would you or wouldn't you

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Yeah after I get my new knockers 👌

Would you marry someone who can't speak the same language as you?
Yes but I don't know that I would sleep in the jungle...for sure not by myself.

Would you accept money, lets say $100, from some random person at Christmas?
I've never heard of such things existing... I don't think so.

Would you cross the ocean in a medium sized boat (6 passenger cabins (4 doubles 2 singles), crew, and captain) (with an experienced captain and capable vessel) if we didn't have a functioning commercial air travel system anymore? You can't afford a single cabin either :( .
No, I wouldn't get on that boat in the first place.. I'm good (y)

Would you rather live in a climate that stays hot (80-90 degrees) all year round - or climate where the highest it'll get in July is a whopping 70 degrees?
I have several times, they did, they got out, looked my up, and thanked me for doing it. The military is great for troubled youth.

Would you send your own kid to kids boot camp if they were behaving really bad?
Yes but the one here the child has to agree to it and they can leave whenever they want. The private ones are different but crazy expensive. Luckily, my kid is a sweetheart and I never had behavior issues with him.

Would you be on that show Naked and Afraid?
I went in my youth and have taken my son to several but I don't plan on going back to one.

Would you pick something up off the side of the road that looked like it was still in good condition?
No, inventor has never been on my to do list.

Would you eat fast food everyday if it was free?
Yes definitely.

Would you be offended if you prepared an elaborate and labor intensive meal for someone and they barely ate anything at all?

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