems like there is some hierarchy of traits going on here. Looks are not as important as smarts, personality, and conversation skills, which themselves are not as important as having the basics covered and taking a measured pace in getting to know you.
Correct me if I'm wrong but that's what I'm reading here. I'm not trying to figure YOU out, just saying, this is the way it seems to go for everyone.
I ask you because I find myself in this position a lot and it's beyond frustrating. From a guy's perspective - just when you think you have covered all your bases, you come to find you've covered nothing at all.
ehm, I am sure the "not having his **** together" varies vastly from woman to woman, I know one who doesn't consider anyone who is not 10 years older with a steady job for 15 years, large income and respectable hobbies like golf etc (daddy issues, anyone?)
I am much more democratic and in this case am talking about things like:
being incapable to holding a job and planning every few months to move country, being scammed regularly by con men that everyone else recognizes and then spending years (not sure about the years) afterwards with bitterness and depression, clearly overly dependent and (the main red flag) possibly emotionally unstable, quite overweight and not interested in healthy living (which for me is kind of vital because of my health), seems naive in relationships (he is 39) as well as quite insecure and doesn't give the feeling that he would be a solid companion with independent opinions and not instead someone who collapses at the first difficulty and relies on you for everything.
Also I find him a tad on the overly serious side, bordering to heavy.
I just said "doesn't seem to have his **** together" to avoid making a list of criticism
I am not saying this poor chap is all the above, otherwise even a friendship would be difficult to sustain, but I can sense some of these things in the air, and I still have to discover to what degree he has them (which ones).
Some things you don't mind in a friend (who doesn't have a friend with terrible taste in men/women or a bit of a drama queen?) but are a no-no in a relationship, and what we are taking about here are not just appearance, smarts and education, that after all are also superficial, or common themes to bond on, but about
character, moral strength, maturity, courage, kindness, (this guy seemed kind, but you also need some click and attraction, yes?) emotional stability (ESPECIALLY that), capacity for independent thought, curiosity and interest into self improvement, and - now I can't think of anything else.

it is so clear that my only company in the future will be cats, with these standards
Anyway, I am sure this list has nothing to do with you, Skafish
and I am sure that for a lot of guys *I* don't have my **** together, it's all completely relative, also some people thrive on clingy (not me).
Why do you say that you find yourself in this position a lot? People tell you you don't have your **** together? As I said, for many girls that has usually to do with having a job/wanting to settle down etc, you are still young to have ALL your **** together