These are MY opinions on steps of building things that you ask. If anyone feels anything is wrong in it, I don't care, you are free to feel so.
1. Meet more people in real than wasting your time in chatrooms, facebook, etc. Talking online with strangers, you can be easily called fool, directly or indirectly, and what not. This might hurt you if you are struggling to build confidence. Ask a person who just had it, its not a good thing.
2. Read. Cereal box wisdom is still wisdom. Sitting in a closed room with a bottle of beer and ranting about how everything is wrong with oneself does no good. Instead, read books and experiment about the things the author says. He may not be always right, find out by experimenting.
3. Become handsome. Looks matter, even if people say that they don't. Those women told you so only to be nice to you. Go to the gym and *muscle up*. It will make you feel better about you, and thus help you build confidence. More testosterone, more masculine. More masculine, more confident.
4. Write: You don't have to show anything to anyone. So don't hesitate. You will be surprised to see how much your sub conscious mind has to offer.
Imagine a problem that you have and instead, someone asked you for a stepwise solution for it. Imagine that you are a life coach and make a logical solution to it (or you won't get paid
5. Be alone. Loneliness is nothing but aloneness+self pity . An illusion. Aloneness is the biggest gift given to us, because that's when we can be ourselves. Nobody to judge. You could pick your guitar and dance at your favorite song playing, in your room. Even though one might not know how to play guitar, he would feel so happy to do so. And nobody would make fun. Ever did that?
6. Do what you love. If not found what you love, start by loving what you do.
7. Learn. That is the simplest way to find out what you love, if you haven't found it yet. There are more than 10^10 things to learn.
8. Share what you read. This will help people learn and you might end up meeting some great readers. Believe me, its better to talk about that instead of food and cutlery and celebrities. Just give it a try.
That's all I can think of for now. Good luck