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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Brian

    Boost Self Esteem?

    Volunteer as a firefighter, hang around your station a lot to learn things and go on lots of calls and master the skills of the trade. Hang out with the guys, even if it's difficult and awkward at first. You'll learn to socialize better and eventually make lifelong friends. My first year was an...
  2. Brian

    what women want..

    Jumping on a ferris wheel to ask a girl out? Writing her letters for a year straight even though she doesn't respond. ...Sounds like a recipe for stalking charges.
  3. Brian

    Working Out

    Way to be, brotha-man :) It is one thing to ask for advice and talk about improving ourselves...the real challenge is when we actually -do- it. I stopped by the gym this morning (I like the mornings because I have it to myself) before going to teach my class and I had a great day, too. What...
  4. Brian

    She's coming over! Help!

  5. Brian

    Why dont I attract confident and secure men?

  6. Brian

    Why does my outlook change so drastically?

    I'm 23 and a half and still working on a 2 year degree from community college. Should I freak out too?
  7. Brian

    Knowing the second half of the story?

    I think one of the biggest things that has helped me become good at communicating and do well in my work is keeping reactions neutral and knowing both sides of things. You'll notice a lot of people in a workplace will gossip about others. Choosing to -not- gossip, and withholding personal...
  8. Brian

    I hate when outside forces cause me to show weakness.

    Telling you guys, get some studded tires or at least some really grippy ones. Or a 4WD vehicle (also known as a 'Real Vehicle' :P Suck it, two-wheel-powered-things) I have studs and I still pass people when it's snowing. Actually, you know the BEST way to deal with ice and hard-pack snow? Find...
  9. Brian

    She's coming over! Help!

    The only one I've liked so far is whats-his-name with the Pandora system. Look for a torrent, don't pay for the crap.
  10. Brian

    She's coming over! Help!

    Psychologist. For the love of all that is holy. Don't blow this. You have one more chance. SHE WANTS YOU. SHE WANTS YOU INSIDE HER. She just hasn't said it in so many words. You had the stage set but you missed the script. Fine. Rehearsal. But this next time, you've gotta perform. I used to...
  11. Brian

    I dont understand ...

    What does the cloud represent? Jump for the cloud, it looks like a pretty cool guy.
  12. Brian

    I hate when outside forces cause me to show weakness.

    So the main roads were fine and you were just afraid because of the parking lot? Most parking lot speeds aren't even fast enough to lose control on ice...unless it's rain on ice. We had a call at a nursing home a couple weeks back with a layer of water on solid ice in the parking lot...with the...
  13. Brian

    Any suggestions???

    What class are you taking?
  14. Brian

    How do others see you?

    When I got hired full time I was told it was because of my 'consistently positive attitude' at work, and my 'productive use of the work day'. So I guess I'm positive and productive :P I've also heard '******* weird' and 'a little bit off' used to describe me to my face :P
  15. Brian

    Surviving attack of the zombies

    I've thought about turnouts (the 'fireighter suit') as good zombie protectant too. Against the sort of attacks zombies have available to them, it really would be pretty effective. Really your head is your only exposure and you can cover a lot of it with your helmet. The only bad part is that...
  16. Brian

    Take January and February BY THE BALLS!!!

    I prefer to take them by the throat with a nice, gentle carotid massage, lulling them unsuspectingly in to a baroreceptor-induced sleep. Then I bind and gag them, and take them to my basement lair. Therein I place them upon an ornate altar of basalt, wrought iron, and silver inlay, where they...
  17. Brian

    She's coming over! Help!

    She probably doesn't wanna ****. But at least move on to something more. Don't be cheesy, don't be overly nice. Flirt with her, prepare some conversation topics to pull out. Be at ease. But push the button after you do that, you're gonna do it anyway,
  18. Brian

    Surviving attack of the zombies

    I think he's Optimistic that he will definitely be able to end at least a few of us. So here's a question: If someone says they want to be a zombie or thinks they wouldn't survive, should they be pre-emptively 'dealt' with? That's one less zombie for the future. YOU CANT HIDE FROM ME, I SEE...
  19. Brian

    Got Any Ghost Stories?
