I agree 100% with that.
Here's what did this weekend.
- booked a Chinese grad student/model/part time escort for 1 hour
- met 5 friends for dinner & drinks at one of Manhattan's best steak houses
- went to a couple of bars, where another of our friends joined us
- got home late
- rested & recovered from hangover
Monday (today - it's now a holiday for some reason):
- booked an extremely cute Japanese escort for 1 hour
- had late lunch and a large bottle of sake at a Korean restaurant (had the Gopchang Jjigae)
- stopped off for a Gin Martini at Cipriani's before catching the train home.
I "lived a little" this long weekend.
And I'll get up and workout early tomorrow morning.
Sake and 1 Martini will not lay me out.
You lived a hell of a lot more than I do. I mostly just ******** around on these forums and do this or that, around the house... heh.
I smoked some pot in my dreams last night though! Maybe that counts!? lol
Cheers mang.
I talk a big game, on the forums; and, I do have experience behind certain areas of knowledge. But, the life and living part? I think for me, fear is the biggest hindrance; and I think it's the same for a lot of struggling men. I'm not one to do the following myself; but, it's easy to play off misfortune as being because, "I'm a nice guy and nice guys finish last." Or to get caught up in being, 'a victim of circumstance.' Men aren't nice, generally. Neither are women for that matter. We're all pretty cruel and unusual creatures at one point or another, hopefully not too often; but, we are. We have our good side and our bad side. But, we all generally have our, 'hang-ups,' and our, 'fears,' too. And we have the cards we are dealt, and we have how we play them. More on that later...
Quiet types, especially, will struggle. Because, a big part of what our culture represents to us as, 'living,' or, 'success,' is within the domain of the socio-sexual circuit. And within that domain, there is unavoidable competition, and unavoidable risk that must be taken. Getting up on stage to sing some drunk karaoke for example, takes a bit of gumption; but it's a lively, in the moment sort of thing (generally, within moderation). Luckily booze can help with that. Overcoming prejudices, preconceived notions, or small-mindedness, is tough too; luckily there are mind expanding drugs for that (though they are largely still frowned upon and illegal.) And besides those sorts of routes, you have the old, and worn paths of: mysticism, divination, prayer/meditation, religious/philosophical traditions, fasting, abstinence, or the hanging up-side-down from a tree branch for 12 hours, sort of weird places people will take themselves some times, counseling, therapy, psycho-analysis, and all that sort of thing, to reach a new level of consciousness and realization. And some times it's as simple as just having new and varied experiences, or physically being somewhere else for a while. That's why people go on, 'retreats,' and things of that nature, or, 'vacations,' or, 'backpacking through Europe,' or, 'moving to a new state/country, extended out of town stays, etc..) So, there are those aspects, and how they relate to hang-ups and the attempt to overcome them.
So, there are all sorts of things one can want out of life. And then there is the hand you are dealt. And then there is how you play it. I see poker players do it all the time, even good ones. They'll loose out big, and blame cheating, or call the player names, or really just act like total pricks (even if they are acting, as part of their deception ploy, to win; it's still in poor taste, and unnecessary, IMO. I'd rather loose, than have to put on a believable act that I'm an as*hole; but, that's me (though maybe I'm just bullsh*tting myself?)). When the truth, the majority of the time is: they lost to a worse player, because of luck. IMO, a truly good poker player, isn't necessarily the best at the game. A true player, is a gentleman, under all circumstances. That doesn't mean he's a push-over. It means, he's a (or she, etc..), a, 'good sport.' They know, "it's a game." They don't wager more than they can afford to lose, and if they do make that mistake, they own it, and work to get back to the good place. And they learn from the mistake, so they don't have to repeat it.
So, that's my bullsh*t talk. But, beyond the bullsh*t. I think a lot of us are afraid. So we come up with excuses, reasons, and rationalizations to not face those fears. It's really, really difficult, some times, for some people, to approach a member of the opposite sex and ask them out for coffee, or to tell a friend you have more than friendship feelings for them, or to leave a difficult relationship, or to change jobs, or to start all over again, or to get out there and dance, or to sing, or risk making a fool of yourself. That list could go on and on. And that's okay too, to a certain degree. It's part of the game. It's, 'the fox and the grapes.' We all bullsh*t others and ourselves, from time to time, to varying degrees.
But, don't confuse the bullsh*t for reality/Truth. Bullsh*t around sure; but, the point is, not to get so caught up in your own bullsh*t, you forget, or don't recognize it as bullsh*t anymore. It ain't gold and silver. It's poppycock. heh.