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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. TheSolitaryMan

    Every relationship is worse than the last

    Personally it sounds like a combo of low self-esteem and getting too attached to people too quickly. I know couples who have been together over a year and still don't admit they're "in love". Feeling that way too quickly is a sure recipe for someone taking you forgranted IMO. Also if you feel...
  2. TheSolitaryMan

    Whenever I try to open the door to sensuality/sexuality I just get burned :\

    Thanks for the replies, guys. It's good to know it's sort of normal, I guess! :) Just seems like all my friends did all this stuff years and years ago. None of them understand my hesitancy with it all - so I never tell them the whole story because it's just embarrassing really :rolleyes: To be...
  3. TheSolitaryMan

    Whenever I try to open the door to sensuality/sexuality I just get burned :\

    Well hello all. Me again! Back for the time-honoured tradition of a little bit of a moan...and secretly 'cos I miss you all *snuggles* :D I've been dating a few girls on and off. It sounds terrible, but a lot of the time I've been going on dates just because I'm really, really bored. Having...
  4. TheSolitaryMan

    Had a bomb dropped on me last night. Sorry for the length.

    Sounds like a really unfortunate turn of events, sorry to hear about this. I really liked a bi girl a few months ago and we went on a few dates. We clicked so well, but at the back of my mind I was thinking "What if she ends up loving me, but doesn't desire what a guy can give her?" Not that...
  5. TheSolitaryMan

    Ideal date, yet I feel horrible!

    Ha, this is probably true. I've never had a "proper" romantic kiss, so I literally have no idea when to go for it. Plus the hugs I did go for were oddly rushed. Fail :rolleyes2: I'm going to hold out (there's no one else in my life right now anyway!) but I imagine it's probably game over. It's...
  6. TheSolitaryMan

    Ideal date, yet I feel horrible!

    I sent her a text yesterday, 'cos calling just feels awkward (she's probably not free to chat?) No reply, though. Ah well.
  7. TheSolitaryMan

    Ideal date, yet I feel horrible!

    So last Thursday I had a date with this girl I've liked for a while. We met up, talked for about half an hour over coffee and then got some dinner at a nice place. We didn't flirt physically so much as we did previously (given it was a first date, I think), but she still seemed really...
  8. TheSolitaryMan

    Strange date okcupid!

    I've found OkCupid is pretty terrible to be honest. I've been on there 7 months and haven't had a single date. Lots of rude/creepy/passive-aggressive people though. Online dating seems to just be all the worst BS of dating (the shallowness, the most ephemeral conversations, the repeated...
  9. TheSolitaryMan


    Yeah, my apologies, the whole "maybe I should be an arsehole" thing was a really dumb comment. I blame it on my (equally dumb!) frustration when I first posted :rolleyes: I think what I actually need to do is twofold: become more assertive, and stop wasting time on people that come across as...
  10. TheSolitaryMan

    I Probably Don't Understand

    I think loneliness comes in many different forms. It's entirely possible to be married and with kids and be just as lonely as someone with no friends, it just comes in a different (equally painful) guise. If you lose that connection to other people, even your loved ones, you can be just as...
  11. TheSolitaryMan


    Well...yes and no! I'm 24 and I've never had my first kiss. I get numbers but I don't really know what to do with them (I know how silly that sounds, lol), and on the rare occasion girls flirt like crazy with me they've always rejected me if I show my interest back in any way more serious than...
  12. TheSolitaryMan

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    Everyone on this board is so cute! :D
  13. TheSolitaryMan


    Well, I've been at parties talking to girls and they're normally quite happy to share numbers after 10-15 minutes to be honest. The last three parties I've been to, I had two numbers a night! But tbh I've never had a date, so what do I know, eh? :P And this girl was being very suggestive, not...
  14. TheSolitaryMan


    I think I must just be unlucky with the girls I meet, but I've noticed girls seem to mess me about a lot. I don't know why. I'm nice but I'm not spineless at all, certainly not like some guys I know who just bow to girls like they're totally superior or something. In fact, I consider myself...
  15. TheSolitaryMan

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    Well thank you. Quite the complement from a fiery redheaded temptress *shameless winking* :P
  16. TheSolitaryMan

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    Very pretty :) Here's me posing in the sun with my ridiculous new shades :P
  17. TheSolitaryMan - a success :)

    This is awesome! Put a big smile on my face ^^
  18. TheSolitaryMan

    Questions for the Women

    Quick one for the ladies on here, if I may :P Why do girls who like a guy then ignore his attempts at conversation? Both in real life and online dating. Find it quite odd, I've met girls who stare at me from across the room or smile at me, but when I engage them in chit-chat they just act like...
  19. TheSolitaryMan

    why would someone...

    Sounds to me that the guy is just one of these egotistical narcissists who loves telling other people how fantastic they are. My Dad bumped into an old workmate in a supermarket recently and the guy just talked for 10 minutes about himself, didn't even bother asking after my Dad. Classic...
  20. TheSolitaryMan

    The Smile Police

    I haven't been told to smile, but I have, several times, been asked by colleagues if I'm "alright" when I pause to think. Which I find really irritating. When I'm trying to multi-task about 5 things at once in the middle of a working day, I don't understand why it's so unusual to just require...