Do You Feel That Society Picks On You?

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
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Island Of Patmos

I decided to make this thread due to various posts in the "Issues" section. A lot of us have problems functioning in society. Do any of you feel as though society is picking on you? Treating you like an outcast? If so, why do you feel this way? Do you feel that there is something wrong with you, not them?

Do you blame yourself? If so, why?

I don't, but like your thread :) . I also like Rocky and the russian. Can't remember the russians name, but he is a cool actor too.
Skorian said:
I don't, but like your thread :) . I also like Rocky and the russian. Can't remember the russians name, but he is a cool actor too.
"Ivan Drago" is played by Dolph Lundgren. I'm not sure, but I think in real life he is a kickboxer. Jedi is a boxing buff. He might be able to tell you for sure.

When I was growing up yes because I never opened up to anyone unless it was close friends. So people decided to build up their own image of me and went with that, cause they didn't know me. I was bullied in grade school so I guess I shut myself off after that till I graduated.

As for stuff that was "wrong", I was just weird.. a normal "weird" little kid who was more of a tom boy I suppose. I was teased about my curly hair and that I wore cartoon character stuff. I guess kids can't be kids in grade school anymore. haha... I can't imagine how it is these days. Kind of makes me scared for the children currently in school.
Society is pretty ****, what i've seen/heard/experienced of it.
It isn't right, the way it seems to be..
and it always seems to cause problems for some of the few genuinely nice people in the world, because they think/act/look/believe in/sound/anythingelse different, in a way that people find weird or disgusting or stupid...
society needs more people who care, people who are less judgemental, who don't just look at the qualities most think are negetive....
i wish i could change it, but i cant, yet.......
I have a love/hate relationship with society. I would love to be a part of it but hate the way it rejects me for not following its limited expectations. I.e. society expects me (at my age and gender) to be a football loving home owning father of two with a decent job, a nice family car, a small semi-detached home on a quiet estate with aspirations no further than a nightly drink at the local pub and annual package holidays to Spain. Trying to be anything different is like committing social suicide.

If society grows up and stops forcing labels upon people then I may start paying it some attention, until then I’m quite happy to ignore it as best as I can.
LoneKiller said:
Skorian said:
I don't, but like your thread :) . I also like Rocky and the russian. Can't remember the russians name, but he is a cool actor too.
"Ivan Drago" is played by Dolph Lundgren. I'm not sure, but I think in real life he is a kickboxer. Jedi is a boxing buff. He might be able to tell you for sure.

I thought it was Dolph, or maybe was thinking of a simular guy.

Did you know that Stallone had/has his own body building products? Instone

condemnedsoul666 said:
Society is pretty ****, what i've seen/heard/experienced of it.
It isn't right, the way it seems to be..
and it always seems to cause problems for some of the few genuinely nice people in the world, because they think/act/look/believe in/sound/anythingelse different, in a way that people find weird or disgusting or stupid...
society needs more people who care, people who are less judgemental, who don't just look at the qualities most think are negetive....
i wish i could change it, but i cant, yet.......
wuz going 2 type a chit load
but condemned sums up pretty much how i feel so far
as i learn about society
just wish there was anothr way 2 learn about it besides it constantly kickng my azz

Society? Who are they? What do they want? I dont care what they think/ Its noe o fthei business I accept my self for who I am. let them laguh. They can have their fun
Not particularly. I'm aloof mostly due to choice - I am mostly disgusted with people, although I don't have too much of an issue 'fitting in' when I feel like it.
SophiaGrace said:
Sometimes I get very angry at society.

Ditto. It seems that bureaucracy has been made for the sole purpose of making everybody's life a living hell. Instead of pitchforks, we have triplicate forms. Generally, I'm distrustful of the goverment and the elements of society due to bad experiences, but there's a few good points to the whole thing. This early and bogged with work, I just forget what they are. :p
Depends on what you mean by "society". If you mean the mass media, yes.

Who hasn't turned on the TV to hear some rising star comedian ripping the mickey at length out of male virgins and/or socially "uncool" people like myself?

Advertisements also seem to aim at attitudes I don't possess myself, if you could count that.
TheSolitaryMan said:
Depends on what you mean by "society". If you mean the mass media, yes.

Its a pity that Western media does not extol the workers of our technological underpinnings, because the same 'cool' people would not be broadcasted on TV(nor would a TV exist) if not for engineers.

I don't feel society picks on me, no. My problems functioning in "society" stems from my shyness and just feeling awkward in public. Ignorant individuals who felt the need to bully me did that, and an over protective mother. It's me who feels like people are judging me or making assumptions about me, when some are probably just thinking "what the **** is up with this guy, why does he duck down isle only to go around into the same one". LOL :D
IgnoredOne said:
TheSolitaryMan said:
Depends on what you mean by "society". If you mean the mass media, yes.
Its a pity that Western media does not extol the workers of our technological underpinnings, because the same 'cool' people would not be broadcasted on TV(nor would a TV exist) if not for engineers.

I've always found it strange (and sad, I suppose) that society seems to value the basest human attributes and instincts far more than things like intelligence and practical design creativity.

If you've got hawt muscles and a scandal to your name, you can bet on getting as much media exposure as you want. People will probably adore you in some circles.

If you're smart and talented? Perhaps you'll be rich, but you'll rarely get genuine recognition amongst the masses. Resentment and dislike, perhaps.

My school, for example, never gave out any awards for people who got top academic grades or anything. It was always just sports achievements, music achievements, stuff like that. Made me feel pretty left out, because those were back in the good ol' days where I was hitting the top scores in most things, but I never got any recognition at all.

How much harder would all these "uneducated" people work, how much further would they go, if they were taught the enormous importance and value of people like Edison, Bohr, Newton, Einstein, Davy...?

Perhaps if those people were encouraged to be their role models instead of *nobody on X Factor* things would change for the better.

If anything, I think being academic makes your life harder when it comes to interacting with society due to the ignorant attitudes that are prevalent. You just have to look at the woman who was on University Challenge recently, getting all the questions right...did people respect and admire her? No, she got death threats!

I wonder if it's just because when it comes down to it, media wants to appeal instantly (and without the effort of changing opinions) to the easiest and largest audience it can...I.E. the uninformed.

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