Jessicat said:
We should play Russian roulette with energy drink haters.
I actually had a low-grade heart attack in part of energy drinks when I was 28. Admittedly, I spiked them with caffeine pills, but in my defense I was working 3 jobs at the time and accidentally got my timing and scheduling all mixed up. Had I not had to coordinate 3 jobs in 1 day, a rocky relationship, and a dysfunctional family life, I probably wouldn't have woken up in the E.R. two years ago and gotten billed around $1,700 for an EKG and a couple shots. Admittedly, I should've probably known better, I was born with a heart murmur and arrhythmia, but every man in my family is stubborn, and I guess I'm no different. Seriously though, that hurt like a sonofabitch, the puking wasn't even the worst part of the pain, it's more like puking and then still not being able to catch your breath because by default you feel like you're under water. I've never been in that much pain before and so I don't really **** with that kind of crap anymore. Just be careful, is all I'm saying. I don't want anyone else to have to go through something like that.
BadGuy said:
Trump has all the Russians playing
Do you watch Netflix
Yes, though, sparingly...I like Stranger Things and Black Mirror. I catch the occasional sci-fi original, but I mostly use Netflix to stream documentaries and/or sci-fi/horror. I've found some really awesome stuff on there though. I probably shouldn't publicly admit this with all that's going on but: A friend of mine lets me use his account, which I do, and if I find something I like enough, I'll go pirate it for later in the event of an issue with net neutrality. I do this quite sparingly, actually, as I'm both pretty goddamned poor AND trying not to get arrested before the U.S. government decides that it's going to enslave us all via the IRS taking everything over, including the government itself...err...I mean, "Where's my income tax money??" hurrdeedurr...
Do you read, or ever visit the local library to poke your head around and find some books?