Sorry for all that
Us men... "some are great some are bad" is not a phrase you'd want to hear from us. You keep experiencing the bad, perhaps because something specifically attracts them to you (?), and that's nowhere near your fault of course.
Maybe the location ? Unless you spend 24/7 of your time in the "hood" I doubt it's your fault either. Clearly the fault is with these guys.
No idea what or how they act, however they need more that a simple therapy. Sexist and abusive behaviours are often ingrained far deeper that a simple "oh, I'm feeling down because I lost my cat/lost my job/other"
it's various cultural and environmental situation, constantly surrounding them, that made them the bad way they are.
I don't know where I'm going with this.
I'm (a little ?) sexist (not abusive I think) and I try to remember that so as to improve. I don't really know how to deal with it, but saying it here is a start I guess.
the more I wrote the less I arrive to an interesting point :|
anyway, sorry it happened :/