15 signs that a man has never had a girlfriend

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Don't need to pirate it...it's on Netflix. Sweet.

Now I will settle back and watch the first episode tonight, probably. :D
Locke said:
Quantum Leap is on Netflix, although they're missing some episodes.

Netflix misses a lot of episodes and seasons from a lot of shows. I'm guessing it's a rights issue.
VanillaCreme said:
Locke said:
Quantum Leap is on Netflix, although they're missing some episodes.

Netflix misses a lot of episodes and seasons from a lot of shows. I'm guessing it's a rights issue.

Yeah, you're probably right. I think Quantum Leap had some licensed music. They had to change the theme song for Married With Children on Netflix because of licensing issues.
Well how about that "ARE YOU GAY?" public outage. Loved that one.. No I'm not gay but thanks for being so intrusive and ignoring all social boundaries.
Dangerous men who've never been vouched for with past relationships need to be put in some sort of... camp.
rdor said:
Well how about that "ARE YOU GAY?" public outage. Loved that one.. No I'm not gay but thanks for being so intrusive and ignoring all social boundaries.
Dangerous men who've never been vouched for with past relationships need to be put in some sort of... camp.

That smacks of a frat boy utterance. I'd never take someone asking that question seriously, especially the louder it's asked. When people say intrusive things that are ignorant of social boundaries, it makes me wish I wasn't too shy to talk to strangers who look like they could use a friend.
EveWasFramed said:
blackdot said:
9006 said:
blackdot said:
money is over-rated anyways.

You're right, you only need it to live and do things with.

but since I don't have a girlfriend, I don't need but a very tiny amount.

I laughed out loud. Are you suggesting that your gf would spend your money shamelessly, or that you'd lavish her with nice things? :p
LOL, had to ask.

I have heard women have a habit of spending money.

But in reality there are women that don't like money either. The only person I was close to was someone who came from a family that had a lot of money. To her, money wasn't something big to her because she rarely spent it on things other than what she needed. It was 1 of many reasons we got long so well.

EveWasFramed said:
And you don't stop the name calling and you're going to get a vacation.

Are you sure that sending a lonely person on a vacation is the best of moves?

LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
and started a thread on the same thing that my therapist warned me that was causing depression.

I'm sorry, but people need to not use the word "therapist" because every time I see it I read it the way the did it on the Saturday Night Live sketch.
blackdot said:
Are you sure that sending a lonely person on a vacation is the best of moves?

When they call members ******* idiots, yes. :p Luckily, things have calmed down and everyone has moved on.
blackdot said:
I'm sorry, but people need to not use the word "therapist" because every time I see it I read it the way the did it on the Saturday Night Live sketch.

OMG, me too! 'I'll take The Rapists for $1000, Alec'....LMAO!
You know, if I were gay, I would be in a relationship, with another guy.

Since I am in no relationship, guy OR girl, you can't assume I'm gay or straight. You are not me. That's what pisses me off about "those people."

And what about Bi? If I were bi, I'd be both, therefore either option works...but since I've never even kissed anyone, I certainly can't be judged on my sexuality based on that. People who are normal have relationships.
What makes it so different from being gay as opposed to straight? I would think the same issues would still be there. Most of the issues are stemmed from insecurities, so being gay/straight/lesbian/whatever else wouldn't make much a difference.
rdor said:
As I said many young men never reach their potential because at some point they realize they’re going to be alone. They stick to lower paying, less value creating jobs and spend their spare time having fun, playing games, taking drugs, completely disengaged. These are the same men women like to laugh at, point out as lost causes. A few decades ago they would probably have been married and better, harder working people.

This confuses me. So when men realize they are going to be alone, they get low paying jobs, do drugs, and just have fun?

hmmmm.. as a perma-single guy who has a decent job, a house that is paid off, has never done drugs, and rarely has fun; I'm not sure how I fit into that.
ha ha ha!!!!!
VanillaCreme said:
What makes it so different from being gay as opposed to straight? I would think the same issues would still be there. Most of the issues are stemmed from insecurities, so being gay/straight/lesbian/whatever else wouldn't make much a difference.

Vanilla, that's what I'm saying. If I were gay, I would have had a boyfriend, but since I haven't had anyone, I am not gay.

People assume honeysuckle that is basically just plain stupid.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
Vanilla, that's what I'm saying. If I were gay, I would have had a boyfriend, but since I haven't had anyone, I am not gay.

People assume honeysuckle that is basically just plain stupid.

Are you saying that gay men have lower standards than straight women? I really find it hard to see how you can draw this conclusion as a straight man.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
VanillaCreme said:
What makes it so different from being gay as opposed to straight? I would think the same issues would still be there. Most of the issues are stemmed from insecurities, so being gay/straight/lesbian/whatever else wouldn't make much a difference.

Vanilla, that's what I'm saying. If I were gay, I would have had a boyfriend, but since I haven't had anyone, I am not gay.

People assume honeysuckle that is basically just plain stupid.

But if you were gay, would you still have the same issues that you have now being straight?

Runciter said:
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
Vanilla, that's what I'm saying. If I were gay, I would have had a boyfriend, but since I haven't had anyone, I am not gay.

People assume honeysuckle that is basically just plain stupid.

Are you saying that gay men have lower standards than straight women? I really find it hard to see how you can draw this conclusion as a straight man.

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I'm not totally understanding what he means. It would be easier for a guy to get a boyfriend being gay as opposed to a girl being straight? Is that what you're saying?
I've had gay people hit on me. If I was gay I could probably figure things out too. But I'm not gay.

A lot of people assumed I was gay in my 20's and half of my 30's because I had never dated. For some reason people don't think that gay people date.

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