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  1. freedom

    the wierd things that you do

    i think i'm at my wierdest when i play with my niece, lol. we could be at the park, and i'll be running around pretending to be a dinosaur or a bear, and i'll make funny faces and noises. it's all in good fun though. the people sitting on the benches probably think there's something wrong with...
  2. freedom

    the wierd things that you do

    yeah, i've done this ever since i was a teenager. someone once broke into our house while we were out on vacation and cleaned us out. there are probably more wierd things that i do that i think are normal, lol.
  3. freedom

    the wierd things that you do

    lol, yeah. i actually thought about deleting this thread after admitting to all these wierd things that i do. i was like, "what was i thinking?", lol.
  4. freedom

    the wierd things that you do

    that's not that gross. i used to have long hair and i would suck on my hair all the time. also, i never open my curtains. they're always closed.
  5. freedom

    the wierd things that you do

    what are some wierd things that you do? let's make a list. me first: 1. i get a kick out of scaring and chasing cats 2. i like to eat alone. i will not eat if other people are in the break room at work. 3. i practice signing my signature when i'm bored (usually on the palm of my hand) 4. i play...
  6. freedom

    is not wanting kids really that weird?

    yeah, people will laugh at you for saying such things. they laugh at me every time i mention it, or look at me like i'm the reincarnation of hitler. i totally agree with what you're saying. as for finding a woman that also doesn't want to have kids, that's the tough part. the only one's i know...
  7. freedom

    Staying single?

    i was actually talking to a co-worker about this earlier today. i'm single by choice, and i no longer believe in marriage/long-term relationships or any of that crap. i used to want to marry some day and have a family and move in with someone and all those things that my family and the rest of...
  8. freedom

    Does anyone feel detached from everything?

    i feel that way. i feel like "a pilgrim in a foreign land". i haven't a friend in the world. i have no peace, no patience, everything bothers me. it's hard being me.
  9. freedom

    My life is destroyed...

    i don't mean to turn this into a racial thing, but you also have to keep in mind that your ethnicity plays a role in how tall or short you are. i'm mexican-american, and my height is pretty normal among other people of mexican heritage, but i'm short compared to most white or black people, and...
  10. freedom

    Is it wrong to be glad someone is dead ?

    not at all. guys like sadaam, bin laden, and hitler deserve to die.
  11. freedom

    What's the saddest film you've ever seen?

    this is the first one that comes to mind:
  12. freedom

    My life is destroyed...

    i've been there, bro, in the exact same situation that you just described. it's hard to move on when you have such strong feelings for someone. most people will tell you things like "she's not worth it" or "forget about her", but they have no idea what you're going through and what you feel for...
  13. freedom

    Why Do You Think That So Many Marriages Fail These Days?

    there's no one reason. it's always for a lot of reasons. you're absolutely right about marriage not being sacred anymore. i mean, people meet, party, get hammered, then get married on the fly in VEGAS by an elvis impersonator. how can people imagine that they should get married that way? i...
  14. freedom

    This is when I feel most lonely...

    i think that many of us here go through that. i go through it everyday. i have no one in life to talk to. there are people at work that i sometimes talk to, but they don't really listen to me. when they do listen, i can't say three sentences without them laughing at my despair and saying things...
  15. freedom

    I Don't Think Osama Bin Laden Is Dead

    the only reason why i think they would keep him alive would be to vet him to gain intel on his organization's operations. just my two cents.
  16. freedom

    How often do you think about death?

    i think about it just about every day. and suicide too.
  17. freedom

    What Do You Want For Christmas?

    like mariah carey's 1994 mega-succesful hit sais: "all i want for christmas is you". all i want for christmas is you...
  18. freedom

    30 and Gay? - your life is now over.

    i've never read any of your other threads, but i have to agree with what Callie is saying. just because you're gay and 30 doesn't mean that your life is over. you've got plenty of good miles left in you. we are all in the ruts that we're in because we want to be. i, for example, WANT to be...
  19. freedom

    Is it too soon?

    if you're sure that she's a complete novice to relationships, then you probably have a good shot at getting a yes from her if you ask her out. i would go ahead and ask her out. it sounds perfectly fine to me. good luck!
  20. freedom

    Keeping in touch with an ex.

    i, for one, don't keep in touch with any of my exes. it's not that we're enemies or anything, most of my relationships ended amicably, but keeping in touch with an ex just makes it that much more difficult to let go. when you really want to let go and move on, you have to cut that person out...