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I would never have guessed that I'd be asked to do, not one, but two difference memorial tribute videos in the same week. My best mate's father passed away and then our good neighbours' son. I hope things don't really come in threes. That would also make my next bike ride crappy since the last two had bike malfunctions that ruined my ride.
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Was viewing some old posts today as I was looking something up.

A few years ago, ALL was having a little bit of a renaissance.
There was a really fun, friendly vibe going for a little while.
It's too bad most of those people have since left now.
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Once upon a time a guy asked a girl " will you marry me? ". The girl said "NO" and the guy lived happily ever after and rode motorcycles and went travelling and played guitar and cricket a lot and drank cider and whiskey and had loads of money in the bank and left the toilet seat up and farted whenever he wanted. THE END.

I can't believe she said no 😢
Guys! seriously I'm cut up here. I asked a girl to marry me and she said NO .... she'll still let me touch her boobs, so maybe it's not all bad ;)
I used to like summer as a kid, because of summer vacation, and lightning bugs.
Now I like the colder seasons because the heat and humidity are just lousy.
I worry about the heat destroying my possessions.
I really feel like the summers are hotter, and more humid, than they were when I was a kid.
So far there have only been a few bad days, yesterday and today being among them.
But I worry, because it's not even proper summer yet.
That's a good question. Sunlight can help one manage anxiety, so maybe the bright days contribute to my relaxed moods? I never thought about it before, to be honest.
Yeah, see, I'm a freak and sunlight does the opposite for me. lol
I do understand that the sun is quite popular with most people, though.
I can be good for a while, years even. I'll talk more, laugh more, sleep and eat normally. But then something happens, it's like a switch turns off somewhere and all I'm left with is the darkness of my mind, and each time I sink deeper and deeper and I'm scared .... so bloody terrified that one day I won't make it back up

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