Would you rather..

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Would you rather have a paper cut on your finger or a stubbed toe
UCXB - paper cut I think...
WW - Singer

Would you rather visit or be visited?
none. hm. I can`t choose. If I visit, I can decide when to leave, aka fast, if I am visited, it`s more comfortable and I don`t waste time on the way there.
The passive side wins: be visited.

Would you rather live on Mars or the Moon?
Mars. I wouldn't have minded being a part of the Mars One mission, but I have to admit that I'd miss my family.

Would you rather be in a relationship that wasn't working or completely alone?
I'd rather be completely alone than feeling alone in a relationship.

Would you rather live in a kind of messy but bigger house or an organized micro apartment?
Definitely an organised micro-apartment.

Would you rather do something passive like read/watch TV or active?
Difficult choice. I`d rather be active and write but lately all I did was reading.

Would you rather cook for others or for yourself?
You usually meet a better class of people on a plane, but I hate flying, so it's a 50/50. If I don't have to deal with complete morons, then the train.

Would you rather do or delegate?
depends on the taks. delegate for the smaller ones, do the bigger and important ones.

would you rather yell or cry?
Cry (I hate yelling!)

Would you rather say "I don't know what that means" or guess an answer to a question someone asks you that you have no knowledge of?
I`d say I don`t know what that means. Happens a lot and I`m long past that phase where I need an image.
Would you rather work at home or in an office?
In an office, I guess, I'm lonely enough as it is.

Would you rather tell a white lie or be cruel to be kind?
hm. tell the truth in a kind manner, if possible.

would you rather be told a white lie or an ugly truth?
be told an ugly truth. white Lie for me makes no difference from a 'real' lie

Would you rather express your feelings to someone and feel awkward after OR just keep your feelings to yourself?
I'd rather express my feelings to someone--I don't mind telling people how I feel or what I'm like.

Would you rather eat chocolate for dinner or salad?
right now salad.

would you rather receive jewelry or perfume as a present?
I'd rather receive a jewelry. I can bring it to pawnshop when I'm broke. :p

Would you rather eat a sumptuous exotic delicacy or a burnt steak?
I'd rather have the sumptuous delicacy than even a perfectly cooked steak. I have nothing against a nice steak, but it's always good to broaden one's horizons.

Would you rather repeat a question you know you've asked in the past or simply stop playing the games for a while?

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