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When depopulation is carried out by "the elite" the criteria on who lives and dies will be based on whether you are important to society or just a "useless eater." Of course the elite are all considered super important so none of them will volunteer to kick the bucket.

For them there is even more good news, 2012 will take it for them. All they have to do is build underground cities and not upset the public. They figure this time around the wicked will build noah's ark and the rest will get God's wrath, after all their leaders so they have an excuse for their evil, since power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Brian said:
Starman said:
the internet is a mine of disinformation

Please tell me that's not directed at my paragraph about NSSM 200? It's impossible to debate, the original document is right here, straight from a government source if that makes it more valid:

i was just thinking aloud. it wasn't directed at anything in particular. just a conclusion i came to based on reading many conspiracy sites- particularly those that claim the moon landings were faked.

I'll bet ya a bullet will make abstract art of an elite's brain just the same as a monkey's brain :p
So who on here that's so high N mighty thAt's willing to put that to the test?
If god is on your side...u aint got nothing to worry about.

May the lillies in the field bow to the fucken wind...
kamya said: don't feel like other people should be allowed to enjoy the trails, lakes, and campgrounds? We should restrict everyone's right to have children and/or kill a percentage of the population just so you can enjoy your solitude?

I didn't say that at all.

I'm against any kind of coercion , manipulation or 'shepherding' from anybody. The problem is that there are those with sufficient resources who pose that threat.

My lament is not that other people enjoy doing the same thing I do, or that they should be restricted (though most of the people who come over from Washington seem 'pleasant' enough that I think they should have to pay at least a $40 surcharge to vacation in my state...). My lament lies in the irony that as more and more people are born, the world by default becomes less enjoyable in terms of recreation. There is no point to camping, for example, when all you're doing is trading brick and mortar cities for tent cities.

I don't desire any imposed controls. I do desire more of an awareness of the matter and perhaps some willfull constraint on how many greasy little fleshlings we pop out every year. There would then be plenty of everything for everybody after a while, without any suffering or tyranny, because people who are never born or conceived cannot 'miss out' on anything or be deprived in any way.

Ultimately I suppose I don't care, though. I'll be dead in probably 40-50 years, and then I'm not going to care how fast the population expands or what happens here since I have no stake in the future (ie, children of my own, since I find them creepy).

And sorry for jumping down your throat, Starman. I've met too many people who deny that there is more to events and people's motives than meets the eye. They watch their CNN or Fox News and that's their window on the world. It triggers my tourettes. :p
I was just curious how you would respond to that question. Thanks for replying Brian :)

And I'm not denying that people don't have plans for this. Its just a really lazy and pathetic (can I say fucktarded?) way to try to solve our problems. I can't think of the last major infrastructure development I've seen in the United States. Its like after the 1950s we decided to stop doing **** that would benefit the people. Now everything is held together with safety pins, duck tape, and super glue, and instead of building back up they want to take the easy way out. All their money and resources won't account for **** when there's nothing left to do with it.

The next time you go to Wal Mart...just be awear there's billions
of screaming chineese Babies standing in line just hoping they would get the opportunity to make your fucken shoes for your convient.
It takes 50 china man to make ur cheap ass hunting riffle N 10 to bless it prior to shipping for quality control ..this way u'll have money to save and build up ur fucken bank account or spend it on hawt white chicks:rolleyes2:

Bwt..the lillies represents the general population. The wind represents government or the so call elite.
Its a quote from Confussious..some fucken dude that lived thousands of years before chirst walk the earth.
He had an idea of what a perfect society should be (HEAVEN). Yet he exempt himself (deeming himself elite) from the rules or ideas of what the general population
should live or act like.
Sounds fucken familar???? thats why you all still be confused as ****..hahahahahahaaaaaa

Hitler also had a bright idea of what a perfect society should be. He put depopulation into practice.
Hitler suffered from a bloode disease...oh damn there gose whitie's pure bloodeline.lmao
Lonesome Crow said:

The next time you go to Wal Mart...just be awear there's billions
of screaming chineese Babies
standing in line just hoping they would get the opportunity to make your fucken shoes for your convient.
It takes 50 china man to make ur cheap ass hunting riffle N 10 to bless it prior to shipping for quality control .

You've really just helped my point with that first bit, there. China is the climax of both issues I discuss, actually. They have a burgeoning population in cramped, squalorous conditions, with no infrastructure to support it, and to top it off a tyrannical government looming over their heads. Yeah, I can't argue, it would suck to be in China. Not really my problem when my own country is down the road of falling apart (I couldn't agree with you more actually, kamya, the US is like a poorly quilted blanket with the seams coming out).

Also, my firearms and boots because I don't wear 'shoes' are 100% American made, and I avoid Wal Mart like the bubonic plague.

Bwt..the lillies represents the general population. The wind represents government or the so call elite.
Its a quote from Confussious..some fucken dude that lived thousands of years before chirst walk the earth.
He had an idea of what a perfect society should be (HEAVEN). Yet he exempt himself (deeming himself elite) from the rules or ideas of what the general population
should live or act like.
Sounds fucken familar???? thats why you all still be confused as ****..hahahahahahaaaaaa

Hitler also had a bright idea of what a perfect society should be. He put depopulation into practice.
Hitler suffered from a bloode disease...oh damn there gose whitie's pure bloodeline.lmao


I'm not even sure you understood any of my posts. And nowhere did I suggest the rest of the world should depopulate for America's benefit. Kissinger suggested that, though. One of the many reasons he should be tried for crimes against humanity along with a long list of cronies from the past fifty years. And White Guilt doesn't work on me because I've actively done nothing to wrong anybody based on their race. Quite the contrary, actually, I promote universal pride in race and culture unless such an entity actively seeks to harm or oppress me.

Speaking of Kissinger and 'whities pure bloodeline' and Adolf Hitler, I would like to point out that Kissinger is technically Jewish. Sort of ironic in relation to what I interpret as some kind of arguing point in your post, but after three read-through's I'm still a little vague on parts of what you were trying to say.
Not really trying to say anything..Like you 50 years from now i wont be here. I dont have all the answers or even half of the answers.

Theres too many variables for mankind existence. At the same time the conditions or perimeters for life to exist on earth are very delicate.
Even if mankind did everything correct to preserve the earth so it can sustain mankind...a big ass rock might fall out of the sky or the earth
might decide to spit out brim stones n hell fire.

Over population is a problem in a world with borders. The majority
of the human population are near water.

The argument is that the earth dosnt have enough resources to sustain
life. But nothing actaully leaves the fucken earth except rockets here n there. Matter just change form.

I currently relocated to a gold minning community. There's billions N
billion of dollars at stake..but WTF dude....we cant eat fucken gold.
It however drives our economy.

I was also in the recycling bussiness.
Mankind currently dosnt recycle more than 30% of the material that can be be recycle.
Material that required lots of energy and resource to obtain are being thrown away into land fills.

The notion of the earth dosnt have enough resource to sustain mankind and depopulation is the answer is fucken retarded.
Anyone that came up with depopulation should put a bullet into thier own head for wasting space :p

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