I've posted this before, and it bears repeating: the circumstances I am going through are the things that make mass shooters and domestic terrorists. I am financially screwed, to say the least. multiple evictions, no job, no credit, no savings, no friends, no spouse or girlfriend, no children. no car. nothing. I've been unemployed for a year. In that time, I have been ghosted, stood up, cancelled, and turned away immediately. you can lose a job very easily, while it takes a long time to get a job, and you need a job to live. the way I have been treated, you would think I am a sex offender, but my record's clean. its so unfair. if I were to commit suicide, I would be justified, I have nothing to lose, I dont experience joy, only pain. Society has made it very clear they want me gone. Maybe I should just give them their wish.
Hi, I just want to say this message strikes a chord with me as well. I feel very similarly.
I feel like I'm forced to play a fixed game too. I feel like this world is not for everyone, but only for people who are born with the right natural aptitudes and interests at the right abilities - specifically STEM/STEM-adjacent things, the trades, and professional athletes and A-list entertainers.
I don't want to be a mass shooter or domestic terrorist, because those people are humiliated forever. No one thinks of them as a great warrior who stood up for themselves and struck back at the evil society. Instead, they are thought of as losers who couldn't hack it, couldn't compete because they were simply too inferior, and they should have just accepted their inferiority and resigned themselves to living like b*tches.
For me, humiliation is hell. It's one of the things I hate most in this world. I hate the thought that I'm inherently a loser/limited/mediocre/inferior/without potential/low status. I would rather be dead, or better yet not born in the first place. More and more I'm starting to wish that my parents could have seen my genetics before birth, and if it was proven that I didn't have the genes for talent at anything, they could have opted NOT to bring me into the world. If I can't get out of humiliation, then life isn't a blessing for me. I don't want it.
I also rarely, if ever, experience joy - just varying degrees of anger, frustration, humiliation, despair, and boredom. When I feel nothing at all, that's what passes for a "good" day now. And increasingly, thoughts of suicide have crossed my mind, but for now it's still too scary.
I've spent a lot of time thinking about why my life turned out like this. And I think feeling that I wasn't good at anything naturally, and feeling like it must be genetic, and therefore not having any confidence, assertiveness, boldness, or pride, interest in anything, or interest in myself and my own life, and feeling frustrated and humiliated that I was worse than just about everyone else at everything, and low status because of it, is the source of my anger, despair, and pain.
If there was something I could be good at, especially that I liked, and then I could be successful, I could be happy. At the very least I could make it to OK. And maybe then my life could start to change.
I think a guy especially has to make something of yourself before you can date. Then you can at least feel OK enough about yourself, to be confident in yourself, and you have some interest in something to have something to talk about besides small talk, what the A-list entertainers are doing, and problems.
I know I need to get some kind of skilled career, and some kind of skilled interest outside of work, just to be OK - not happy, but OK. That's the bare minimum I need for "I'm fine" - besides a romantic relationship of course. I need to know I'm normal, not a loser/not inferior/not humiliated, and I need to be interested in something I do, and proud of something I do - both of which require me to be good, not "just OK". I guess that's my war.
Maybe figure out what the source of your pain is, and what you need to get out?
What kinds of things do you like, and/or are you good at?
I think being good at something, is what we need to build an identity, self-esteem, and our very lives around.