15 signs that a man has never had a girlfriend

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I'm sorry, Eve. That was uncalled for, and I apologize for that.

And I'm sorry that Vanilla seems to think these things about me. I genuinely don't like her when she comes at me like that, but I'll try to cool it and not insult back anymore. My insults tend to get more hostile.
Runciter said:
EveWasFramed said:
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
And I can't avoid them, they invade my threads.

Invade? It's a public forum.
Also, pointing out the obvious, you dragged me into your crap this time - not the other way around. I hadn't said crap to you and you started pointing your finger at me. You were ticked off at Nilla and tossed my name into it for no reason.

Yeah I apologize for mentioning you without fact checking too. But for what its worth, he has already offered you an apology further up.

I don't need an apology from him (nor you, you didn't do anything wrong) - that wasn't my point.
My point was to show Muse that he often says things that bring people's opinions firmly down atop his head. He needs to think about what he types BEFORE he hits the "Post Reply" button.
EveWasFramed said:
I don't need an apology from him (nor you, you didn't do anything wrong) - that wasn't my point.
My point was to show Muse that he often says things that bring people's opinions firmly down atop his head. He needs to think about what he types BEFORE he hits the "Post Reply" button.

It came through loud and clear this time, Eve. I probably could have prevented all of this if I had just put one word - "some" - in front of "women."

And I probably could have prevented a lot of bitterness and stewing if I hadn't google searched this crap in the first place, and started a thread on the same thing that my therapist warned me that was causing depression.
rdor said:
What does that tell you about the contradicting set of values in relation to men. We're still defined by whether we're wanted, yet we should not expect or even want to be wanted.

To state the obvious - prior to the 70's most people married early, there was relatively equal 'sexual access'. Since feminism's vilification of men as animals, postponed marriage, since unstable relationships to fill the void and a sharp divide between sexual winners and losers, all that, many guys find themselves without any investment in society. Why work hard when you're still going to be alone?

I risk sounding like a lunatic by saying that feminism and female pickiness leads to economic and social decline , but I believe it in as much as who wants to work a 60+ hour week in a high stress job just to come home to an empty flat? This is why we need so many migrants, men usually coming from misogynist non-liberated societies who seem to have a better work-ethic, probably because they feel there's a point to their lives, there's a reasonable assurance they're not going to end up isolated.
It seems that when the question of why some guys can't get the women they want, the blame falls usually falls on evil feminism. It's a nice scapegoat; but it's doesn't allow for introspective thought about that person's individual actions. No matter how you feel about that movement the thing is society is different now; how people interact socially (especially in romantic settings) is different. You just have to learn to comes to terms with it and adapt. Lamenting about past decades doesn't help either. Also there's nothing wrong with postponing marriage, so I'm not sure why you even brought that up.

As for the second part of your post, for some people, the prospect of being along indefinitely sucks. They feel so strongly about wanting that strong intimate connection with another person that If they don't get it, the may feel like a failure. While others are fine being alone. At that same token there should be more to owns life than just finding a partner. That's only one part of it. Doing things one enjoys, being overall social, and possibly getting involved in volunteer efforts are definitely ways to give owns life meaning. Isolation is in large part a choice. Choose wisely.
I found it a very amusing article, I think too much was read into something that was meant as humor and not to be taken seriously.
I'm also sorry for calling Vanilla a ******* idiot. She isn't one, and it was unnecessary, rude, and definitely not true.

With that, can we just forget this? I'd like to move on.
Who. the heck. Cares?

I don't.

Muse, why don't you stop saying stuff you have to apologize for?
It might be worth pointing out, after 11 pages, that I haven't actually read the article. But after all of this mess I don't think I really want to eaither! :D
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
It came through loud and clear this time, Eve. I probably could have prevented all of this if I had just put one word - "some" - in front of "women."

And I probably could have prevented a lot of bitterness and stewing if I hadn't google searched this crap in the first place, and started a thread on the same thing that my therapist warned me that was causing depression.


Im willing to bet that every single person on this forum has their own issues and they struggle with them, just like you do - myself included. We all deal with those issues in different ways. Something you need t remember - this forum is full of people, just like in real life. Before you post something, consider how it would sound to a room full of strangers, who don't know you, nor what issues you deal with. That might be a useful guideline to use when posting on a forum such as this.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
And I'm sorry that Vanilla seems to think these things about me. I genuinely don't like her when she comes at me like that, but I'll try to cool it and not insult back anymore. My insults tend to get more hostile.

Don't apologize for my own thoughts. I can only think of you what you present to me. I've apologized, and I'll apologize again for coming at you so harshly and so strongly. That is just my nature, so please, don't take it to heart. While I'm sorry for making you flustered, I'm not apologizing for my own thoughts and opinions.

And I've got a question to the guys here who do think that females look at relationship history:

If a woman (you were interested in her, and she interested in you) told you that she didn't care about your relationship history, would it still matter to you?
VanillaCreme said:
Don't apologize for my own thoughts. I can only think of you what you present to me. I've apologized, and I'll apologize again for coming at you so harshly and so strongly. That is just my nature, so please, don't take it to heart. While I'm sorry for making you flustered, I'm not apologizing for my own thoughts and opinions.

And you shouldn't have to. You don't even have to like me. I don't have to like you. We just have to tolerate each other, because we are both members of this forum.
My work here is done.

Finally I can quantum leap out of here and try to find my way home.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
What do you mean, Runciter?

Search for Quantum Leap the TV show, just my strange attempt at humour. :p

I'm glad you're still with us Muse.
Moe said:
It seems that when the question of why some guys can't get the women they want, the blame falls usually falls on evil feminism. It's a nice scapegoat; but it's doesn't allow for introspective thought about that person's individual actions. No matter how you feel about that movement the thing is society is different now; how people interact socially (especially in romantic settings) is different. You just have to learn to comes to terms with it and adapt. Lamenting about past decades doesn't help either. Also there's nothing wrong with postponing marriage, so I'm not sure why you even brought that up.

As for the second part of your post, for some people, the prospect of being along indefinitely sucks. They feel so strongly about wanting that strong intimate connection with another person that If they don't get it, the may feel like a failure. While others are fine being alone. At that same token there should be more to owns life than just finding a partner. That's only one part of it. Doing things one enjoys, being overall social, and possibly getting involved in volunteer efforts are definitely ways to give owns life meaning. Isolation is in large part a choice. Choose wisely.

Disaffected men do nothing but naval gaze... if you acknowledge the acidic end of feminism as a factor then there’s always going to be some ad hominem "you just can't get laid" attack to fend off.

As I said many young men never reach their potential because at some point they realize they’re going to be alone. They stick to lower paying, less value creating jobs and spend their spare time having fun, playing games, taking drugs, completely disengaged. These are the same men women like to laugh at, point out as lost causes. A few decades ago they would probably have been married and better, harder working people.

It’s not like I want to take away basic human rights gains for women since the 60’s... just.. liberation and self actualization has a downside when it’s used to cover up selfishness.
Runciter said:
My work here is done.

Finally I can quantum leap out of here and try to find my way home.

And good work you did, too.

Now, can leap into my life and fix everything please?
Is Quantum Leap on Netflix? I love old shows.

Of course, people think the 80's are old...which makes me feel terrible. When Roseanne is on Nick at Nite, that is awful. Roseanne is not old!
I'm sure its out there, I can't imagine the people who own the rights are worried about hurting the DVD sales :p

Locke said:
And good work you did, too.

Now, can leap into my life and fix everything please?

Wait, I'm still here... WTF
Al, what's going on? What is Ziggy telling you?
Quantum Leap is on Netflix, although they're missing some episodes.

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