Yeah, another "Never had a girlfriend" post

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AnotherLonelyGuy said:
No woman will want anything to do with a man, if that man begs for attention, dates, sex and so on.

This is NOT an opinion. It is a generalization and it's wrong.
I don't give a **** if you've dated 1000 women, that still doesn't give you the right to speak for other people and how the hell does you sleeping with women mean you can speak for them?
But yes, all women are liars and it's only possible for a man to know what they really want by ******* them. Okay, I understand now, I see the error of my ways. I will now lie down and worship any man that tells ME what I really want or what I really mean. How dare I actually think I am the only person that knows what I want. :rolleyes:

And btw, I'm lonely by choice too, what the **** does that have to do with anything?
Revengineer said:
I hate those commercials with a passion. They're just as bad as all those ads for beauty products targeted towards women, as it exploits the socially ingrained insecurity in men that they are inherently worthless unless attractive women desire them. Obnoxiously overpowering man-perfume accomplishes nothing of the sort.
The ones for females are far worse :p
But I mentioned this one not for the sake of the damn perfume, that message was important, it's a standalone message, you can take it out of context and it will still have the same meaning - stop begging.
Only stupid men think they're worthless unless desired by women.

TheRealCallie said:
This is NOT an opinion. It is a generalization and it's wrong.
I don't give a **** if you've dated 1000 women, that still doesn't give you the right to speak for other people and how the hell does you sleeping with women mean you can speak for them?
But yes, all women are liars and it's only possible for a man to know what they really want by ******* them. Okay, I understand now, I see the error of my ways. I will now lie down and worship any man that tells ME what I really want or what I really mean. How dare I actually think I am the only person that knows what I want. :rolleyes:

And btw, I'm lonely by choice too, what the **** does that have to do with anything?

Why is it that what I write you take it as me trying to tell YOU or other women what you like ? Don't you realize I don't give a crap about what you like ? I don't know you, I have no interest in finding out what you like, so why are you bothering me ? I am not telling you what you like, I just tell other men what I've noticed females like. Is that a crime ? Should I refrain from telling them these things, 'cause they might wake up from they pink fantasy about being nice and cuddly ?

I don't care why you're lonely, I've just given you the base for my posts.

I think you dated men who broke your heart or wouldn't do what you wanted them to do, otherwise you wouldn't react so harshly to my posts, especially because they are not about you.

Maybe you, like a good little liberal, would like to share with me why it's wrong to state general rules about people's habits.
AnotherLonelyGuy said:
The ones for females are far worse :p
But I mentioned this one not for the sake of the damn perfume, that message was important, it's a standalone message, you can take it out of context and it will still have the same meaning - stop begging.
Only stupid men think they're worthless unless desired by women.

If you interpret it as "don't be needy and desperate," then yes it's a useful message in the general sense. If you take the phrase literally however, it almost sounds as if it's encouraging men to disregard women's boundaries. After all, real men "don't ask" so they are free to take whatever they want. That is (supposedly) what women truly desire anyway. I can see how that could make women uncomfortable.
Shiloh253 said:
You're probably right. This whole thing was a bad idea from the start, I'm apparently just one of those guys who's not meant to be with anyone.

Nah, I don't buy this. Shiloh, there is no book that says you MUST be with someone by the time you are 20. So you should not be putting yourself down for having not ever been with a girl yet. You sound so defeated for someone that has barely started adulthood.

My brother was in your boat. He didn't have a girlfriend until he was around 22. And today he is 27 and has had many girls come and go. None of us ever judged him, nor looked down on him when he was just doing his own thing at the age of 20. And eventually, that part of his life began to take shape, it just so happened to be a little later than others.

I say keep your head up and keep moving forward. Since you are away from home, join meetup dot com and start meeting people in real life that are interested in the same activities that you are interested in. Getting involved in things will move you in the direction that you want to be.

AnotherLonelyGuy said:
TheRealCallie said:
This is NOT an opinion. It is a generalization and it's wrong.
I don't give a **** if you've dated 1000 women, that still doesn't give you the right to speak for other people and how the hell does you sleeping with women mean you can speak for them?
But yes, all women are liars and it's only possible for a man to know what they really want by ******* them. Okay, I understand now, I see the error of my ways. I will now lie down and worship any man that tells ME what I really want or what I really mean. How dare I actually think I am the only person that knows what I want. :rolleyes:

And btw, I'm lonely by choice too, what the **** does that have to do with anything?

Why is it that what I write you take it as me trying to tell YOU or other women what you like ? Don't you realize I don't give a crap about what you like ? I don't know you, I have no interest in finding out what you like, so why are you bothering me ? I am not telling you what you like, I just tell other men what I've noticed females like. Is that a crime ? Should I refrain from telling them these things, 'cause they might wake up from they pink fantasy about being nice and cuddly ?

I don't care why you're lonely, I've just given you the base for my posts.

I think you dated men who broke your heart or wouldn't do what you wanted them to do, otherwise you wouldn't react so harshly to my posts, especially because they are not about you.

Maybe you, like a good little liberal, would like to share with me why it's wrong to state general rules about people's habits.

General rules? Whose?
Around here, we call that generalizing someone based on their sex and it's not tolerated. I suggest you keep that in mind in any future posts you make. So what you've dated some women. That doesn't give you the basis to judge the majority NOR the minority.

And to suggest that a woman expresses an opinion about your generalizing the sexes because she "dated men who broke your heart or wouldn't do what you wanted them to do" is utter fallacy.

A number of your comments have been seen as highly misogynistic.
You are in mixed company here - please keep that in mind when posting.

Ps. The comment below has to be the biggest pile of poop I've ever read.

You can only learn what they want by trying to date them, sleep with them and so on, not by listening to them.
That really was quite a painful sentence to read. But I understand what you're getting at - it's often more revealing of one's true intentions or desires when put into practice, rather than theory. It's often in the practical sense that people learn about each other, as well as themselves. Key word: people. Penis-bearers do it too!

I'll tell you what I want what I really really want so tell me what you want what you really want I wanna huh I wanna huh I wanna huh I wanna huh I wanna really really really wanna zig ah zig ahh.
Apologies on behalf of the UK for that horrific crime against music. But hey we did give the world Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin.
painter said:
Apologies on behalf of the UK for that horrific crime against music. But hey we did give the world Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin.

Kudos for PF and Led Zep. :D Well deserved!
painter said:
Apologies on behalf of the UK for that horrific crime against music. But hey we did give the world Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin.

Now I'm going to have that silly song going through my head the rest of the evening! Thanks for nothing! :D

AnotherLonelyGuy said:
You again ?
I'm sick of this. Make me. Report some ******** about me being sexist so that I get banned and you can live in your quiet fantasy. Either that, or come with some arguments, not just the "you're not a woman, so don't say what they like or what they don't like". I am not a woman, but I've dated women, had girlfriends and so on. That's why I can say ****, because I had to learn what they want.
How many women have you dated ? How many girlfriends did you have ? The "I'm a woman, I know what women want" is ********. What women say they want rarely is what they really want. You can only learn what they want by trying to date them, sleep with them and so on, not by listening to them.
Of course, not everybody is the same, but there are general rules about what people do. They apply to the majority. What the majority does is obvious, because in this age we have news, media, magazines, we know lost of people 'cause of internet, that and we have our own experiences. So, yes, there are general rules. I am therefore speaking about the majority. If you're not part of it, I don't understand why you keep catching fire every time I post stuff.
Maybe you've already guessed that my loneliness is more of a choice, than an impossibility or lack of skill to end it if I want to. However, that doesn't take away my right to state an opinion.

Ahem- I'd like to take a moment and clarify that the opinions and riddles of ALG are not representative of all males.

That is all.
WildernessWildChild said:
AnotherLonelyGuy said:
You again ?
I'm sick of this. Make me. Report some ******** about me being sexist so that I get banned and you can live in your quiet fantasy. Either that, or come with some arguments, not just the "you're not a woman, so don't say what they like or what they don't like". I am not a woman, but I've dated women, had girlfriends and so on. That's why I can say ****, because I had to learn what they want.
How many women have you dated ? How many girlfriends did you have ? The "I'm a woman, I know what women want" is ********. What women say they want rarely is what they really want. You can only learn what they want by trying to date them, sleep with them and so on, not by listening to them.
Of course, not everybody is the same, but there are general rules about what people do. They apply to the majority. What the majority does is obvious, because in this age we have news, media, magazines, we know lost of people 'cause of internet, that and we have our own experiences. So, yes, there are general rules. I am therefore speaking about the majority. If you're not part of it, I don't understand why you keep catching fire every time I post stuff.
Maybe you've already guessed that my loneliness is more of a choice, than an impossibility or lack of skill to end it if I want to. However, that doesn't take away my right to state an opinion.

Ahem- I'd like to take a moment and clarify that the opinions and riddles of ALG are not representative of all males.

That is all.

That is very comforting to hear
WildernessWildChild said:
Ahem- I'd like to take a moment and clarify that the opinions and riddles of ALG are not representative of all males.

That is well worth repeating, so i will just quote it rather than restating it.
Minus said:
WildernessWildChild said:
Ahem- I'd like to take a moment and clarify that the opinions and riddles of ALG are not representative of all males.

That is well worth repeating, so i will just quote it rather than restating it.

Hear, Hear!
sk66rc said:
Point is, you just don't know what will cause for you & a girl to really click... When you try to push the issue, people in general can be slightly turned off by it... Be yourself & have fun... Things will happen on their own...

The thing is though.. my entire life I've basically taken this advice and just sat back and did nothing. And that led to nothing. So then.. what to do?

(Although there is a major asterisk here... I've extremely limited social experience, if there's an activity anywhere, odds are I'll not be there.. basically I've shut myself out from the world.)
AnotherLonelyGuy said:
You again ?
I'm sick of this. Make me. Report some ******** about me being sexist so that I get banned and you can live in your quiet fantasy. Either that, or come with some arguments, not just the "you're not a woman, so don't say what they like or what they don't like". I am not a woman, but I've dated women, had girlfriends and so on. That's why I can say ****, because I had to learn what they want.
How many women have you dated ? How many girlfriends did you have ? The "I'm a woman, I know what women want" is ********. What women say they want rarely is what they really want. You can only learn what they want by trying to date them, sleep with them and so on, not by listening to them.
Of course, not everybody is the same, but there are general rules about what people do. They apply to the majority. What the majority does is obvious, because in this age we have news, media, magazines, we know lost of people 'cause of internet, that and we have our own experiences. So, yes, there are general rules. I am therefore speaking about the majority. If you're not part of it, I don't understand why you keep catching fire every time I post stuff.
Maybe you've already guessed that my loneliness is more of a choice, than an impossibility or lack of skill to end it if I want to. However, that doesn't take away my right to state an opinion.

Unfortunately this has some truth to it. One of the women I work around sees her boyfriend every break, I think he's a student... but anyhow, he's one of the most cold, sullen faced individuals I've ever seen and he speaks to her with something close to contempt. Yet she's fawning all over him. Being quite a 'normal' person you would never guess she'd like this type of guy.

This is actually quite depressing, because it seems like being all-round decent, outgoing and positive doesn't guarantee anything or even increase your chances of finding more than friendships.
ardour said:
One of the women I work around sees her boyfriend every break, I think he's a student... but anyhow, he's on of the most cold, sullen faced individuals I've ever seen and he speaks to her with something close to contempt. Yet she's fawning all over him. Being quite a 'normal' person you would never guess she'd like this type of guy.

This is actually quite depressing, because it seems like being all-round decent, outgoing and positive doesn't guarantee anything or even increase your chances of finding anything more than friendships.

I don't see how your example of the woman with the jerk could lead any man witnessing this to be depressed or frustrated about his own lot in life. After all, she chose the drama-queen of a boyfriend, so she can damn well live with that decision.

Meanwhile, I will continue to associate with people who are kind, thoughtful, uplifting, and interesting, and not give women like the one in your example another moment's thought. (Unless I was her good friend, in which case I'd tell her to dump his ass and find someone who treats her with respect, for crying out loud.)
Stating general rules gives people a system of reference. When opposed to that system, they are faced with something they are trying desperately to avoid : RESPONSIBILITY. Of course it's your fault for what happens to you when dealing with other people, because, in our civilised society, YOU let it happen.
And, yes, for the record, I am only speaking on my behalf. I thought it was common knowledge that everyone speaks only on his behalf. Hopefully it will do some good for the ones lost in modern day liberal lies. It's time for everybody to grow up, even if they don't want to. Life has a way to teach people to mature, if they want to do something with it, instead of whining that the others are mean, they hurt their feelings or they aren't doing what these spoiled brats would want them to do.
Case said:
I don't see how your example of the woman with the jerk could lead any man witnessing this to be depressed or frustrated about his own lot in life. After all, she chose the drama-queen of a boyfriend, so she can damn well live with that decision.

These mismatches are everywhere though. It means you can't focus your efforts on those (you would think) might want you. The right match isn't right or he's lacking the one thing she needs/wants.
AnotherLonelyGuy said:
Stating general rules gives people a system of reference. When opposed to that system, they are faced with something they are trying desperately to avoid : RESPONSIBILITY. Of course it's your fault for what happens to you when dealing with other people, because, in our civilised society, YOU let it happen.
And, yes, for the record, I am only speaking on my behalf. I thought it was common knowledge that everyone speaks only on his behalf. Hopefully it will do some good for the ones lost in modern day liberal lies. It's time for everybody to grow up, even if they don't want to. Life has a way to teach people to mature, if they want to do something with it, instead of whining that the others are mean, they hurt their feelings or they aren't doing what these spoiled brats would want them to do.

Hmmmmm I won't say anything more.. I think enough has been said here but I just want to add that perhaps the way you put your opinions and experiences makes you sound like a misogynist. Doesn't mean you're one... just how you put it across I guess.

painter said:
That really was quite a painful sentence to read. But I understand what you're getting at - it's often more revealing of one's true intentions or desires when put into practice, rather than theory. It's often in the practical sense that people learn about each other, as well as themselves. Key word: people. Penis-bearers do it too!

I'll tell you what I want what I really really want so tell me what you want what you really want I wanna huh I wanna huh I wanna huh I wanna huh I wanna really really really wanna zig ah zig ahh.

Rofl. You goof. For some odd reason I feel like I can hear your voice with that song, even though I don't know how you sound like :O

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