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among many other issues I have with the military lifestyle, I'm too old, too overweight, and too unhealthy to get into the military (I'm almost 40.)
Sounds like excuses to me. The start to a 1,000 mile journey begins with a single step. I can tell you what you need to do but you already know it. You refuse to be healthy, here is why I know. Is there someone actively putting a gun to your head to eat junk food? No! How about exercising!? No! If you are wheelchair bound then cry me a river. Look up wheelchair body builders or exercises. Think strong and you will be strong brother. You need moral support, I got you. Let’s talk
What country do you live in? I assume you live in the USA. You try the post office? Amazon fulfillment centers are always hiring. That is if you have one in your area.

3 issues:
1. I've had my fill of the toxic environment that is the warehouse sector. some of the worst experiences i have ever had. long hours, **** pay, dangerous conditions, maniacal coworkers and managers. I'd never thought I would ever be sexually harassed on the job, but I can now say I am a victim of sexual harassment, and I have warehousing to thank for that.
2. I should have mentioned: I don't have a reliable transportation, like AT ALL, so I have to keep it in my area, the nearest amazon center is 40 minutes from me. not worth it, especially at only 16.50.
3. I've heard the horror stories of working at Amazon. every little movement is measured and if you stop for even a second, its docked from your pay. I already know I'm not going to survive in a climate like that.

And as for the post office, every time I'm in this situation, which has been a lot over the years, I check the post office, and as recently as the last time I checked, they didn't have an open position in the entire state.
Sounds like excuses to me. The start to a 1,000 mile journey begins with a single step. I can tell you what you need to do but you already know it. You refuse to be healthy, here is why I know. Is there someone actively putting a gun to your head to eat junk food? No! How about exercising!? No! If you are wheelchair bound then cry me a river. Look up wheelchair body builders or exercises. Think strong and you will be strong brother. You need moral support, I got you. Let’s talk
See this, this is the type of stuff i have gotten my whole life, and its the type of crap I am sick of. "YoU'Re jUsT MaKiNg eXcUsEs!" I know for a fact the military will turn me away because I'm too old. How many 40 year old cadets have you met? Is it an excuse when the recruiters literally have an age requirement.
I know for a fact I'm too overweight for the military. "jUsT StOp eAtInG JuNk fOoD!" I have no money! Nothing! I dont have the luxury of going on a specialized fitness plan. I skip enough meals as is.
I'll have to dedicate at least the next few months to get myself into shape for the military, assuming they wont reject me for my age.' I'm starving now! I'm suffering now! but you're telling me there's a weight requirement to live!
Please, take your negativity somewhere else. I'm close to the edge as is.
long hours, honeysuckle pay, dangerous conditions, maniacal coworkers and managers.
That can be (and usually is) at any job. Hell I work at home, my bosses are in another country, I make my own schedule and I still have lots of crap to deal with.

especially at only 16.50.
Exactly how much do you expect to make?
There was a poster here a long while ago, asking about work-from-home gigs. I think @TheRealCallie linked to the following website..

I don't know if remote work is an option. You could also check out They usually have all kinds of job postings, and a, 'gig work,' section. It can be tough to find anything there, but, doesn't hurt to spend a few minutes each day and just keep a pulse on things.

It might not be fair of me to suggest the following, because I'd probably be too nervous myself, to do it, but, you can go door to door, if you live in a neighborhood of houses, and see if people want there street-side trash cans sanitized/cleaned. All you'd need probably is some papertowl, some kind of cleaning solution, and some latex gloves. There was a story here about a father and son that started doing that and turned it into a legitimate business, but they started out simple. Probably could easily charge at least 15/20 bucks a pop.

And, I think, I'm not positive, but usually some churches and stuff can help out with, 'food boxes.' Some will even help out with rent/bills/whatever on a one-time basis, and they'll even deliver the food box.

I apologize for dropping suggestions. I know it can be hard to think, much less act, when things seem dire, stress is high, and everything seems an absolute mess. Take care. Try to center yourself from time to time. And try to avoid impulsive emotional reactions, avoid being reactionary. If something or someone doesn't seem helpful, or they seem antagonistic, just take a breath and create a little distance till your mind settles a bit. Sort of like when you have a bruise or a rash, it's a sensitive area, for a while, you have to be cautious with it. Take what is useful, if anything, and go with that, and just say thank-you, and try to tend to your emotions.

Anyway, I don't want to preach too much. Take care and good luck!
See this, this is the type of stuff i have gotten my whole life, and its the type of crap I am sick of. "YoU'Re jUsT MaKiNg eXcUsEs!" I know for a fact the military will turn me away because I'm too old. How many 40 year old cadets have you met? Is it an excuse when the recruiters literally have an age requirement.
I know for a fact I'm too overweight for the military. "jUsT StOp eAtInG JuNk fOoD!" I have no money! Nothing! I dont have the luxury of going on a specialized fitness plan. I skip enough meals as is.
I'll have to dedicate at least the next few months to get myself into shape for the military, assuming they wont reject me for my age.' I'm starving now! I'm suffering now! but you're telling me there's a weight requirement to live!
Please, take your negativity somewhere else. I'm close to the edge as is.
Not picking a fight with you bro but there are such things as waivers. They are hurting for recruits…huh try asking. When I had joined my record was clean and the record went back 3 years before my birth, page was 1/3 page filled. At the time of me getting my criminal record there was a criminal with 3 pages worth and the recruited said, I won’t forget it to this day, “don’t worry we can waive all that!” So why can’t you. Think positive, it’s not skipping meal, it’s called fasting. Anywho, best chance to join would be Army. I would recommend you 3 recruiters but that would mean getting your info and we don’t know each other that well. Good grief about not making money. Perhaps going to eBay and selling stuff. I recently sold a $4 sealed Music CD for $25 minute $4 shipping. Thrift store are a great way to make money and resale them. Specially books since the USPS considers that “Media mail” which is cheaper had you gone the normal shipping method. I would scan every damn book in that thrift store until you find a rare one. $2 buy and sale on eBay. Just saying. I have more ideas for you (which I do myself) I have an eBay store.
Anywho, best chance to join would be Army.
I think he has other issues for not wanting to join the military. Anyway, I don’t think it’s ever a good idea for anyone that doesn’t have their heart in it.

@FlynnRyder exercising costs nothing except time. Exercise and a decent diet is very important, to your physical and mental health, you know that already. Get your weight down, start feeling better about yourself and there will be a flow on effect. Persistence is the key, be disciplined. You’re doing it for you.
Also probably not a good idea to stick a gun in the hand of someone who mentions mass shootings and terrorism.
Besides, if he can't handle the work and people of a regular job (for slave wages), there's no way in hell he will be able to handle the military.
There was a poster here a long while ago, asking about work-from-home gigs. I think @TheRealCallie linked to the following website..
Yes, that was me, but I would caution against it with Flynn. Working at home is not easy. It's hard and it takes discipline. And most companies you still have a set schedule to follow and bosses to deal with. For work at home call centers you need a quiet area and unless you get the right company (there are a few) you have to buy what you need for the job yourself.
It's very easy to get distracted. I've been working at home for 12 years now and I still struggle with that sometimes.
I'd be ecstatic to do retail, that was my plan anyway, because I'm going to need to double my income to pay back everything I owe. Also, I am interested in doing hotel front desk, as that would help in my aspirations to go into data analytics.

I think that until you get a fully skilled, professional career of some kind, the problems you mentioned having are just going to repeat, forever. Gig work or any other unskilled/semi-skilled work won't get you out of it, it will just be more of the same.

My community college gave out free scholarships to do online learning through Coursera in several fields, including Data Analytics. It's through Google Career Certificates, that's what you get when you finish it. Some people have managed to parlay these certificates into real jobs afterwards. It's what I'm doing right now.

Again, it's 100% free.

I recommend looking into your local community colleges, if there are any, and see if there is a program like this around.

At least you like something that the world values. Me, I'm not really a math person, so I have to make myself do it. But with you, you're actually into it. So that's your advantage.
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Yes, that was me, but I would caution against it with Flynn. Working at home is not easy. It's hard and it takes discipline. And most companies you still have a set schedule to follow and bosses to deal with. For work at home call centers you need a quiet area and unless you get the right company (there are a few) you have to buy what you need for the job yourself.
It's very easy to get distracted. I've been working at home for 12 years now and I still struggle with that sometimes.
This might come as a bit of a shock, but I actually have experience in remote work. It's not ideal, but its the type of challenges I can manage. I have just been having trouble finding the right fit. A company that offers remote work, on top of realistic expectations, and a pay scale that justifies the effort I will be putting in. I haven't had much luck so far, but the actual work was more hit than miss.
I think that until you get a fully skilled, professional career of some kind, the problems you mentioned having are just going to repeat, forever. Gig work or any other unskilled/semi-skilled work won't get you out of it, it will just be more of the same.

My community college gave out free scholarships to do online learning through Coursera in several fields, including Data Analytics. It's through Google Career Certificates, that's what you get when you finish it. Some people have managed to parlay these certificates into real jobs afterwards. It's what I'm doing right now.

Again, it's 100% free.

I recommend looking into your local community colleges, if there are any, and see if there is a program like this around.

At least you like something that the world values. Me, I'm not really a math person, so I have to make myself do it. But with you, you're actually into it. So that's your advantage.
Yeah, I'm totally into the idea of getting training of some kind. the problem is everything else around me is so unstable, and I cant function enough to be studying and taking exams when I'm worried about where I'm going to live. If I can just find something slightly stable, I can manage. But I feel like I am constantly being asked to obtain a gpal, but I am not being given the basic tools to succeed. I feel like society conspired to cut my legs off, and is now justifying letting me bleed out because I can't run a marathon on bloody stumps.
This might come as a bit of a shock, but I actually have experience in remote work. It's not ideal, but its the type of challenges I can manage. I have just been having trouble finding the right fit. A company that offers remote work, on top of realistic expectations, and a pay scale that justifies the effort I will be putting in. I haven't had much luck so far, but the actual work was more hit than miss.
See, I don't really understand this way of thinking. You are miserable, right? And you are miserable becaue you have no money and no job and essentially nothing. But you also seem very picky on what you will and won't do. A job, regardless of whether it's skilled or otherwise comes with headaches, comes with arseholes, comes with ****. You will not find a job that doesn't have that. Even if you owned your own business, you would still have headaches from the job.

Very few people live to work....the majority of the people on this planet work to live. It's not so much about enjoying the job, it's about paying the bills, doing what's necessary. The enjoyment of life comes during your time off. Nearly everyone on earth has to put up with bullcrap from work.
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See, I don't really understand this way of thinking. You are miserable, right? And you are miserable becaue you have no money and no job and essentially nothing. But you also seem very picky on what you will and won't do. A job, regardless of whether it's skilled or otherwise comes with headaches, comes with arseholes, comes with honeysuckle. You will not find a job that doesn't hae that. Even if you owned your own business, you would still have headaches from the job.

Very few people live to work....the majority of the people on this planet work to live. It's not so much about enjoying the job, it's about paying the bills, doing what's necessary. The enjoyment of life comes during your time off. Nearly everyone on earth has to put up with bullcrap from work.
Am I not allowed to have expectations? I've tried it the way you're suggesting, just jumping at anything I can get, and it's got me here, with nothing to show for it except the physical and mental scars of working in environments where the company all but tells you you are absolutely worthless to them, before chewing you up and spitting you on to the streets at a moment's notice.
And I'm not asking the world. Just some economic stability, just some realistic expectations for output. I'm doing this because I've been on the other side of these expectations, and it never works out. And its not as if I ONLY want to do remote work. I'm really to try in person as well. I've narrowed down my options to a number of different industries, all at the bottom of the economic ladder, so its not like I am waiting for a cushy corporate exec job to fall in my lap. I'm not delusional. But if I'm going to work my way out of this slump, there are vertain things I need to watch out for, or I'll be back where I started in no time.
And if the world doesnt want to give me the basic dignity of allowing me to pursue opportunities that will allow me to grow, then screw it. it was never going to happen anyway. And I will just tap out. Because I am tired of society using my will to live as a cudgel to get me to abandon my dignity for pennies.
And if the world doesnt want to give me
The world doesn't owe you anything. You want to not end up where you started? Find the tools to make sure that doesn't happen. Therapy, chat rooms online, support groups, anger management, stress relief, yoga, meditation. There are a million things you can do to not let society rule you or whatever you think it does.

It's not about the world or society or anything else. It's about you. You can't control the world or society or the people in it, all you can control is how you handle what they throw at you. And that's true of anyone and everyone.
Yeah, I'm totally into the idea of getting training of some kind. the problem is everything else around me is so unstable, and I cant function enough to be studying and taking exams when I'm worried about where I'm going to live. If I can just find something slightly stable, I can manage. But I feel like I am constantly being asked to obtain a gpal, but I am not being given the basic tools to succeed. I feel like society conspired to cut my legs off, and is now justifying letting me bleed out because I can't run a marathon on bloody stumps.

It's hard to function in an unstable environment, definitely.

You mentioned earlier getting help from family. I'm not sure what your living situation is, but maybe you could explain to them that this is an in-demand field you're trying to get into, but that you need some stability to study and train in it. Maybe that might be worth a try.

I feel for you, because I feel pretty similarly. This world isn't set up for everyone, it's set up by and for specific kinds of people, with specific strengths, interests, personalities, and beliefs. And it's hard to fit into this world, when you're not the right kind of person.
I feel for you, because I feel pretty similarly. This world isn't set up for everyone, it's set up by and for specific kinds of people, with specific strengths, interests, personalities, and beliefs. And it's hard to fit into this world, when you're not the right kind of person.
It's good of you, SkaFish, that you empathize with Flynn's crisis. Your empathy is sincere because your situation is similar to his. After all, it has been shown that the person who is the most helpful to a sufferer is someone else who has the same problem. So my hat's off to you, SkaFish.

I saw your diary post, I wasn't sure what you meant with your last post though.

No one responded, because no one can respond to Diary posts except the person that posted it.

Either way, sorry you're having such a hard time.

Are you still trying to learn data analytics?
I think if you're really into that, it's still an in-demand field.

I saw your diary post, I wasn't sure what you meant with your last post though.

No one responded, because no one can respond to Diary posts except the person that posted it.

Either way, sorry you're having such a hard time.

Are you still trying to learn data analytics?
I think if you're really into that, it's still an in-demand field.
I PMd him before I saw this. I think we’ve shown that we care.

Let’s have an update @FlynnRyder
I've posted this before, and it bears repeating: the circumstances I am going through are the things that make mass shooters and domestic terrorists. I am financially screwed, to say the least. multiple evictions, no job, no credit, no savings, no friends, no spouse or girlfriend, no children. no car. nothing. I've been unemployed for a year. In that time, I have been ghosted, stood up, cancelled, and turned away immediately. you can lose a job very easily, while it takes a long time to get a job, and you need a job to live. the way I have been treated, you would think I am a sex offender, but my record's clean. its so unfair. if I were to commit suicide, I would be justified, I have nothing to lose, I dont experience joy, only pain. Society has made it very clear they want me gone. Maybe I should just give them their wish.
hang in there.
You are richer than you know.
Good news follows for all outcasts of society.
Endure and be amazed not to know this world is not your permenant one. Many are being "called" out.
I could of wrote word for word what you wrote in your first post, Im in my 40s too, things right now won't or don't make sense but they will.
Learn who YOU are.
Clue: your not a criminal, are you, so why are you suffering? Have new eyes to see and you will SEE. Just hang in there, forget society, jobs, work, careers, technology, wifey, children, cars, etc etc just make sure you stay away from it, trust in the one who has called you out and focus on self improvement.

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