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That means you're not attractive as a male. You're a good companion, but not an attractive man.
AnotherLonelyGuy said:That means you're not attractive as a male. You're a good companion, but not an attractive man.
TheSkaFish said:AnotherLonelyGuy said:That means you're not attractive as a male. You're a good companion, but not an attractive man.
Well, how do I change that? The obvious ones are I need to get a job and hobbies. But something tells me it's not that simple. My looks I'd say are neutral - they don't necessarily help me but they don't hurt me either.
TheSkaFish said:AnotherLonelyGuy said:That means you're not attractive as a male. You're a good companion, but not an attractive man.
Well, how do I change that? The obvious ones are I need to get a job and hobbies. But something tells me it's not that simple. My looks I'd say are neutral - they don't necessarily help me but they don't hurt me either. My experiences have made me a negative and angry person always expecting the worst, but then again, I keep getting proven right so acting any other way just doesn't make any sense to me.
This **** happens every time I meet a girl I like, same ******* way every time:
1. we meet and start to talk a little bit
2. she warms up and we start having more regular conversation
3. we get to know each other and start really opening up, having long talks and laughing together. she starts saying a bunch of sweet things that make me feel like we're getting somewhere.
AnotherLonelyGuy said:But, I can tell you this - fix whatever makes you feel "in charge", then go to girls and be in charge. It works.
I have a lot of things to do to solve that, you don't have as many.
What I mean by this is that there's something that you need to have to feel in charge. You know what that something is for yourself, I do not. Get that something, or fix that something, and then BE in charge, don't act, BE.TheSkaFish said:What do you mean by this? I mean, this is the root of the "girls like bad boys" thing. They can be crummy people, but they act in charge and that is a higher priority than being nice or sweet.
You say you have a lot of things to do to solve that, what do you mean? You have a lot of things that you are an expert on and thus in charge, or a lot of places you can go where you have a lot of influence, or what, exactly?
AnotherLonelyGuy said:And during the time she laughs and stuff, but before saying sweet things (sweet things are death kisses), you should touch her, show her you desire her, take the initiative from her, let her be what she is - a woman. You must be hot, not sweet.
And you know what's hot ? Feeling in charge. So fix whatever's keeping you from feeling in charge, from feeling "king of the world". If it's money, get money, if it's looks, hit the gym... and so on.
I mean... that's what I know. Personally I only need money and to hit the dentist.
ardour said:AnotherLonelyGuy said:And during the time she laughs and stuff, but before saying sweet things (sweet things are death kisses), you should touch her, show her you desire her, take the initiative from her, let her be what she is - a woman. You must be hot, not sweet.
And you know what's hot ? Feeling in charge. So fix whatever's keeping you from feeling in charge, from feeling "king of the world". If it's money, get money, if it's looks, hit the gym... and so on.
I mean... that's what I know. Personally I only need money and to hit the dentist.
All you're doing is re-enforcing obnoxious male role cliches. Why must a man always take the initiative, even in the face of unclear and easily deniable signals?
What Skafish is describing is sadly true, I feel his pain; we get on well for a while, and then suddenly she won't even say 'hi' any more. Damn I've had that before. It's nothing to do romantic attachment with me, although it might be in his case. I must simply say the wrong thing and they decide I'm not worth knowing, or they never liked me to begin and got tired of putting on an act. Anyway it's nasty and dishonest. Women who behave that way need to be *called out on it*, not get proxy support from comments like yours.
TheSkaFish said:Peaches said:Why do you say that you find yourself in this position a lot?
Also I find myself in the position that these guys you meet are in. I'll meet these girls and we'll have things in common and are able to get along and talk for a while and they will act like they enjoy talking to me. They act like they enjoy having me in their lives. But I'm never able to create a real relationship, I'm never able to build anything more than that - just talking.
TheSkaFish said:AnotherLonelyGuy said:That means you're not attractive as a male. You're a good companion, but not an attractive man.
Well, how do I change that? The obvious ones are I need to get a job and hobbies. But something tells me it's not that simple. My looks I'd say are neutral - they don't necessarily help me but they don't hurt me either. My experiences have made me a negative and angry person always expecting the worst, but then again, I keep getting proven right so acting any other way just doesn't make any sense to me.
This **** happens every time I meet a girl I like, same ******* way every time:
1. we meet and start to talk a little bit
2. she warms up and we start having more regular conversation
3. we get to know each other and start really opening up, having long talks and laughing together. she starts saying a bunch of sweet things that make me feel like we're getting somewhere.
Peaches said:... Women love guys who do their stuff and are unapologetic about it. ...
Peaches said:this is very interesting, to spice that up have you tried around 3 to get some other interest? I mean, exactly at the time when you probably think about her all the time, do something to occupy your mind? Behave a tad unexpectedly? Not saying to play hard to get, mind me, but still not be 110% available? Do some nice unexpected gestures but then don't be too "present"? If you are honestly busy with something, that is the best thing. Well, yes, hobbies are good for you. I have no idea of how you act with these girls, but as you read about the clingy guy and thought about yourself perhaps you feel some kind of connection, that means you know in some way what you think is going wrong.
AnotherLonelyGuy said:Peaches said:... Women love guys who do their stuff and are unapologetic about it. ...
= guys that dominate the scene and are in charge.
Thank you for saying it differently.
AnotherLonelyGuy said:There's no support here for women. You fail to understand that when you're dominating the scene because you have what you need to feel like you own the place, it doesn't really matter what the woman wants anymore. It only matters what you want. And even if she would reject you, you wouldn't care, 'cause your well being isn't coming from her, it comes from something else.
Why do you people insist on try to get girls by having a nice little discussion about crap ? Has that ever worked for you ? For me it didn't, so I just say some ****, funny **** if something funny comes to mind, get close, make a little bit of fun of her, make a little bit of fun of me, touch her, play with her, and at some point, kiss her.
ardour said:So women find a man's full humanity unattractive. Only through being aggressive and pretending you don't give a **** will you have a chance.
Just great. You can have that point of view.
Zett said:It's not about pretending or being aggressive, it's about being invested in yourself. If you value yourself to the point where your happiness is dependent on your own identity (ie. being happy with yourself) and not someone else's opinion you'll be in a position of strength that is both attractive and emotionally stable.
When you're happy with yourself and I mean that and not deluded which seems to be the way a lot of people seems to picture the kind of person that attracts a woman, you are just not going to be desperate. You aren't going to obsess over one person and you will be prepared to move on if it doesn't work out.
That is symptomatic of being well with yourself and I think that's why so many guys find it so hard to get out of the trap they're in. They're too concerned with faking the behavior of a person who is happy with themselves instead of addressing the root concern which is the fact that their self esteem is not where it needs to be. This is why I stress that it's about the root issue and not the symptomatic concern. You are the way you are because of your internal beliefs. If you think you're incompetent you will display symptoms of this belief. The way you speak, the way you act is all connected to these roots.
You can be happy with yourself and still be a nice guy...
ardour said:So you might ask then, if it's healthy to be happy alone then why bother seeking out a partner at all? This reasoning seems self-defeating; you're only fit to have something when you don't want it. But if you allow yourself attachment to another then caring about what they think is unavoidable, since it's that that will determine whether there's any relationship. Part of your self-esteem is going to be in their hands, I don't see any other possibility unless you genuinely don't care for or even like the person you're with (not ideal)
ardour said:Someone who's compatible will have MORE power to hurt you since you'll naturally have higher expectations for the relationship. In the end if you'll be taking a chance no matter who it is, sailing through it all in a state of detachment isn't going to happen.