If your your an average guy, things suck, and theres nothing you can do

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I think I can see what you're talking about but at the same time I can adapt to honeysuckle and forget how I used to be in a way. Don't know why I'm trying to argue against dudebro nonphonyry but here's this cool video. He's what I imagine when I hear dudebro.

I do all the things that guy does.
Have been for 40 years.
Working out.
Automation at work (certainly stuff he cannot even fathom).
Making a good living.
And my life is still pretty depressing.
I dunno...maybe it's just me...
I think things become impossible past of certain point in life and it's easier to just not try and avoid the gauntlet of judgements that are inevitably going to be applied.

Women our ages avoid us because of the inexperience and what it suggests, but younger woman who go with older men usually do so because they assumed they're mature and have their honeysuckle together. Of course that couldn't be further from the truth for older forever alone male who is usually an emotionally stunted, depressed mess with less experience than an average teenager. Past 27 or so the % of women of any (legal) age willing to give that man a shot would be in the single digits.

If your your an average guy, things suck, and theres nothing you can do​

There are so many things about women and relationships that I do not understand and I can't even hope to mention all of them right here and now. Let me start with a couple of them.

1). When women get together they seem to always complain about ther respective men with comments like, "He's so damned typical! He infuriates me to no end!" Well, I wonder how it is that all of their men are so "damned typical and infuriating"? Those men are in a relationship so maybe it's a good thing to be a damned typical man? :oops:

2). We can all agree that mistreating a woman is a bad thing, right? Right. But why do so many women go from a realationship with such a man and then end up with another one just like the first one. I consider myself to be a kind person. When I love a woman I adore her. I'ver never beaten or even hit a woman. So, why do women who've been in violent relationship not appreciate me but leave me instead? There must be something to learn from it but what is it? :unsure:

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