Moving to Vancouver city with just a few luggage cases/bags

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2020
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I'm moving there in just a couple weeks. Gonna take a plane from Cranbrook. I'll be 'homeless' for a month or so upon getting there, just to build up a little extra money (Cuz it's summer, and the warmest month of the year).

I am just wondering if anyone could give me some good ideas of what to do with my luggage, like, where could I temporarily store it for that time, so I'm not stuck wheeling it all behind me, then guarding it at night (Gonna have everything I'll own in it, and the largest of the cases is about 4 feet, by 2 feet wide and 1 foot deep). I obviously still want to save money, so I don't want to have to spend more than 50 bux to store it, if it can be helped that is.

PS: I don't know anyone in Vancouver city, I've barely got a friend, and I'm not really talking with my family right now. People have a bad habit of assuming that everyone has friends and family that are just tripping over one another to help them, but that's not always the case..
If you’re on a tight budget, you may not be able to afford the natural wonders of Vancouver. On the other hand, if you have a job locked down, go for it.
If you’re on a tight budget, you may not be able to afford the natural wonders of Vancouver. On the other hand, if you have a job locked down, go for it.
"natural wonders"? Anything 'natural' should be free. But if you're talkin bout checking out a movie at the Imax, yea, I may need to limit myself on that. Movie costs are outrageous lately. As for anything that involves drinking, I don't. So that's out.

It is expensive compared to a small town, but at least there's area to explore, malls to visit, sights to check out .etc. If I stay in this small town any longer, I will literally die from sedentary lifestyle. I've been here three years now, and my health has seriously gone downhill.. I've gained a gut, and I sweat this solid oily ****, and that just makes me feel gross AF pretty much all the time..

I'd rather be tight for cash, than 6 feet under. Idk why people talk against living in cities so much, when the only thing small towns are good for is woodsy people and a place for people to go to die. Can't get nothin done. can't go anywhere, can't even get a fukin driver's license (So I can go anywhere but here)..

Sides, if this next move don't make me happier in life, I'm moving outta this damn country. I've learned a lot about social psychology and socializing, in this past few years. So if I can't get friends or even a partner after the move, then it really is time to give up on Canada (friendly country, my ass).

I digress though. I really just need to know a good place to store my luggage next month. Not have more people attempt to gas light me into thinking it's a horrible idea. My mother did that last time I talked to her, and even suggested that I just leave all of my belongings that I've gathered over the years, at age 41, and go live with her again.. It was certainly wonderful knowing that she cared more about having a reliable roommate than about her son's future.. She's never believed in me in the first place, and been pretty clear about that..

Sorry. Didn't intend to come across as hostile at all. I just need someone to support me in my decisions and be helpful, instead of just telling me the equivelent of 'you should just stay stationary, and die already.. '.
... I've learned a lot about social psychology and socializing, in this past few years. ...

... Not have more people attempt to gas light me into thinking it's a horrible idea. ...

... Sorry. Didn't intend to come across as hostile at all. I just need someone to support me in my decisions and be helpful, instead of just telling me the equivelent of 'you should just stay stationary, and die already.. '.
That's not how, 'gas lighting,' works. I know that term has become trendy; however, it is misused, in this context; and it's very very misused these days, unfortunately.

What you are dealing with, sounds to me, like, people disagreeing with you, not believing in you (on a multitude of possible levels), and all the stuff that comes with people who not only don't understand you, but don't want to make the effort to. Or, they are incapable of understanding you.

The actual definition has to do with a concerted effort and conspiracy, either by a singularly malicious person, or a group of malicious people, to drive some one insane, for the purposes of benefiting in some way: monetarily, for revenge, to gain status, or out of shear cruelty.

"Not have more people attempt to convince me it's a horrible idea." Is a much better sentence. It's grounded in the reality, of the words, language, and their meaning, that we all share. Unfortunately ignorance seems to spread like wild fire. Anyway...

As for the rest...

What you are doing sounds very, very brave. I only dream about doing something like that... The only thing I can think of, is maybe hit up Craigslist, or some kind of communication channel, to get in touch with people in the area, and ask if they will hold on to your things for a while till you get set-up. Of course, that is a risk, a gamble, and it's unlikely anyone will reply. You could try the same here; but, this place is a bit of a ghost town anymore. Other than that, I think you'd have to pay for storage, or, find a very hidden away place, and just hide your stuff and hope nobody finds it and steals it...

I don't know if I can support you in any meaningful way, but, I applaud you. I wish I had the nerve to do what you are doing... Good luck..

Maybe some one here, who is financially secure, would be willing to spare you the change to have your stuff stored for a month? I'm broke, unfortunately..

Good luck man...
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I'm moving there in just a couple weeks. Gonna take a plane from Cranbrook. I'll be 'homeless' for a month or so upon getting there, just to build up a little extra money (Cuz it's summer, and the warmest month of the year).

I am just wondering if anyone could give me some good ideas of what to do with my luggage, like, where could I temporarily store it for that time, so I'm not stuck wheeling it all behind me, then guarding it at night (Gonna have everything I'll own in it, and the largest of the cases is about 4 feet, by 2 feet wide and 1 foot deep). I obviously still want to save money, so I don't want to have to spend more than 50 bux to store it, if it can be helped that is.

PS: I don't know anyone in Vancouver city, I've barely got a friend, and I'm not really talking with my family right now. People have a bad habit of assuming that everyone has friends and family that are just tripping over one another to help them, but that's not always the case..
Hey Xephier102,

Since you're going to be homeless for a bit, I would suggest contacting the Salvation Army in Vancouver or another similar social organization. Here's a link to the Salvation Army website, British Columbia locations - there's a whole list of locations in Vancouver, including their thrift stores, housing and shelter, etc:

But I gotta ask - why the move to such an expensive city? I'm local to you (Kootenays) and I know the rental situation in Cranbrook and area is crazy. But it's even crazier in Vancouver. I worry you're stepping into a potentially bad situation. But, I guess that's not really my business, is it? :unsure:

I wish you luck, Xephier102 - take care of yourself. If you need help with finding any other resources, shoot me a message. I can't offer much in the way of support, but happy to do some research and help you find phone numbers/contact info. :)
I'll be 'homeless' for a month or so upon getting there, just to build up a little extra money (Cuz it's summer, and the warmest month of the year).
You could be HOMELESS much longer than a month !
You sound like an angry young man with NO real PLAN.
Vancouver will eat you up in a heartbeat...

Good luck,'re gonna need lots of it.
Unless you have skills to offer employers, it will be tough to knock on doors with your RESUME in hand.
Your first stop should be the WELFARE OFFICE for some help.
Boxing skills are handy if you end up at a men's shelter !
How's that for honesty?
That's not how, 'gas lighting,' works. I know that term has become trendy; however, it is misused, in this context; and it's very very misused these days, unfortunately.

What you are dealing with, sounds to me, like, people disagreeing with you, not believing in you (on a multitude of possible levels), and all the stuff that comes with people who not only don't understand you, but don't want to make the effort to. Or, they are incapable of understanding you.

The actual definition has to do with a concerted effort and conspiracy, either by a singularly malicious person, or a group of malicious people, to drive some one insane, for the purposes of benefiting in some way: monetarily, for revenge, to gain status, or out of shear cruelty.

"Not have more people attempt to convince me it's a horrible idea." Is a much better sentence. It's grounded in the reality, of the words, language, and their meaning, that we all share. Unfortunately ignorance seems to spread like wild fire. Anyway...

As for the rest...

What you are doing sounds very, very brave. I only dream about doing something like that... The only thing I can think of, is maybe hit up Craigslist, or some kind of communication channel, to get in touch with people in the area, and ask if they will hold on to your things for a while till you get set-up. Of course, that is a risk, a gamble, and it's unlikely anyone will reply. You could try the same here; but, this place is a bit of a ghost town anymore. Other than that, I think you'd have to pay for storage, or, find a very hidden away place, and just hide your stuff and hope nobody finds it and steals it...

I don't know if I can support you in any meaningful way, but, I applaud you. I wish I had the nerve to do what you are doing... Good luck..

Maybe some one here, who is financially secure, would be willing to spare you the change to have your stuff stored for a month? I'm broke, unfortunately..

Good luck man...
Not so sure what's brave about it. I hate my life, I always have, so frankly, running away from something I hate, is the easiest thing. The only difficult thing about it is when I pull a ******* move and buy way too much stuff before setting down solid roots. Since it's been made such a damned pain to move on a low budget these days.. Gotta pay thousands for a moving truck, or sell all your stuff (like I'm having to do). Then the situation of getting a place. I'd get one before I go, but pretty much all landlords these days want you to view the place before renting it.. So like, these people renting low income apartments, expect people to fly their private jets across the province to view the apartment before moving across the province.. Some real fukin genius work..

As for the gas lighting thing. I'm a bit tired now to figure out if I used it correct or not, but it very much is a reality in modern society. People are constantly gas lit by large corporations and the government, through use of the mass media (TV/Movies/Video games), to believe stuff that will either A: help the gov maintain power, B: clean up the PR of corporations, and maximize their profit margins. And if you don't believe me on that, I'd be happy to offer a handful of examples when I'm not on the verge of passing out.
Hey Xephier102,

Since you're going to be homeless for a bit, I would suggest contacting the Salvation Army in Vancouver or another similar social organization. Here's a link to the Salvation Army website, British Columbia locations - there's a whole list of locations in Vancouver, including their thrift stores, housing and shelter, etc:

But I gotta ask - why the move to such an expensive city? I'm local to you (Kootenays) and I know the rental situation in Cranbrook and area is crazy. But it's even crazier in Vancouver. I worry you're stepping into a potentially bad situation. But, I guess that's not really my business, is it? :unsure:

I wish you luck, Xephier102 - take care of yourself. If you need help with finding any other resources, shoot me a message. I can't offer much in the way of support, but happy to do some research and help you find phone numbers/contact info. :)
I'll have to check it out, thx.

'Expensive city'? It's the only metropolitan city in BC.. Since I was born and raised in Calgary Alberta; I only really see 'cities' as cities when they've got the large city center. Otherwise, to me at least, they just look like large towns.. I mean, it's not like when you live in a large town, people are like "I'm just gonna go into the city" cuz there's no "city" to go into..

That said, it's not that expensive in comparison. At least not since the major rent hikes in the past few years. Sure, I'm paying 650 for an apartment in Kimberly, but this is a tiny-ass town, there's piss all to do here, it's a bit of a ****** apartment, and I've kinda grandfathered the rent cost over the past few years. I believe some of the other apartments are going for 1k+. If money was all I cared about, and I didn't care about living, or being happy, I'd stay here, but living in this place is literally killing me. I've never felt more welcoming of death in my life.. And I don't feel so great physically..

But yea, the diff between a small town, and a city, in terms of rent these days, is just maybe 2-300. So it may mean being stuck with shared accommodation, and making regular trips to the food bank, or worst case scenario, getting a part time job, so I can be treated like slave trash by a mix of teenagers, and fast food lifers. But I'd still rather that than this, at least that would enable me to move around. Cuz right now, I'm just like a shark sittin still, waiting to die, along with whatever potential I had as a person to make a difference in this ****** world.
You could be HOMELESS much longer than a month !
You sound like an angry young man with NO real PLAN.
Vancouver will eat you up in a heartbeat...

Good luck,'re gonna need lots of it.
I'm almost 42. Unless you're 60+, I'm not exactly a young man, and even if you are, that's relative, and I sure as **** don't feel young..
Also, just FYI, I did this exact same thing when I moved to Toronto a decade ago. That's why I'm asking for advice now on the luggage. Cuz that's the biggest pain is having to lug my belongings around by hand.

Also, Vancouver will not 'eat me up'. Maybe you're American. I think it's more American cities that eat people up. That's never been my experience at least, but then, I'm a city boy at heart. Also, I'm not some clean cut twit that's just experimenting here. Frankly, at this point in my life, nothing really scares me anymore. Actually, the only thing that does (apart from spiders.. obviously.. Do not post pictures of spiders, I will report your ass, Just sayin.. ), is the thought of dying without ever having accomplished anything to make it so it was even worth living my life in the first place. I want to be remembered when I'm gone. But not in the Osama Bin Laden sorta way. More like.... I guess the Dalai Lama, is the best example I can offer. There's so few famous people that have put any true goodness into this world.. Anyways, I digress.. I just don't want to be another waste of a life on this planet.. I mean, when you suffer, it's gotta be for something, equal yet opposite reaction an all..
Unless you have skills to offer employers, it will be tough to knock on doors with your RESUME in hand.
Your first stop should be the WELFARE OFFICE for some help.
Boxing skills are handy if you end up at a men's shelter !
How's that for honesty?
I'm on disability. 'boxing skills' really? Are you one of those types that actually thinks there's a 'big bubba' waiting at every prison to **** you the moment you enter the showers? Not sayin it doesn't happen, but it's not nearly as common as you think.. Or like I said, you live in Murica! things be pretty ****** there. I actually had someone tell me that there's children in the homeless shelters there.. Blows my mind.. Here if a child is found without a home, they end up in a group home or foster home. They don't stay homeless unless they don't want to be found, and stay away from the police, or any authority.

But seriously, none of that **** scares me. I'm not just being cocky. I have been **** on my entire life. So I'm not the timid kid I used to be. What's more. I have a much deeper understanding of human psychology these days. What I've found is that if you treat people like humans, regardless of how they look on the outside, most will treat you in kind. Course some are just plain manipulative, or psychos, and will screw with you either way. there's ways to avoid the bulk of those, but it's many complexities, and I seriously need sleep.
Not so sure what's brave about it. I hate my life, I always have, so frankly, running away from something I hate, is the easiest thing. The only difficult thing about it is when I pull a ******* move and buy way too much stuff before setting down solid roots. Since it's been made such a damned pain to move on a low budget these days.. Gotta pay thousands for a moving truck, or sell all your stuff (like I'm having to do). Then the situation of getting a place. I'd get one before I go, but pretty much all landlords these days want you to view the place before renting it.. So like, these people renting low income apartments, expect people to fly their private jets across the province to view the apartment before moving across the province.. Some real fukin genius work..

As for the gas lighting thing. I'm a bit tired now to figure out if I used it correct or not, but it very much is a reality in modern society. People are constantly gas lit by large corporations and the government, through use of the mass media (TV/Movies/Video games), to believe stuff that will either A: help the gov maintain power, B: clean up the PR of corporations, and maximize their profit margins. And if you don't believe me on that, I'd be happy to offer a handful of examples when I'm not on the verge of passing out.

What governments do, is more on the order of, 'propaganda,' 'manipulation,' 'scare tactics,' 'brain washing,' 'disinformation,' 'seeking opportunity in crisis,' 'scapegoating,' etc..

Now, if something like the CIA or the NSA was out to get you, and you specifically, for whatever reason, they might attempt to, 'gaslight,' you, for example: Susan Lindauer went through the experience of being, 'gas-lit.' Her reputation is still tarnished by that experience.

So yeah, you, and the vast majority of people, are not using that term properly. I suppose, it could be argued that some governments (USA for example), are nearly, if not completely, hell bent on literally driving their constituents insane. However, 'gas lighting,' is something that happens to a singular individual, and is a conspiracy specifically tailored to that individual, to target them individually. One's attempt to drive a large number of people crazy, would be more closely related, psychologically, to the phenomena of a cult. There may, probably be, more specific terminology, to describe that phenomena; but, I wouldn't know the terminology. It's a different ballgame however related, perhaps, but different.

Anywho. Good luck on your endeavors, man.
But isn't gas lighting a tool used by cults? The entire concept circles around making someone believe that any idea in conflict of the ones they feed you, is a break from normality, and/or sanity. I had a 'friend' attempt to gas light me around my ideas involving political and corporate corruption. He'd basically tell me to just 'go with the flow', or that the concept of corporations intentionally utilizing practices to rip people off, is 'insane'. He'd even laugh at me, after I'd try to explain such things to him. It was literally driving me insane until I managed to get him out of my life.

This was an act done on an individual, by an individual, but engineered on a mass scale by the larger entities (government/corporations).

It has also been theorized that this is why so many mental illnesses are popping up in the modern day. When one is stunningly aware of the truth, but the majority attempt to convince them that they're wrong, and even insane for seeing things in that way, then either conformity, or insanity becomes the inevitable end.

I suppose your stance against this being considered as gas lighting, is because the ones doing the gas lighting, have been systematically brainwashed, and are therefore unaware of the toxicity of their actions. However, if you're brainwashed to murder someone, the action is still referred to as 'murder'. The verb does not change due to the cause or intention of the action.
But isn't gas lighting a tool used by cults? The entire concept circles around making someone believe that any idea in conflict of the ones they feed you, is a break from normality, and/or sanity. I had a 'friend' attempt to gas light me around my ideas involving political and corporate corruption. He'd basically tell me to just 'go with the flow', or that the concept of corporations intentionally utilizing practices to rip people off, is 'insane'. He'd even laugh at me, after I'd try to explain such things to him. It was literally driving me insane until I managed to get him out of my life.

This was an act done on an individual, by an individual, but engineered on a mass scale by the larger entities (government/corporations).

It has also been theorized that this is why so many mental illnesses are popping up in the modern day. When one is stunningly aware of the truth, but the majority attempt to convince them that they're wrong, and even insane for seeing things in that way, then either conformity, or insanity becomes the inevitable end.

I suppose your stance against this being considered as gas lighting, is because the ones doing the gas lighting, have been systematically brainwashed, and are therefore unaware of the toxicity of their actions. However, if you're brainwashed to murder someone, the action is still referred to as 'murder'. The verb does not change due to the cause or intention of the action.
If you truly want to know what gaslighting is, watch the film, "Dangerous Crossing." That film is the definition of what, 'gaslighting,' is. It's a really good movie too.

Some one trying to convince you that moving to a new city with no friends, little money, and few resources, is not trying to, 'gaslight,' you. They are just giving you their opinion. They are naysayers at worst and concerned for your well being at best; and, realistically, perhaps both, to varying degrees.

What you are describing is more akin to the movie, "Tenacious D and the Pick of Desinty." The main character wants to, 'rock,' but his family, 'doesn't get it,' and, 'doesn't approve;' so he strikes out on his own to make a life for himself, on HIS terms. It's just naysayers, everyone has them...

As for the rest. No. Cults and propaganda are different phenomena. That's why there are words to describe them. I don't have a, 'stance,' for or against whatever you said being, 'gaslighting.' If you called an orange an apple, I'd tell you it's not an apple, it's an orange. It's not a matter of position, stance, or opinion. It's a matter of fact.

It's really not that deep of a subject. It's just the understanding of a word and it's meaning. Now, if enough people forget their history or are ignorant, the meaning of that word could change, because the majority will adopt a new meaning for it; but, I remember the meaning of that word, and I'm letting you know. heh.

Anyway, yeah, good luck.
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