BJD's and Callie's Cursing Thread

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DUDE! Are you ******* calling me out? WHAT THE ****! You're just a HORSERADISH! :p
LOL Yeah bring it on b.... okay I'm sorry I can't call you that... :D
Call me a bitch... have ******* at it. I really am a damn ******* good bitch tho.
No really, i ******* am. Piss me off once and see for your ******* self.
Your ass is mine by the ******* way, Imma give you a ******* beat down. :D
LOL I concede my ass to you Callie, do with it what you want. :D I just can't do that to a nice person even for fun. :p
Sci-Fi said:
LOL I concede my ass to you Callie, do with it what you want. :D I just can't do that to a nice person even for fun. :p

hmm... oh the ******* possibilities. Should be a ******* blast
Just wanted to stop in and say that I think this entire thread, the notion behind it and anyone who partake in such immorality are all very wrong-minded and immature.

That being said.

**** **** Ass Bitch Kunt Shoobydeedoowhap
Skibbitybeebop with Christopher Reeves
Yes you seem to have ******* mentioned a word that you will not find any ******* where else on this whole mother ******* forum? Yeah, let's talk about who's ******* immature what with posting ******* pics of everyone but your ******* self. :)

oh and I can see how you could ******* think that that was a ******* attack, but I can assure you it wasn't. It's just the nature of this ******* thread and the cursing that must be ******* involved might make it seem that ******* way

OH and @ Sci-Fi. It's ******* MINE now, I shall never return your ass ;)

But don't worry, I didn't say you wouldn't like it :D
liley has ******* cursed us all!!!

WHAT IN THE ******* HELL ARE WE GONNA ******* DO TO GET OUT OF THIS ****** ASS ******* MESS?!?!!?!?!
Are compound swear words allowed?

******* Ass-Blasting Dildo-Banger?

********* I keep missing this assfucking piece of **** thread. :mad:
Call down the forces of night.
Smother all light, dampness and dew prevent the lighting of all lamps.
Make all dark and blind the sight of man in the darkness of night.
Rouse their fears of the dark and make them tremble in their hiding places.
Bring forth the empty darkness that was before the birth of the sun!

Cursing old-school. :p I reserve my modern curses for special occasions.
What the **** is Bread doing to us? Seriously, that's a ******* shitload worse than any damn ******* thing I've said in this kickass thread.

^^That sounds like something Batman would say :D

Yes the ******* ******* Batman!
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