Been rejected so many times that I turned very bitter.

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LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
I surely hope I don't become this bitter in 9 years.

While it is possible that you may become bitter, i think you understand to much to become that bitter, blaming everyone and everything.
Minus said:
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
I surely hope I don't become this bitter in 9 years.

While it is possible that you may become bitter, i think you understand to much to become that bitter, blaming everyone and everything.

Good point.
Minus said:
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
I surely hope I don't become this bitter in 9 years.

While it is possible that you may become bitter, i think you understand to much to become that bitter, blaming everyone and everything.

And plus, I put worth on other things:

- My songs I write
- My career
- My friends
- My family
- My animals


I actually call my dogs and cats my children. It's easier to take care of animals, than children. I should know, I had 5 kids here at home not that long ago.
LonelyL said:
I'm a near middle aged lady who has not yet experience a loving relationship because I have been rejected by men so many times that I became very bitter. Whenever people ask me questions I ignore them, When I try to get through crowds, I say exuse me, and if they don't hear me, I push them out of the way or scream at them. I disrespect beggers by laughing at them. Whenever loving couples or people with babies/children are around me, I suck my teeth at them and move somewhere else. That's the kind of btch I now become. That's what happens when I get mistreated.

I'm the same way. I shout at people in the street. Charity beggars especially. I'm not mad I just pretend to be so I can get away with it and blow off some steam.
Lonely L...I am sending a lot of love to you now.

It took courage to express yourself and your true feelings.

My first thing to say would be to study up on how to love yourself. I know it sounds SO TRITE and SO EASY. I know it's not! But the only thing I know when you feel less love in your life is to love yourself more...up the love on yourself.

Have you heard of Louise Hay? She has some wonderful books on the subject.

And often, when you do love yourself more, love comes at you more easily.

I have a journal where I write all the good things that I experienced for that day. I do it because I think if you focus on the good, however small, it will grow. So I write down all friendliness or whatever. And I have noticed that I DO experience more good because of it...not huge good but more. Somedays it's very little. What do you think?

Please keep sharing. This is an important issue.

Hi. Not arguing the point or anything but I find self deprecating statements by men adorable and very sexy! But I guess only if done with humor? If it's serious self hatred or pity then no, it would not be a turn on, I'd just have compassion and maybe be their friend, but having a sense of humor of yourself? That is awesome! It shows you don't take yourself too seriously and have little ego. Love it!!!


If I can butt in and add something; self-deprecating statements, including self-deprecating humour are best avoided when speaking to women. It generally doesn't come off well.

You may think you're being cute, clever and self-aware, but all they see is "guy with no confidence."

Lonely L....I just had a thought for you!

My thought is "Act as IF"!!!

I get this from my spiritual books. They say if you want to be a certain way, ACT it first. And yes even when you have little self love on the inside.

One books says you don't have to have love on the inside before you GIVE it to others. It states that you "give what you get". Another says to just "act as if".

So I would suggest to you...if you want to feel like a more loving/valuable person....act it and give it. Instead of taking it out on the homeless GIVE to them. Give them a kind smile, a little bit of money. I really think you'll feel better about yourself if you make this one small change. You'll start feeling that you are a nice person on the inside and it will lift and change you.

Can you think of other ways to apply this?
Rosebolt said:
LonelyL said:
First of all I don't give a **** about other people's lives and problems. Second I did approach men and try to talk to them, but most of them aren't interested, that's why I'm so bitter. People who live normal lives make me sick, especially people with families of their own.. This lifestyle I'm living in, is also making me sick..

So don't feed me any of your ********!!

This is why you are alone.

Not necessarily. If you live a lifetime of vehement rejection it is easy to see how bitterness can overtake all. People tend to mistreat me as a rule, and as I enter middle age I notice I'm becoming more and more bitter. It makes me so angry! Usually I take everyone's **** and curl up and try to ignore it (hard and painful to do on long bus rides!), but lately I've begun snapping back, calling out ******** for being ********, especially when people are mistreating others (pretty sure it's a rule that all public transportation operators have to be total ******** who **** on disabled people--I hates them and I won't take it anymore!).

Boring-Weirdo said:
LonelyL said:
I'm a near middle aged lady who has not yet experience a loving relationship because I have been rejected by men so many times that I became very bitter. Whenever people ask me questions I ignore them, When I try to get through crowds, I say exuse me, and if they don't hear me, I push them out of the way or scream at them. I disrespect beggers by laughing at them. Whenever loving couples or people with babies/children are around me, I suck my teeth at them and move somewhere else. That's the kind of btch I now become. That's what happens when I get mistreated.
Heh, I am a lot like that too. I wish harm and misery upon my fellow man!

If everyone else hates you and wishes you harm, it's only natural to eventually reciprocate the feelings! XD

I frequently think like that, like, 'Ohh, I those happy, normal people! I hate them to pieces! I hope they die horribly now!', but I don't mean it. I just wish I didn't feel so terrible and had access to a fraction of what normal people have; and being that that is impossible, I crawl more and more into bitter wretchedness. If only it weren't just the rejection, but the staring and the abuse also! If I could get away, just be left alone--no human interaction period--I could enjoy life much more. I wish I could afford that. :)
I totally 2nd that! Being mistreated over time hurts deeply. I totally understand. I believe, society is split between those that are mistreated and those who are not. Half being mistreated and the other half, those that don't give a damn.

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