Under the dirt, that’s my home ⚰️
It’s okay, you can be rude lol I am often sure I was born in the wrong time. My mum said, it wasnt as glamorous as I think, and that if her grandad went to work in a poorly ironed shirt everyone would think my grandma was a bad wife… I remember thinking… how strange… so would I.I don't mean to sound rude, but that's almost a 50's mindset. I've never met anyone, and I've met thousands in my life, who ever thought that way. The world of today is incompatible with that line of thinking.
If you walked into a Feminist meeting, they'd probably berate you no end. If it's what you believe though, fine with me, good on you.
That still doesn't tell me what an actual, clear cut benefit to marriage for a man actually is. You can have love without it, stability without it, faithfulness without it. It was a society thing 50 years ago, but today, I really don't see the point.
Beyond a little girl's fairytale story. Which I think has a lot more to do with that than anything else.
I am no feminist and yes they all hate me lol, men are superior and thats my honest belief. Dont have to treat them that way because of laws, but lol truthfully, if it was a survival situation 5 women would be clinging to 1 man, sharing him … go to any tribe… none have 1 wife in fact they think the idea is hilarious.
Thats the natural order of things, but we can all fight our nature, pretend we are more than apes all we want