A Lonely Life Singles Club (Hugs 'n Kisses)

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
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Just update your status here once in a while. If you want, talk about your experiences that may not make you belong to this club anymore.

I currently have been single for over 2 years now. I think I'll be in this club for a long time.

Single? Come join.
I've been single for over 1 now after a long term relationship.
I figure i give myself at least 6 months to a year to sort things out.
I knew I needed to go through the process of healing or letting go after a break up.
However i kind of sunk into isolations and dug myself a little hole or cave.

For the past 6 months. I've been working on my problems instead of just letting it be.
It started the day I logged onto this site. I feel much better in so , so many ways.
I've experinced alot within the past 6 months. My life is far, far from perfect.
Gosh...so many people had came into my life since that day...in on ALL and IRL.
Actaully there's been a couple of set backs lately.
I still have my moments from time to time.
Things that are beyound my control or not of my chioce.
But the lessons that I've learned from my journey of trying to get well is also helping me
get through this stage. The different today is...I'm not floathing anymore.
I've made plenty of mistakes along that way...

I'm working my living program to the best of my abilities.
I've been doing a lot of reading and writing.
I see life clearer and don't have that foggy feeling anymore.

I still live with my parents..it's actaully a nice house to live in.
I used to have my own home or house...so there's always a sort of discomfort or
shame I have of moving back in with my parents.
I don't really have any bills to pay, only that I do chores around the house.
The problem i have or challegne i have is...I can get really, really comfortible living with my parents.
Sometimes my parents treats me as if I'm 18 years old...heck even tonite my mom waited for me
to get home before she went to bed. My mom sort of worries that I might start drinking again.

I'm sort of spoil in a way...I won't repair my car becuase i want a new one.
My father already gave me momeny to repair it...I have many, many excuses not to bacailly
register my car...lol
My goal was to just save money, get a new transportation and start attending college again.
A transportation is actually not a porblem for me ATM. I drive my parent's SUV anytime I want.
Actaully, I been riding my bike everywhere i go for the past week.
F -it, it dosn't bother me anymore. I'm working on my self-esteem and not trying to worry to much
what people think. I'm not what I drive, but it's a **** materialistic mentality society i live in.
Lmao...people stops me all the time and ask me what kind of bike i have ...becuase i still look slick
hip and cool riding the **** thing. :)

I kind of want a GF..but i feel fucken retarded living with my parents to go ask a woman out.
Yeah, i think I'll give my mom a heart attack this time if she comes home and hear a woman moaning in my room.lmao
I got away with it when i was a teenager..but i don't think it's going to be too cool this time..lol

Actually...I'm giving women the honeysuckle test. Just to see if they'll talk to me if i ride a bike around.
Cuase I'm sorting out the fucken gold diggers...lmao
The last time i was single i bascailly did the samething...I used to ride my bike around even
tho i had a nice sports car parked on my driveway.lmao
Girls used to take me out all the time. Hell, even my ex-wf asked me out and i didn't even
have car or money in the bank at that time.

PLus i just got laid off...and the last thing i need at the moment is to spend all of my savings
on a girl...i still have a sort of part time job but it's a far cry from how much I used to make
before the honeysuckle hitted the fan.

My ex-gf...made sure she really, really finacially ruin my ass this time.
That last time we seperated...when she decided to come home...I had a chick
in the living room and one on the phone...lmao fucken ***** !!! :(

And way to fucken go Obaaammamma :(
There's no fucken jobs..even fucken wal-mart is laiding off people, now.
And how in the fcuk am i going to get medical benifits if i have no fucken job?
And how in the fresia am i going to pay fucken taxes or get a tax break if i don't have a fucken job ?
Fucken genius !!!!
Even if I get messed in the ass...I still can't get pregnant..becuase I'm a fucken dude. No **** welfare for me..lol
I ain't got no honey..becuase i is got no fucken money...lmao
I've been single for almost 15 months now, after a brief fling with some girl I met while on a roof shoveling job two winters ago. She held a conversation about as well as she shoveled snow. I was single for my entire life before that if you exclude an internet relationship.

I have 4-5 days off every week and nothing to really do with them outside of my normal routines. I'm in a small town with no real social connection to people my age. I'll probably be in this thread for a while.
I'm single and I have no intensions at the moment of getting involved with anyone, or starting a relationship. I'm happy being single, and it would take someone extremely special to make me think otherwise.
Blue Sky said:
I'm single and I have no intensions at the moment of getting involved with anyone, or starting a relationship. I'm happy being single, and it would take someone extremely special to make me think otherwise.

Cool! I like it when u say 'it would take someone extremely special'.
I've been single for almost 2 years now, and i'm guessing still single for many years to come.

Edit: I took off the sad smiley because its pathetic :D (ahh thats better).
So joined. Though I've technically only been single for four months now, that relationship was so lackluster and passive that I don't prefer to include it as anything more than an acquaintanceship. xD So I can wager (if you don't count all of my "mini" relationships that lasted less than a month) that I've been single for... almost three years!
Blue Sky said:
I'm happy being single, and it would take someone extremely special to make me think otherwise.

After some relationships that went painfully sour, I'm exactly in the same boat.

At this point in my life - not all that young - I'd much rather have several good friendships than one bad relationship. I was never able to keep both going in parallel.
Okay I'm single and have been for 2 years now will be 3 years in October, I'm too busy to try and look for a boyfriend since I work and study plus I can't really afford to do girlfriend/boyfriend stuff so hopefully Santa brings me a boyfriend next year sometime. I will be very very happy if he does.
34 Singleton right here <><><>ME<><><> Been on the shelf to long but do have a loooong sell by date so should still be good for sampling :D
Yeah I'm single as fresia- almost my whole life. My longest relationship was when that girl flashed me a smile.. Oh wait that doesn't count..so... wow this is sad..
I'm joining this club.
I hate beeing single, but I don't want just anyone.
I want love, the true, deep meaningful love.
I know, I'm the biggest cliche around...

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