A Question for the Guys...

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Both those threads are huge sweeping statements. Sex and comfort just come easier than commitment. I've only ever been in one relationship and never cheated, but I can see how SOME men fall into that kind of thing, in the same way I can understand how some people end up doing heroin. Life, and more importantly love, isn't as black and white as that. For instance, a commited relationship means becoming emotionally connected to someone, to allow yourself to be vulnerable around someone, to eventually be who you really are under all the bravado you put on and to face an uncertain future and perhaps rejection, despair and the feotal position, clutching a pillow and praying to crawl back into the womb and debirth. When there are no strings attached its easier just to pretend and **** a whore. Although you may still be lonely, you haven't commited to true love. Despite all this, whores aren't unloveable, the sense, they have warm flesh, maybe a personality, maybe an interesting mind and so on. Just because someones whores themselves, doesn't mean all the good from them just washes away like yesterdays cum stained sheets.

Love is hard to find and keep, in most places however, you can find sex and comfort anywhere.
jasmin said:
Lonesome Crow said:
Love has nothing to do with personailty...
On a Tuesday I'll have personality for ya.... becuase once a month i get to deal with personalities.

It's all about the ****ies, man...
The bigger they are, the longer I'll stay :p
Real ones...silicone ones...I don't care, as long as they're big.
It's about assets and liabilites.. You have it the assets and I'm liable to grab them.
I trust in the ****ies...****ies don't lie.
I'm compassionate with the ****ies..I feel the ****ies
I understand ****ies..I'll rest my head on ****ies and listen to them.
I cherish the ****ies...For ****ies brings me happiness
I'm grateful for the ****ies..for I'll handle them and take care of them all the time.
I'll spend quality time with the ****ies.
I'll honor the ****ies..for I'll have a salute for ****ies.
I'm committed and loyal to the ****ies, I'll pray to the ****ies if that what it takes...milk from the gods.
I take responsibitlies for the ****ies...for I'll make them respond.
I'll keep my vows to the ****ies..for I'll hold them close to my heart.:p

See....it's not about the money. Lets keep it real.
It's about the principles and integrity of the ****ies....man :p

hmmm...I think you're trying to tell us something...
I don't understand why men think ****s are so great.

I bet you...if I showed up at your front door and tell that I love
you and truely love you for who you are inspite of your veiw
on this matter or any matters. Don't sweat the small stuff babe.
My love for you conquar all.
My love for you is stronger than crazy glue..
It sticks :p

You probably tell me...I'm too good for you or it's too good
to be true. You might even push me away or cut off the relationship
before it can start or even tell me you can't give me what I want.
You might even think I'm crazy or sometype of phycopath.
Perhaps I'm delusional. You might even give me the **** test to prove it to you.

Even so this i would say....Nothing real can be threaten, babe.
You had me at.. "****ies". :p
Why do men pick cheating whores?

I respectfully disagree with your premise.

I believe that any woman who would
cheat WITH me
would cheat ON me
^^^I agree... mostly. There are always exceptions, but from personal observation (not personal experience, thank god), I've noticed that a cheater always cheats. Even on the one she or he left their partner to cheat with.
VanillaCreme said:
I was reading Liapos' thread about a question to us ladies on why women cheat.... And another question arose in me... Something I've always had in the back of my mind...

Why do men pick cheating whores?

No, not the woman that would never do that to you... Not the woman who would treat you with respect...

Men pick the girls that are just plain no good. I don't get it. And then, that gives the rest of us decent women a bad name.

Unless the guy is a hot muscular alpha, he usually has no choice.

Remember that the majority of women who are married to the betas ARE cheating with the alphas most of the time.

The alphas can take what they want.

Does that answer your question?
SocratesX said:
Unless the guy is a hot muscular alpha, he usually has no choice.

Remember that the majority of women who are married to the betas ARE cheating with the alphas most of the time.

The alphas can take what they want.

Does that answer your question?

Complete ********.

Why do you even type retarded **** like this? You have absolutely no basis on which to support what you wrote.
Badjedidude said:
SocratesX said:
Unless the guy is a hot muscular alpha, he usually has no choice.

Remember that the majority of women who are married to the betas ARE cheating with the alphas most of the time.

The alphas can take what they want.

Does that answer your question?

Complete ********.

Why do you even type retarded **** like this? You have absolutely no basis on which to support what you wrote.

Yeah, do I have to start listing personal stories about family members and friends of mine?
I don't agree with your premise, VanillaCreme, but I understand how you get that impression. I often think the same thing; why are good women with bad men? We can't generalize from a few examples, however. Keep in mind that these mismatched couples tend to stick out. That's why we notice them. For each imbalanced (pun intended) relationship we see, I'm sure there are dozens of normal ones we don't notice because...well...they're normal.
SocratesX said:
Yeah, do I have to start listing personal stories about family members and friends of mine?
Trying to hide your true Platonic identity by using Socrates as a user name is so transparent.
SocratesX said:
Yeah, do I have to start listing personal stories about family members and friends of mine?

Isn't it a little arrogant or ignorant to take personal examples from your friends and relatives and then apply that to the entire human race as a whole? Just because it's in your experience doesn't mean that's how the entire world operates.

If you're in a village where everyone believes that rabbits are gods, then yeah, you're going to think that rabbits are gods everywhere in the world, right? That's what you've seen and you've had no information to the contrary. Once you left your little village, however, you'd learn quite quickly that rabbits are indeed NOT considered gods everywhere on the planet.

My point is that maybe you need to open your eyes a bit and realize that what you think about the world based on your own observations doesn't constitute a basis for reality for the rest of the world. Think bigger, man. Gain a bit of wisdom.

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