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I went bowling tonight for the first time in I don't know how many years.

I used the 10 lb ball. I don't know how to do any spin, or other crazy throws. I just throw it straight.
I didn't do too well, but I got one strike at least.
I had a good feeling about it because I knew I got the form right that one time.
I wish I did better, I was trying. But it was fun. It makes me want to go more.
I went bowling tonight for the first time in I don't know how many years.

I used the 10 lb ball. I don't know how to do any spin, or other crazy throws. I just throw it straight.
I didn't do too well, but I got one strike at least.
I had a good feeling about it because I knew I got the form right that one time.
I wish I did better, I was trying. But it was fun. It makes me want to go more.
I'll play you. I usually score about 260.

Wait, that's golf. Bowling is closer to 35. I always mix those two up.
I am thinking 2 and a half years away and not much has changed. Do you ever feel like you are stagnating?
Yep. I try to make things happen, to create new pathways, alleviate my challenges, but nothing seems to work. I’m stuck where I am and not just feeling like I’m stagnating, but rotting away inside without people realising and one day the rot will reach the surface and I’ll drop dead, seemingly all of a sudden to everyone else.

Hello btw, we’ve not conversed before. 🙂
I want to know how to turn this “creepy” attraction to women in their 20s off as it’s making making me miserable. Everywhere I go there are young women and younger people in their social circles. It’s a constant reminder of the life I missed out on. Whatever I do, I can't seem to move on.
What is my dogs fascination with my CPAP machine... I find a mask I can use to sleep and the little poop chewed it up. They have plenty of chew toys. I replaced it and now he's eyeing it again...

Oh and also, 3 years after I asked my doctor they finally did a test and discovered I have severe sleep apnea. That's why I was getting migraines so often. I still get them occasionally, but only once or twice a year instead of 3 days a week almost every **** week. Oh the relief! 😌
Man these phone problems I was having today were a real pain in the balls.

Thank goodness it's over.

After working for a while, then I charged it, the phone went back to not making keyboard, locking, or picture-taking sounds.

It seems I spoke too soon...

And we're back in business again!
I must have turned off the little ringer switch on the side, when I took off the case to clean it.
It's not a damage or software issue after all!

Thank you Apple support forum! Woo! 😌
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Man these phone problems I was having today were a real pain in the balls.

Thank goodness it's over.

After working for a while, then I charged it, the phone went back to not making keyboard, locking, or picture-taking sounds.

It seems I spoke too soon...

And we're back in business again!
I must have turned off the little ringer switch on the side, when I took off the case to clean it.
It's not a damage or software issue after all!

Thank you Apple support forum! Woo! 😌
The ringer has given me so many grandma moments over the years
If I just zigged instead of zagged, my life would be completely different now.

I feel ya.

I often wonder what would have happened if, in college, when I clicked on that Peak Oil conspiracy theory website, I just said "this is boring/stupid" and clicked the red X out of there, and went back to my life.

Or if when I started thinking about anti-capitalism, instead I thought "but I want to buy Transformers and other geekery..." and just changed thoughts.

Or if as I kid I never got so into a certain phobia, and just tried to do what all the other kids were doing.

I'd probably be an accountant now, not rich but doing at least OK, I'd have my geek stuff, and MAYBE even one of my dream cars.
I'd probably still be lonely/not have enough personality to attract a woman, but the rest of my life would at least be livable.

(On the downside, without having enough time to re-evaluate my life, my thoughts on dating and women might not be so great, though. I'm glad I outgrew that.)

That's the thing - I never WANTED to give up. I just thought, it was over, and there was nothing I could do. And that's when I lost the wind in my sails.
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My neighbor at my Mom's house put a big Trump flag up for the 4th weekend.

It took real mental effort not to break out into Nelly's "Pimp Juice", every time I walked past it.

He'd just be sitting there grilling, and I'd burst out of the bushes like

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Does anyone else tend to overthink the fresia out of everything when someone you know dies?

Certain things, like where my life's headed and my current state of being. Not that I don't think about those topics outside of funerals, mind you. They're just at the forefront when hearing that someone passed away.
I will NOT jump to conclusions and make it into something it's likely not. There are perfectly good reasons. Though, I will ask before I dive in head first with what I need to say.

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