Lebowski said:
lol, sorry to ask this but how do you get someone to come to dinner with you? i didnt know that was possible. cant imagine what that conversation would be like
Not only is asking your shrink out to dinner is a conflict of interest,
your HMO won't allow it.
A conversation with a hooker is peaceful. Hookers have
manners and don't talk with thier mouth full.
A conversation with a babe you have the hots for islike you being the fucken shrink. You have to listen
to her talking about Billy Joe Dell Hoe breaking her heart and stealing her virginity.
Oh..asking her out to dinner.
You just say....
Hello, are you bussy tonight ?
No..you're not avaliable. U have an engagment already.
Oh..maybe we can do lunch and each other on Tuseday ??
Cool...you're free on tuseday for me and lunch.
What...I have to call in sick on tuseday too ?
Really...you would do that for me ?
That's so kind of you. You such a nice girl.
What ???
Oh okay....I'm posting a reminder note on my *****....
"get carrots and cucumber by Tuseday.."
Yes..yes..I won't forget...carrots and cucumbers.
Btw..what kind of lunch are you going to make with carrots and cucumbers ?
Oh...you'll show me on tuseday...
Tuseday it is....